700字范文 > 适合发朋友圈的经典说说短语 句句唯美深情!

适合发朋友圈的经典说说短语 句句唯美深情!

时间:2023-05-29 12:09:58


适合发朋友圈的经典说说短语 句句唯美深情!

一、自己的热情最终还是烫伤了自己,何必念念不忘,是嫌他不够残忍,还是觉得自己还不够愚蠢。可是当所有的付出都不被理解,并且每回满心欢喜的期待,都换来失望透顶的伤害,谁都会感到心累。His enthusiasm eventually burned himself, why not remember that he is not cruel enough, or feel that he is not foolish enough. But when all the efforts are not understood, and every time full of joyful expectations, in exchange for the most disappointing injury, everyone will feel tired.

二、女人最骄傲的不是拥有过多少个男人,而是她的男人,愿意为她拒绝多少女人。男人最骄傲的不是睡过多少女人,而是能有一个女人,愿意让他睡一辈子。Women are most proud not of how many men they have, but of how many women they are willing to reject for her. Men are most proud of not sleeping too many girls, but having a woman willing to let him sleep for a lifetime.

三、如果自己没有尽力,就没有资格批评别人不用心。开口抱怨很容易,但是闭嘴努力的人,更加值得尊敬;因为善良,所以宽容;因为责任,所以承担;因为某种理由;所以愿意妥协。因为看轻,所以快乐;因为看淡,所以幸福。If you don try your best, you are not qualified to criticize others for not being careful. Its easy to complain, but people who shut up and work hard deserve more respect; they are tolerant because they are kind; they shoulder because they are responsible; they are willing to compromise for some reason. Happiness is due to belittling; happiness is due to belittling.

四、上了心的人,才会在心上; 动了情的情,才会用深情。 心其实不大,装一份爱足够; 时间其实不多,陪一个人就好。 最真的爱,是心无旁骛; 最深的情,是一心一意。The person who has a heart will be in the heart; the person who has moved will be in the heart. In fact, the heart is not big enough to install a love; in fact, time is not much, just accompany a person. The most true love is heartlessness; the deepest love is wholeheartedness.

五、只有爱不爱,没有合不合!没有人天生为你准备,磨合的过程固然痛苦,但过后的水乳交融却更有意义!中途退出的人,无非是不够爱,却偏偏说不适合,有缘无分之说更是扯淡的借口!真爱,就坚持,没有炼狱般的彼此磨合,哪来心有灵犀的一生浪漫!Only love does not love, there is no incompatibility! No one is born to prepare for you. The running-in process is painful, but the later blending of water and milk is more meaningful. Those who quit halfway are just not enough love, but they say that they are not suitable, and that they are destined for nothing is an excuse for blasphemy!

True love, adhere to, there is no purgatory of each other run-in, where the heart of a lifetime of romance!

六、不要对一个人太好,因为你终有一天会发现,对一个人好,时间久了,那个人是会习惯的,然后把这一切看作是理所当然。Don be too kind to a person, because one day you will find that if you are good to a person for a long time, that person will get used to it, and then take it for granted.

七、一个人的学识,定位一个人的思考,一个人的认知,定位一个人的命运,一个人,只有一个人的时候,一定要读书,爱锻炼,为自己的生命铺垫,努力的价值越高,赌赢的筹码越高。A persons knowledge, positioning a persons thinking, a persons cognition, positioning a persons destiny, a person, when there is only one person, must read, love exercise, pave the way for their lives, the higher the value of efforts, the higher the chip of winning gambling.

八、清清浅浅人生路,简简单单随缘行。内心宁静才能处事不惊,想法简单才可逍遥自在,足够淡定才不会患得患失。人间三千事,淡然一笑间。Clear and shallow way of life, simple and easy to follow. Inner tranquility is the only way to deal with things without alarm, simple thinking is the only way to be at ease, calm enough to avoid gains and losses. There are three thousand things in the world, with a light smile.

九、没有人喜欢孤独,只是不想勉强交朋友。感情都是一点点淡的,人心也都是一点点凉的,不是所有的人,都能一直等待,也不是所有的爱,都能失而再来。No one likes loneliness, just don want to make friends reluctantly. Feelings are a little light, peoples hearts are also a little cold, not all people, can always wait, not all love, can be lost and come back.

十、人生无常,心安便是归处。人生之路并非只有坦途,也有不少崎岖与坎坷,甚至会有一时难以跨越的沟坎儿。在这样的紧要关头我们只有一种选择:再向前跨出一步!尽管可能非常艰难,但请相信:只要坚持下去,你的人生会无比绚丽!Life is changeable, and peace of mind is where we go. Life is not only a smooth road, but also a lot of rough and bumpy, and even there will be some difficult to cross the ditch. At such a critical juncture, we have only one choice: to take another step forward!

