700字范文 > Technology Is Changing Our Lives-技术正改变我们的生活_3000字_英语作文

Technology Is Changing Our Lives-技术正改变我们的生活_3000字_英语作文

时间:2020-07-28 13:07:52


Technology Is Changing Our Lives-技术正改变我们的生活_3000字_英语作文

Technology Is Changing Our LivesThe fact that technology is changing our lives is undeniable.First of all, technology makes life easier. With the invention of various electric home-appliances, housework is no longer a drudgery. With the innovation of assembly lines workers do not have to struggle with splitting lump of wood or iron. With the emerging medical treatment or therapy, the handicapped can lead a better life. With new vehicles coming into being, say, subway,mag-lev, spaceship, countries and continents are bridged and a trip to the moon is no longer a dream. Unquestionably, technology increasingly facilitates our lives.Moreover, technology offers us more fun. On the one hand,with generations of new technology, people have more leisure time to enjoy their lives because the introduction of new technology speeds up productivity, which in turn leads to reduction of working hours. As a result time to relax after work is no more a luxury. On the other hand, means of entertainment becomes diverse. You can travel around the world as you wish with the new means of traffic springing up or you can enjoy yourself sitting comfortably in front of your TV set, which opens to you a new vista of the outside world. It's a wonderful life, isn't it?It is true that new technology renders our life easier and more pleasant, but as is so often pointed out, technology is a two-edged sword which can be used equally for good or evil the other side we are often blind to. While polymer can be turned into throw away plastic and flashy bags, it also threatens our environment with sc-call "white trash". While Internet facilitates our communication, it gives rise to increasing net crimes. Being addieted to computers stifles the very creativity of human nature.In conclusion, while we enjoy the freedom and convenience brought by high tech, we must be alert to its side effect. The only thing we need to remember is that we should control technology instead of allowing ourselves being controlled.
