700字范文 > 让人清醒的生活语录 人生苦短 且行且珍惜

让人清醒的生活语录 人生苦短 且行且珍惜

时间:2020-07-23 04:01:56


让人清醒的生活语录 人生苦短 且行且珍惜


In a group of mediocre people, you tend to think you are excellent and forget to work hard.


People rarely do what they believe is right, but do something convenient and then regret it. People are lazy, and convenient, easy things are often easier to operate, but before you do things, you might as well think about it carefully. Is this because it is right or just for convenience.


There is no good life, but someone is carrying the weight for you.


If you learn more skill, you will say less words asking for help.


"There are only four words in my Sutra: life is short. Because of the bitterness and shortness, I will not stop and go my own way. "

6、这是你生命中最好的年纪 身体健康 亲人安在 现世安稳 可惜你意识不到 因为一点小事 心情就一团糟 记住 除却生死无大事 输什么也不能输了心情

Its the best age in your life. You e in good health. Your families are safe in this world. You are safe and sound. Its a pity that you don realize. You e always in a mess because of little things. Remember, apart from life and death, there is no big thing, you can lose the mood.


If you don work hard, someone will do. Most of the time, what we compare is who is more reckless.



"What makes you lose the happiness and sleep you should have at a young age?

Do you remember the last time you went to bed before 10 oclock? "


Please don go to bad, don often do not eat, your health is not good, say it out when you are unhappy, don hold back when you are wronged, cry when you are under pressure and take good care of yourself.



You have to admit that after the age of 20, your basic image depends on RMB and self-discipline,

These are not encouraging words, its reality.



Theres never been anything free in the world,

Its just that you don understand the price.


If sharp criticism disappears completely, mild criticism will become harsh. If mild criticism is not allowed, silence will be considered sinister. If silence is no longer allowed, it will be a crime not to praise hard enough. If only one voice is allowed to exist, then the only sound that exists is a lie.

