700字范文 > 每日一句英译英:Make yourself at home

每日一句英译英:Make yourself at home

时间:2022-06-30 17:34:23


每日一句英译英:Make yourself at home

每日一句英译英:Make yourself at home


比如:英语make yourself at home

1) make yourself at home英语体验

1. `Sit down, Anne said. `Make yourself at home.

2. Arnold and Gwen had found the hidden key, let themselves in and made themselves at home.

3. Come in and make yourself at home! Im just finishing up a few things in the kitchen.

4. He really makes himself at home when he stays over, huh? Is that your sweater/your T-shirt/your shoes hes wearing?

2) 把学过的英语用起来,make yourself at home英译英

1.Okay.I got you. If you say to a guest Make yourself at home, you mean you are making them feel welcome and feel comfortable and inviting them to behave in an informal=in a less formal, relaxed way.


2. Okay.I got you.make yourself at home meabs just relax yourself and feel comfortable somewhere as if you were in your own home.You can be less formal as a guest in my home.

