700字范文 > 3月份天津高考英语试卷完形填空全文翻译和答案


时间:2024-02-28 19:57:23



Years of living with a lisp (口齿不清) had taught me it was better not to say


anything than to speak and risk embarrassment. As a result of my16 , I felt


distanced from most of my peers (同龄人). “Kathy? Oh, she’s quiet.”That’s


what most people would say when they 17 me, as if “Quiet” were part of

当人们谈论我(talked of)时,那是很多人会说的一句话。好像“安静”

my 18 . I was okay with that. I didn’t need to be 19 .


Last September, however, that all 20 . I started my creative writing class with

然而,去年9月,那个事实彻底改变(changed)。我开始跟Ms. Haist学习创意写作

Ms. Haist. Every day we would be given a different writing task and, if we


wished, we could21 what we had written. I 22 listening to others read their

如果我们愿意,可以分享所写内容(share)。我记得(22D remember)聆听其他人朗读作品时

work and thinking: “That will never be me. I’ll never have the 23 to do that.”

认为,“那从来不会是我,我也从不会有勇气朗读(23B courage)”

One day, I was really24 with what I had written and wanted to share. My heart

一天,我真的自鸣得意我的所写,想分享(24C pleased)

was beating wildly as I raised my hand. Those 25 little voices were ringing in my ear,

我举起手时,心在剧烈的跳。那些(25 B urgent )小声音在我耳朵里骤然回响

“You have a lisp, remember? 26 , your writing isn’t that good. Be quiet.” I was about

“你有口吃,请得吗?(26A Besides而且 )而且你写的不怎么好。安静!”

to 27 my hand when I met Ms. Haist’s encouraging eyes.

当我就要放下手时,看到了Ms. Haist鼓励的眼神(27D withdraw 撤回)。

I swallowed the voices down and let my real voice 28 . I could hear it 29 as I

我忍受着那不屑的声音,发出我真实的的声音(28C come out)。

read, and I could hear every stutter (结巴) and mistake. I finished reading, waiting to

当我朗读的时候,我能听到声音在颤抖(29 A shaking),还有每次的结巴和错误。读完了,

be laughed at. 30 , I heard claps from the class and praise from Ms. Haist.

等待着嘲笑。(30D Unexpectedly 没料到)没想到,听到了同学的掌声和Ms. Haist.的赞扬。

The next day, I did it 31 . Soon I was reading out loud nearly every day.

第二天,再次朗读(31A again),之后几乎每天我都在朗读。

Gradually, I realized that 32 my lisp, the class and the teacher always appreciated

渐渐地,我认识到(32C despite 尽管)尽管我口齿不清,同学、老师还是

my writing. Now I may still not be the most 33 , social person, but I’ve become

欣赏我的写作的。现在我也许还不是最开朗的人(33B outgoing开朗的)

better at oral presentations. I 34 read my poetry out loud at a reading club.

但我在口头叙述上已经不错了。(34 A even甚至)我甚至在朗读俱乐部读我的诗作

Every time those little voices try to tell me to be quiet, I think of all the


encouragement I received in class and I know that I 35 to be heard.


16. A.embarrassment B.excitement C.humor D.silence

17. A.heard from B.talked of C.called on D.looked for

18. A.name B.opinion C.duty D.business

19. A.seen B.heard C.followed D.protected

20. A.disappeared B.returned C.developed D.changed

21. A.examine B.practice C.share D.copy

22. A.regret B.consider C.imagine D.remember 。

23. A.time B.courage C.patience D.evidence

24. A.busy B.strict C.pleased D.disappointed

25. A.tired B.urgent C.funny D.cheerful

26. A.Besides B.Otherwise C.Therefore D.Normally

27. A.touch B.wave C.extend D.withdraw

28. A.go down B.die away C.come out D.calm down

29. A.shaking B.singing C.shouting D.deepening

30. A.Sadly B.Hopefully C.Honestly D.Unexpectedly

31. A.again B.alone C.already D.anyway

32. A.thanks to B.instead of C.despite D.except

33. A.serious B.outgoing C.nervous D.hardworking

34. A.even B.still C.only D.seldom

35. A.fear B.agree C.deserve D.pretend

新版高考英语五合一必刷题 巅峰训练星火英语高中 高三高考阅读理解与完形填空七选五语法 ¥39.8淘宝月销645购买

