700字范文 > 托福口语每日10分钟高效训练技巧介绍


时间:2024-06-23 04:38:34














1. 中心是否切题:


2. 意思是否明白:


3. 结构是否严密:


4. 表达是否连贯:


5. 发音是否清楚:


6. 语法是否正确:


7. 词汇是否熟练:

解释:考察考生是否可以掌握足够的 英语 (论坛) 词汇进行表达,考察重点在熟练度和准确度两个方面。但此标准并未对考生的用词难度作硬性的要求。


1. Describe a celebration, public event or moment that is most impressiveto you.Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples tosupport your response.

2. Describe a ceremony or public event that you attended. Explain why itwas memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

3. Describe a challenging experience you had and how you overcame thatchallenge.Include reasons and examples to support your response.

4. Describe a disappointing event or experience in your life. Explain whyit was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support yourresponse.

5. Describe a leisure activity you often do in your spare time. Explain whyyou often do it. Please include reasons and examples to support yourresponse.

6. Describe a memorable event that you experienced with you families orfriends. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples inyour response.

7. Describe a memorial you attended. Explain why it was important to you.Include reasons and examples to support your response.

8. Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country. Explainhow people in your country celebrate it. Include reasons and examples to supportyour response.

9. Describe a successful event in your life. Explain how you made it.Include reasons and examples to support your response.

10. Describe the most enjoyable event in your childhood. Explain why it wasmemorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

11. Describe an activity you enjoyed most when you were a child. Explainwhy you enjoyed this activity most. Include reasons and examples to support yourresponse.

12. Describe an experience that you worked well with others. Explain whythat experience is important to you. Include reasons and details to support yourresponse.

13. Describe an important experience you had recently. Explain why thisexperience was important to you. Include reasons and details to support yourresponse.

14. Describe the most enjoyable event that happened in your school. Explainwhy it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.

15. Describe the most surprising event your friends did for you. Explainwhy it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.

16. If you could do one thing for your community, what would you do andwhy? Include reasons and examples to support your response.

17. What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explains why it is moreimportant for you?Please include reasons and details in you explanation.

18. What is your favorite way to relax yourself? Explain why you like touse this way to relax yourself. Include reasons and details to support yourresponse.


1. Should a city try to preserve its old,historic buildings or destroy themand replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your opinion.

2. Some people think that the government should invest money on art andculture like museums and theaters. Others don’t think so. What is your opinion?Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
