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值得收藏宝藏句子 一定收藏起来多看几遍

时间:2022-07-03 02:49:48


值得收藏宝藏句子 一定收藏起来多看几遍


I always take your letters to the post office. I don like to put them in the green mailbox on the street, which I suspect will be slower.

你从云间来 恰似人间惊鸿客,我相貌平平 不能惊鸿一瞥,你要是想错过我就错过吧。

You come from the clouds like a visitor from the earth. I am plain and can get a glimpse of you. If you want to miss me, please miss me.


On the passing window to a little bit, everything is ready, I will stand in the warm sunshine waiting for you.


No matter whether you are brilliant or degenerate, smoke or liquor, rainstorm or sunny day, wind or cloud, I wish you happiness.


Ann and Bridge later had a lyric that said, I don expect anything from anyone anymore.


May you be gently treated by the world, but the fear is only a false alarm, received joy never empty joy.


Todays air smells good, And Im running excitedly to see you, but before I do, Ill slow down, adjust my breathing, and smell a little better at the passing car window. Everything is ready, and Ill stand in the warm sunshine waiting for you.


He was full of light just for a moment, then suddenly dim, becoming a speck of dust in the universe. I tried to remember what he looked like when he was full of light, but I couldn remember anything. Later, I found that was the light in my eyes the first time I saw him.


There will come a time in life when your mind is turned upside down and no one will be surprised if you are just a little more silent than usual. This is a war destined to go it alone.


The kindest thing Ive ever heard is that even though she went through a lot later, smoking, drinking and fighting, she could still lean on my leg in her nightdress if she wanted to, and she would always be a gummy bear in my heart.
