700字范文 > 英汉双语:当完美的爱情遇到不完美的世界


时间:2020-02-19 20:52:50



今日笔者与大家分享:英汉双语:完美的爱情遇到了不完美的世界。 来自影片《如果比尔街可以说话》If Beale Street Could Talk,,愿这部凄美的影片会给你带来新的思考。


If Beale Street Could Talk opens with a quote from James Baldwin and a slow, sweeping violin score that will be heard many more times. Tish (KiKi Layne) and Fonny (Stephan James) walk along the edge of a New York City park, with greenery on one side and highways and cityscape on the other. Their clothes are coordinated in yellow and navy as if they belong to one another. The details of this outdoor world soon melt away, leaving only close-ups of the actors faces. They are looking into each other so deeply that nothing else exists. Not the problems that are about to come their way, the tragedy or heartaches that will soon eclipse their young lives.开篇引用了詹姆斯·鲍德温(James Baldwin)的一段话,以及一首缓慢而全面的小提琴曲谱,这首歌将被人们听到很多次。蒂什(KiKi Layne饰)和芳尼(Stephan James饰)沿着纽约市公园的边缘散步,一边是绿地,另一边是高速公路和城市景观。他们的衣服搭配着黄色和海军蓝,好像他们是属于彼此的。这个户外世界的细节很快就消失了,只留下演员们的特写镜头。他们彼此凝视得如此之深,以至于没有别的东西存在。不是即将到来的问题,也不是即将夺去他们年轻生命的悲剧或心痛。

Those stares will change over the course of Barry Jenkins adaptation of Baldwins novel about love, family, New York City and racism. The bliss of their budding romance will be put on hold when Fonny is accused of raping a Puerto Rican woman, Victoria Rogers (Emily Rios), by a racist white police officer (Ed Skrein). Not long after Fonny goes to jail, Tish reveals that she is pregnant with his child. Although Fonnys father and Tishs family toast to the new generation, Fonnys deeply devout Christian mother and sisters receive the news less excitedly. They are the least of Tishs worries, however, as now she must figure out how to make ends meet as an unwed pregnant 19-year-old separated from her partner by prison bars and thick glass. 在巴里·詹金斯(Barry Jenkins)根据鲍德温的小说改编、讲述爱情、家庭、纽约市和种族主义的过程中,人们的目光会发生变化。当方尼被指控强奸一名波多黎各女子维多利亚·罗杰斯时,他们萌芽中的恋情的幸福将被暂时搁置。方尼入狱后不久,蒂什透露她怀了他的孩子。虽然方尼的父亲和蒂什一家为新一代祝酒,但方尼笃信基督教的母亲和姐妹们却没有那么兴奋。然而,这些都是蒂什最不担心的,因为现在她必须设法维持生计,作为一个未婚怀孕的19岁少女,她和她的伴侣被监狱的铁栅栏和厚玻璃隔开了。

Those gorgeous, longing stares at the beginning of the film grow resentful, hurt and frightened as the months wear on. It begins to feel uncomfortable to be so close to this much pain, but Jenkins camera is steady – and so is Tishs resolve to fight for her love. Her mother Sharon (Regina King) defends her daughter against criticism and steps in to help her future son-in-laws case. 随着时间的流逝,影片开头那些美丽的、渴望的凝视者变得愤恨、受伤和恐惧。距离这么近会让人感到不舒服,但詹金斯的相机是稳定的——蒂什为爱而战的决心也是如此。她的母亲莎伦在女儿受到批评时为她辩护,并介入帮助她未来女婿的案子。

In the movie, Jenkins enhances the subtleties of his actors performances, growing small personal moments into epics. Layne and James chemistry is sweet and believable, playing the parts of lifelong friends who committed to one another. Jenkins lavishes close-up after close-up on their young, hopeful faces, capturing each sly smile and direct glance. King gives a powerful performance as Tishs determined mother whos trying to do everything to protect her childs chance at love and justice. Some of her most moving scenes have no words. After a meeting goes poorly, she cries and curses at having potentially botched the conversation that could have lead to a break in the case.Jenkins camera zooms in on Sharons hands clenched on a photo of Tish and Fonny, holding it slightly above her bowed head like an appeal to a higher power for help. 在电影中,詹金斯加强了演员表演的微妙之处,将个人的小瞬间发展成史诗。莱恩和詹姆斯之间的化学反应是甜蜜而可信的,他们扮演的是彼此忠诚的终生朋友。詹金斯对他们年轻、充满希望的面孔进行了一次又一次的特写,捕捉到了每一个狡黠的微笑和直视。金在剧中饰演蒂什坚定的母亲,她竭尽全力保护孩子获得爱和正义的机会。她最动人的一些镜头是无言的。在一次会议进行得很糟糕之后,她为可能导致案件中断的谈话失败而哭泣和咒骂。詹金斯的相机对准了莎伦紧握着的一张蒂什和方尼的照片,她把照片举过低着头的头顶,像是在向更高的权力寻求帮助。

