700字范文 > 英语语法将来时:be going to 和 will 的区别

英语语法将来时:be going to 和 will 的区别

时间:2022-05-21 05:30:21


英语语法将来时:be going to 和 will 的区别

英语语法> 时态> 将来时 > : be going to(I am going to work)

Be going to: 格式

我们用:be going to+ 动词的基本形式:

1. I’m going to take a few exams at the end of the year.年底我要参加几次考试。2. It’s going to be difficult to get a job during the summer as the tourist industry is suffering from the economic downturn.由于旅游业正遭受经济衰退的影响,在夏季很难找到工作。

Be going to: 使用Be going to 是非正式文体中常用的。


我们经常用be going to讨论未来的计划和意图。通常关于这个未来计划的决定已经做出:

1. She’s going to be a professional dancer when she grows up.她长大后将成为一名职业舞者。2. I’m going to look for a new place to live next month.下个月我要找个新地方住。

预测我们通常会使用be going to预测一些我们认为肯定会发生的事情,或者我们现在有证据的事情:

1. It’s going to snow again soon.很快又要下雪了。(说话者可能看到了乌云。)2. Look out! He’s going to break that glass.小心!他要打碎那个玻璃杯了。

命令当我们发出命令或声明某件事情是必须的时,我们通常会用be going to :

[parent to a child]

You’re going to pick up all of those toys right now. This room is a mess!


用Be going to 还是 will?

Will的用法和be going to十分相似. 当我们谈论一些绝对确定的事情时,会用Will. 当我们想强调我们的决定时,使用Be going to:

[‘A’路是主要道路。“. ‘B’ 路是主要道路。]

We are now very late so we’re going to take the ‘B’ road.现在很晚了,所以我们要走B路。(说话者指现在,强调决定)I know the ‘B’ road will be quicker at this time of day.我知道这个时候B路会更快。(说话人陈述了一个事实)

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