700字范文 > 关于爱情很现实的句子 如果你还没走出去记得看完

关于爱情很现实的句子 如果你还没走出去记得看完

时间:2018-09-25 07:45:31


关于爱情很现实的句子 如果你还没走出去记得看完

我突然爱上了钱和自由 往年里我都在爱人 终有弱水替沧海 再无相思寄巫山

I suddenly fell in love with money and freedom in the past I have been in love with the weak water for the sea no longer send acacia wushan


This is a dazzling world, so short and insincere like no need to express

不见不见得不好 再见不见的很好 见而不见归过往见而相见莫从前

Seeing is not necessarily bad. Goodbye. Seeing is good

我觉得自己真的好奇怪啊 明明跟朋友聊天的时候很开心 人一多了 大家都在笑的时候 我突然就不开心了

I feel so strange that I am so happy when chatting with my friends. When there are so many people, I suddenly feel unhappy when everyone is laughing


Any ambiguous words in a relationship are negative


No matter what happens to a man who doesn take responsibility, he is buck-passing. Do not know not to think clearly, always give you uncertain answers, waste your time


Sorry is his own heart in this life, let him hurt again and again, I really did not sorry who, but the world has never bypassed me a point


I for those who do not arrive of sadness, refused you to give happiness

有一次下班回家 坐着靠窗的位置 听着一首关于生活的歌 眼泪慢慢的就掉下来了 那种感觉很无助很累没人能懂 生活真的很苦

Once when I came home from work, I was sitting by the window listening to a song about life. My tears slowly fell down. That kind of feeling was very helpless and tired

就在那里 不能问 不能提 不能说 不能想,我感觉自己好了,但是别人不能问 不能提,伤疤就在那里

I can ask, can mention, can say, can think, I feel better, but others can ask, can mention, the scar is there

她们都以为我真的忘记了其实我还是很喜欢他 如果他回来我还是会奋不顾身的跟他走

They all think that I really forgot in fact I still like him very much if he comes back I will still be desperate to go with him

你就适合找个不懂事的 天天为了那七零八碎的事和你吵 不然对不起我处处为你着想

You are suitable for looking for a not sensible of every day for the odds and ends of things and you noisy otherwise sorry I everywhere for your sake

再来一次机会我不要主动了 我们就慢慢认识 了解 或者能日久生情 或者是同事兼好友 任何一种可能都比现在好过

One more chance. Im not going to take the initiative. We e going to get to know each other

慢慢的你会发现 你越来越喜欢做事靠谱 成熟稳重 做什么都能想到你的人 而不再是一个只要面子 不顾你感受的人了

Slowly you will find that you are more and more like to do things reliable mature stable do everything can think of your people rather than a face as long as regardless of your feelings

拿别人来做替代品让你忘记另一个人 算了吧这种缺德事我不想再做了

Use someone else as a substitute to make you forget someone else. Forget it. I don want to do that anymore

没有回应的主动 尴尬难堪又自厌

Initiative without a response is embarrassing and self-defeating


In the end is the night of the ambiguous atmosphere to remind you of my short love

三观 学识 思想不在一个高度没必要互相说服 道不同不相为谋 你想用你那一套说辞来改变我的想法 大可不必 我是一个独立的人 我有自己的人格尊严 我只做我认为对的事

There is no need to convince each other to say different. You want to use your words to change my mind. I don have to

我差一点就要碰到星星了 只是后来天亮了 梯子没稳 我摔下来了

I almost hit the stars but when it got light the ladder didn stabilize and I fell off