Although it may be very difficult, please believe that as long as you persevere, your life will be brilliant!

十一、 我吃东西越来越清淡,对待人情世故越来越宽容,不乱发脾气也学会了忍让,慢慢地有了一颗成长的心。也开始害怕听到任何与病痛有关的事,最大的心愿变成了全家人身体健康。相比一两年前迫不及待要去看远方的心,我更愿意花时间和家人吃完一餐饭。I eat more and more light, treat the world more and more tolerant, do not lose temper also learned to tolerate, slowly have a growing heart. Also began to fear to hear anything related to the pain, the biggest wish has become the health of the whole family.

I prefer to spend time with my family and finish a meal than I could not wait to see a distant heart a year or two ago.

十二、我自己都不喜欢我自己,你喜不喜欢有什么用。不要再埋怨命运,以感恩的心态面对生活,人生不过百年,能牵手的时候,请别只是肩并肩。I don like myself. Whats the use of whether you like it or not? Stop complaining about fate and face life with gratitude. Life is only a hundred years. When you can hold hands, please don just stand side by side.

十三、你抽烟的姿势越来越熟练,爱人也越来越不随便,从当时的三杯倒到现在喝不醉,这可是没人掐掉你手中的烟,没人给你一个家,没人替你挡掉手中的酒,说白了,除了孤独和酒你什么都没有。You smoke more and more skillfully, and your lover is more and more inconvenient. From the three cups poured at that time to now, you can get drunk. But nobody pinches the cigarette in your hand, nobody gives you a home, nobody shields the wine in your hand for you, and you have nothing but loneliness and wine.

十四、人只要健康的活着,真诚的爱着,也不失为一种富有。是你的就是你的,努力了珍惜了,问心无愧,其他的交给命运 。不强迫别人来爱自己,努力让自己成为值得被爱的人,其余的事情顺其自然。如果不是相互喜欢,痴情就是别人的负担,其实;你不必这么冷淡,我也没想过纠缠。

十五、感情有时候就是,一个前人栽树后人乘凉的过程,可是我教你学会爱,不是叫你去爱别人的。我要落落大方的放下你,才不枉疯疯癫癫的爱过你。祝你余生欢喜,我们后会无期。Emotion is sometimes a process in which predecessors plant trees and later generations enjoy the cool, but I teach you to love, not to tell you to love others. I want to put you down generously, so that I can not love you madly. I wish you joy for the rest of your life. Well be here for the rest of our lives.

十六、 曾经以为,伤心是会流很多眼泪的,原来,真正的伤心,是流不出一滴眼泪。什么事情都会过去,我们是这样活过来的。世上最可悲的事是当过去深爱你的那个人成为你的一切之时,你却对她不再重要了。Once thought, sadness will shed a lot of tears, the original, the real sadness, is not a drop of tears. Everything will pass, and we live like this. The saddest thing in the world is that when the person who loved you in the past becomes everything to you, you are no longer important to her.

十七、我们之间经历过这么多分分合合,中途好几次我想过放手。可我不甘心,不甘心悄无声息地放掉。因为遇见你,已经花光了我所有运气,还有那卑微的勇气。Weve had so many breakups and closures that I thought about letting go several times in the middle. But I am not willing to let it go quietly. Because meeting you, has spent all my luck, and that humble courage.

十八、其实,一个人爱不爱你,是能够感觉到,而且这种感觉相当真切和准确,不用骗自己,更不用勉强自己。如果真的不行,要学会转身。In fact, a person can feel whether he loves you or not, and this feeling is quite true and accurate, not to deceive himself, let alone force himself. If you really can , learn to turn around.

十九、不必讨好所有人,正如不必铭记所有“昨天”;时光如雨,我们都是在雨中行走的人,找到属于自己的伞,建造小天地,朝前走,一直走到风停雨住,美好晴天。Don please everyone, just as you don need to remember all "yesterday". Time is like rain, we are all walking in the rain, find our own umbrella, build a small world, go forward, until the wind stops raining, a beautiful sunny day.

二十、你要尝试走一个人的路,享受一个人的时光。孤独到深处,孤独就成了铠甲。人,没有完美的,心,都是有缺点的,不是真的,就直接转身,不是假的,就只好善意,何必委屈,何必耽误,人生的错,错过太多失去。You have to try to walk alone and enjoy your time. Loneliness goes deep, and loneliness becomes armor. People, without perfect, heart, are all defective, not true, turn around directly, not false, only good faith, why grievance, why delay, lifes mistakes, miss too much loss.