Barry Jenkins is an avowed fan of Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai, naming movies like Chunking Express andIn the Mood for Love among his favorites. You can see echoes of influences in Jenkins feature debut Medicine for Melancholy in the shots where the movies couple trades smiles and flirty glances without any words. Its also evident in Chirons longing stares at the camera throughout Jenkins Oscar-winning film, Moonlight. But in If Beale Street Could Talk, those close-ups are a way to show the audience that no matter what bars or glass comes between them,Tish and Fonny are still connected. The world can still melt away, not as clearly or as often as it used to, but they still look at each other in a way that might make you feel weak in the knees. 巴里·詹金斯是香港导演王家卫的忠实粉丝,他最喜欢的电影包括《重庆森林》和《花样年华》。在詹金斯的处女作《忧郁之药》中,你可以看到这对夫妇在镜头中交换微笑和挑逗的眼神,没有任何言语。在詹金斯的奥斯卡获奖影片《月光》中,希伦渴望地盯着镜头,这一点也很明显。但在《


Theres a timeless quality to the film despite its specific setting. Jenkins employs very few pop culture or news references that might get in the way of the romantic drama, only late 60s or early 70s clothes and hairstyles clue us in. The earthy tones and warm color schemes of Fonnys sculptures, the furniture in Tishs home, and the couples outfits look luxurious in the lens of cinematographer James Laxton, who also worked with Jenkins on Moonlight. 这部电影有一种永恒的品质,尽管它有特定的背景。詹金斯很少引用流行文化或新闻,这些可能会妨碍这部浪漫剧的元素,只有60年代末或70年代初的服装和发型能给我们提供线索。在摄影师詹姆斯·拉克斯顿的镜头下,方尼雕塑中朴实的色调和温暖的配色方案,蒂什家的家具,以及这对夫妇的服装看上去都很豪华。拉克斯顿也曾与詹金斯合作过《月光》(Moonlight)。

Beale Streetmay play on similar visual notes of longing but on a warmer register than the cool blues and tones in Moonlight. As if the look of the film and its heartbreaking story weren soul-stirring enough, composer Nicholas Britell complements the imagery with possibly this years most moving score, a wave of slow violins that ebb and flow throughout the films most emotional scenes. 比尔街可能也有类似的渴望的视觉音符,但比月光下凉爽的蓝色和色调更温暖。似乎这部电影的样子和它令人心碎的故事还不够惊心动魄,作曲家尼古拉斯·布里特尔(Nicholas Britell)用可能是今年最感人的配乐来补充这一意象,在影片最感人的场景中,一波缓慢的小提琴乐曲起起伏伏。

The problems of racial profiling and abuse Fonny and his friend Daniel (Brian Tyree Henry) deal with are not relics of the past. Jenkins inserts striking black-and-white stills of the Bronx and Harlem in that era, of black men working on prison chain gangs and of white police officers enacting various acts of police brutality to underscore his point. Yet in this terrible situation and cruel world, Tish and Fonny find moments of sweetness, of loving caresses and the romantic feeling like they e the only ones on a crowded subway. If Beale Street Could Talkis at once a tribute to love and a call for its defense against racist hatred, all told in an artfully composed tragedy. Fonny和他的朋友Daniel 处理的种族定性和虐待问题并不是过去遗留下来的。詹金斯在书中插入了那个时代布朗克斯和哈莱姆区那些引人注目的黑白照片,其中有在监狱铁链团伙中工作的黑人男子,也有实施各种警察暴行的白人警察,以强调他的观点。然而,在这个可怕的环境和残酷的世界,Tish和Fonny找到了甜蜜的时刻,爱的爱抚和浪漫的感觉,就像他们是拥挤的地铁上唯一的人。《如果比尔街能说话》是对爱的赞颂,也是对它抵御种族主义仇恨的呼吁,这一切都在这部精心编排的悲剧中得以体现。
