700字范文 > 一看就很沙雕搞怪的句子 诙谐幽默 发朋友圈很赞

一看就很沙雕搞怪的句子 诙谐幽默 发朋友圈很赞

时间:2020-10-23 16:41:40


一看就很沙雕搞怪的句子 诙谐幽默 发朋友圈很赞

1.我和易烊千玺一样 都有一双手 十根脚趾头 两个眼睛 一个鼻子 一张嘴巴 这是什么神仙爱情

Like Jackson Yee, I have a pair of hands, ten toes, two eyes, a nose and a mouth. What kind of fairy love is this

2.你们的脸可以刻“精忠报国”四个字 我的脸可以刻“精忠报国”整首歌...

Your face can be engraved with the words "loyal to serve the country". My face can be engraved with the whole song of "loyal to serve the country"


Remember, no matter how distant we are in the end, a red envelope can go back to the beginning.

4.如果你再继续放任 对自己没有一点要求 你将会拥有一个 特别洋气的英文名:肥德·圆不隆冬

If you continue to indulge yourself without any demands on yourself, you will have a special foreign English Name: Feide yuanbudongbu


"You like boys who shine""Do you mean Tathagata?"

6.熬夜是真的会变丑 我已经从宇宙第一美女 降到了地球第一美女

Staying up late is really going to be ugly. Ive gone from the first beauty in the universe to the first beauty on earth

7.就在这一秒 至少有60000人在亲嘴 200000人在拥抱 而你却在读这个文案 你好惨啊哈哈哈。

In this second, at least 60000 people are kissing, 200000 people are hugging, and you are reading this copy. How miserable, ha ha ha.


I won say beautiful words, but Im talking about beautiful words.

9.胖起来这件事情 肚子和腿最有发言权了 只有胸好像一个局外人 跟它一点关系都没有

The belly and legs have the most say in the matter of getting fat, only the chest. It seems that an outsider has nothing to do with it
