700字范文 > 小学四年级上册英语期末测试题(笔试部分)


时间:2024-06-02 14:32:17






一、 辨音题。(6分)

( )1. big doll ( )2. girl orange ( )3. cat kite

( )4. new cinema ( )5. five photo ( )6. sofa please


1. 看一看________________________6.try this pair on____________________

2. 五只猫 _______________________7.have breakfast____________________

3. 她的鞋子______________________8.read the new words________________

4.一辆新的小汽车_________________9. whose gloves _

5. 在八点十分__________________ 10. Don’t worry.


( ) 1.__________ my pen? It’s on the bed.

A. What’s B. Where’s C. Where

( ) 2. Look at Gao Shan.__________ gloves are so big.

A. He B. His C. Her

( ) 3. What’s the matter_______ you? I’m thirsty.

A. for B. with C. on

( ) 4. What time do you get up?_____________.

A. It’s thirteen. B. It’s five thirty. C. At six thirty.

( ) 5.Here’s a ____________ you.

A. to B. for C. with

( ) 6. May I come in? ____________.

A. I’m sorry. B. Not at all. C. Come in, please.

( ) 7. Do you like ___________?

A. kite B. cars C. a bus

( ) 8. The shorts__________ too long.

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 9. What’s _________ over there?

A. that B. this C. it

( ) 10. Is it a crayon? No, ____________.

A. it isn’t. B. it is C. they aren’t.



( )1. Where’s Nancy? A. It’s fifteen.

( )2. Whose skirt is this? B. It’s five ten.

( )3. What’s five and ten? C. She’s in the classroom.

( )4. What time do you have breakfast? D. It’s Nancy’s.

( )5. What’s the time? E. At six fifty.


( )1.你想知道这双袜子是谁的,可以问:

A. Whose socks is it? B. Whose socks are they?

( )2.你想问几点了,可以说:

A. Excuse me, what’s the time, please? B. What time do you get up?

( )3.上课迟到了,学生可以对老师说:

A. Thank you. B. Sorry, I’m late.

( )4.感叹冰激凌真凉啊,可以说:

A. It’s an ice-cream. B. What a cold ice-cream!

( )5.你想告诉对方“它是我哥哥的”,你可以说:

A. It’s my brothers. B. It’s my brother’s.


1. be, don’t, late, again(.)

__________________________________________________ _____________

2. this, notebook, for, is, you(.)


3. the, my, mother’s, gloves, are(.)


4. to, go, time, it’s, to, bed(.)


5. me, excuse, this, your, purse, is(,?)



1. 这牛仔裤太长了。

——The ___________ are _______ long.


——__________ ____________that book, please.

3. 请坐。喝些橙汁吧。

——Please _________ down. __________ some orange juice.


——What’s that __________ __________?

——It’s ______ brother’s__________.

5. 过来,你喜欢这个气球吗?

——Come , you like ?


Hello, my name is Betty. I’m ten years old. My father is a doctor(医生). My mother is a teacher(教师). My brother and I are students. I like rabbits, but my brother likes monkeys. I get up at six. I read the book in the morning, then I go to school at seven. I love my family very much.

( )1. Betty is eleven years old.

( )2. There are three people(人) in Betty’s family.

( )3. Betty’s brother likes monkeys.

( )4. Betty’s father is a teacher.

( )5. Betty goes to school at seven thirty.小学四年级上册英语期末测试题(笔试部分)篇二


七、Read and write(写出下列单词的过去式)

1 go________ 2 break ________

3 cut________ 4 win ________

5 put________ 6 fall _________

7 hurt ________ 8 run ________

9 come ________ 10 buy________

八、Read 、choose and write(选词填空)

went, cut, washed, fell , bumped

1、We _________to the Great Wall.

2、She________her finger.

3、He his trousers yesterday.

4、Then she _______ her head.

5、 She _______off her bike.

九、Read 、choose and write(选词填空)

invent didn’t invent

1、American people ________________ this bicycle.

2、English people _____________ this bicycle.

3、English people _____________ paper.

4、Chinese people ______________ paper.

十、Read and choose(选择填空)

( )1. Where ______ she live?

A. does B. had C. did

( )2. Yesterday _____ National Day.

A. make B. was C. took

( )3. He invented this bicycle _____1839.

A. on B. with C. in

( )4. Children from England are .

A. American B. English C. Chinese

( )5.I’ve _______ stomach ache.

A. get B. got C.make

十一、Read and choose(阅读并选择答案)

Ma Liang was a good boy. He helped people. He had a paintbrush. It was magic. This old woman didn’t have food. So Ma Liang painted food. Then the food was real. There was a bad man. He didn’t help people. He took Ma Liang’s magic paintbrush. The bad man didn’t have gold. So he painted gold with the magic paintbrush. But it didn’t make gold. It made a snake!

( )1. Ma Liang was a ________ boy.

A. good B. bad C. naughty

( )2. Ma Liang had a __________.

A. ship B. dog C. paintbrush

( )3. The paintbrush was _________.

A. bad B. magic C. new

( )4. The bad man wanted to paint __________.

A. food B. a snake C. gold

( )5. But the magic paintbrush made___________.

A. food B. a snakeC. gold

十二、 Make sentences(仿造例句造句)

例句: I finished my homework.

I didn’t finish my homework.

1、I helped my mum.

2、 I cleaned my room.

3、She played the flute.

4、She watched TV.




1、Is _______ your garden? No, it ________.

2、What _______ is it? It’s seven ____________.

3、_______ sunny today, you _________ wear your T-shirt.

4、How ________ bears are there? There _________ twenty.

5、_________ the weather like in Chang’an? _______ warm.


1. They are pretty . I like them.

2. It’s in Moscow. Xk b1. co m

3. The is heavy. I can’t carry it.

4. I like my book. What about you?

5. I have a cool . It’s my birthday gift.


( )1、A. grapesB. apple C. hat

( )2、A. eggB. sheC.pen

( )3、A. riceB. fishC. window

( )4、A. homeB. roseC. lock

( )5、A. studentB. toothbrush C. cut


1. Where is the canteen? A. Forty.

2. How many cows do you have? B. It’s on the first floor.

3. Whose is it? C. Yes. I want a pair of sneakers.

4. Can I help you? D. It’s my T-shirt.

5. Are these sheep? E. Yes, they are.


It’s 11:30. I’m in the school canteen. I have rice, beef and potatoes for lunch. It’s cold today. I wear my new sweater. It’s 25 yuan. It’s cheap. But it’s very nice. I like it very much.

( )1、It’s eleven thirteen.

( )2、I have rice, beef and tomatoes for lunch.

( )3、It’s not hot today.

( )4、My sweater is twenty-four yuan.

( )5、The sweater is very expensive.
