700字范文 > 朋友圈爱情唯美句子 总有一句说到你的心坎上

朋友圈爱情唯美句子 总有一句说到你的心坎上

时间:2020-05-18 21:42:31


朋友圈爱情唯美句子 总有一句说到你的心坎上

一、每个人心底都有那么一个人,已不是恋人,也成不了朋友。时间过去,无关乎喜不喜欢,总会很习惯的想起你。然后希望你一切都好。我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。走得最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。Everyone has such a person in his heart that he is no longer a lover or a friend. Time passes, regardless of whether you like it or not, you will always be used to thinking of you. Then I hope you e all right. We meet at the wrong time, but separate at the right time. The most urgent thing to walk is the most beautiful scenery, the deepest wound is the most true feelings.

二、如果爱不曾变过,如果心不曾碎过,如果情不曾淡过,如果人不曾错过,我还是那个我,回到初遇的街头,是否依旧能牵起手,贴心感受最后的温柔。If love has not changed, if the heart has not broken, if the feeling has not faded, if people have not missed, I am still the same person, back to the first street, whether I can still hold hands and feel the last tenderness intimately. & lt; br /& gt;

三、今天外面风好大,我好害怕,万一别人都被刮走了,就我刮不走,那多丢人。真情的缘,错过的冷漠,等来一世的惆怅,多少缘,多少辜负,多少爱情的惋惜,一个人的真,一个人的错,错过一个人的梦,凋零一个人的心。Its windy outside today, so Im afraid, in case someone else is blown away, I can blow away, thats a shame. Real love, missed indifference, the melancholy of the next life, how many fates, how many disappointments, how many regrets of love, a persons truth, a persons fault, missed a persons dream, withered a persons heart.

四、在人生中,每天都有很多事情让我们为之心存感激,同时也有很多人值得我们感谢,因为他们在无形中教会了我们一些事情。而生活的每一天对于我们来说都是一份珍贵的礼物。Every day in life, there are many things to be grateful for. At the same time, there are many people to be grateful for, because they have taught us something invisibly. And every day of life is a precious gift for us.

五、 最让我难过的从来不是失去你,而是你口口声声都是我,最后你还是选了别人。告别一定要用力一点,因为任何多看一眼,都有可能成为最后一眼,多说一句,都可能是最后一句。我不是一个坚强的人,但是我知道,有些时候,除了坚强,别无选择。What saddens me most is never losing you, but that you always speak to me, and finally you choose someone else. Farewell must be a little hard, because any more look, may become the last eye, say more, may be the last sentence. I am not a strong person, but I know that sometimes, there is no choice but to be strong.

六、想大声告诉你,我很想你,目光所至都是你,多想往后余生与你再无分离。有一种缘分,叫妙不可言,有一种思念,叫胡思乱想,有一种心情,叫有你就是晴天。你来过,我将怀念一辈子,一个不能在一起的人,一份握不住的缘分。你走后,对你仍是眷恋,有一种欢喜,叫久别重逢。I want to tell you aloud, I miss you very much, all my eyes are you, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. There is a kind of fate, called wonderful, there is a kind of miss, called fantasy, there is a mood, called you are sunny. You have come, I will miss a lifetime, a person who can not be together, a fate that can not be grasped. After you leave, you are still attached to, there is a kind of joy, so long goodbye reunion.

七、能如此执着地爱上一个人,这本身恐怕就是件了不起的事。后来的生活,我们的眼光不会只停留在这口井里,自己也不是失魂落魄的沉浸在这些忧伤里,而是慢慢的向前方,把这口悲伤的枯井远远的抛在了身后,直到有一天遇见新的希望。Its probably a great thing to fall in love with someone so persistently. Later in life, our eyes will not only stay in this well, they are not lost in these sorrows, but slowly forward, leaving this sad dry well far behind, until one day we meet new hope.

八、有时失去不是忧伤,而是一种美丽。命运就是这样蹊跷,无法言说,不是来得太早,就是来得太迟。刚刚好的情感交流,需要得到上天多大的宠爱。Sometimes loss is not sadness, but a kind of beauty. The fate is so strange that it cannot be said that it either comes too early or too late. Just right emotional communication, need to get how much favor from God.

九、红尘百转千回,又何曾有真正的净土。过尽沧海桑田,会发觉,人生就是一个圈,转来转去,都无法转出那命定的轨迹。所有的挣扎,所有的努力,到最后,都会是徒劳。如果你给我的,也同样给了别人,那我宁愿不要。得不到不可怕,守不住才是个笑话。为什么在我描绘的世界里受伤的还是我!When the world turns back, how can there ever be a real pure land? After all the vicissitudes of life, you will find that life is a circle, turning around, can not turn out the destined trajectory. All struggles, all efforts, in the end, will be in vain. If you give it to me and give it to someone else, Id rather not. Its a joke not to be scared, but not to be held back. Why am I still injured in the world I depict?

十、生在世,总是有些空城旧事,年华未央;总是有些季节,一季花凉,满地忧伤。许多事,看开了,便会峰回路转;许多梦,看淡了,便会云开日出。学会思索,学会珍藏,微笑领悟,默默坚强。Born in the world, there are always some old things in the empty city, not in the middle of time; there are always some seasons, a season of cool flowers, full of sadness. Many things turn around when they see them; many dreams turn out to be clouds and sunrise when they lose sight of them. Learn to think, learn to treasure, smile and understand, silent and strong.

十一、 你没挽留,我没回头,如此余生各自安好,也没有谁不好,真的只是时间不凑巧。其实千万个美丽的未来,抵不上一个温暖的现在;每一个真实的现在,都是我们曾经幻想的未来。You did not retain, I did not look back, so that the rest of their lives are well, there is no one bad, really just the time is not coincidental. In fact, tens of millions of beautiful future is not equal to a warm present; every real present is the future we once fantasized about.
