700字范文 > 利益流失 Loss of interests英语短句 例句大全

利益流失 Loss of interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-11 14:52:27


利益流失 Loss of interests英语短句 例句大全

利益流失,Loss of interests

1)Loss of interests利益流失


1.A Discussion on the Causes and Countermeasures of the Interest Losing of Chinese Farmers;我国农民利益流失的原因及对策探讨

2.Analysis and Countermeasures Research of Farmers Losing Land and Being Denied of Their Interests in China s Urbanization;城市化进程中失地农民利益流失分析及对策研究

3.Modern Chinese Peasants Historical Role and Lost Benefits;农民在我国现代化进程中的历史作用与利益流失

4.2: Marketing Priority Strategy宁失利益,不失市场

5.Were the Benefits greater than 4 lives?还是说「利益」大于「损失」呢?

6.Lucrum cessatum所丧失的利益(消极损害)

7.nullification and impairment (利益的)丧失和减损

8.Analysis on Reasons of Interest Loss in China s Food Circulation and its Equilibrium Strategy;我国粮食流通中利益损失的原因分析与均衡策略

9.Study of Interests Trigonometry and Interests Lacking In Enterprise s Great Management;企业宏管理中的利益三角与利益缺失问题研究

10.The expiration of the benefits politics:Analysis of the reasons in the benefits non-harmonious利益政治的失效:利益非和谐的成因分析

11.No great loss without some small gain.[谚]大损失中总还有些小利益;塞翁失马,焉知非福。

12.Lose an opportunity to benefit from sth or enjoy oneself失去获得利益或获得乐趣的机会

13.Balancing Long-Term Benefits with Short-Term Losses平衡长期利益和短期损失

14.tax benefits from operating loss carry-forwards从结转营业损失所得的减税利益

15.The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained.海盗的利益已消失,但海盗的本性不改。

16.Creditors Protection When the Failure of Company Set-up;论公司设立失败中的债权人利益保护

17.Analysis of the Unbalanced Social Interests on the Income Gap;收入差距导致社会利益失衡问题探析

pensation Standard of Farmland Requisition and Farmers Benefits Guarantee;征地补偿标准与失地农民的利益保护


Imbalanced Interests利益失衡

1.On theImbalanced Interests in the Conflicts between Doctors and Patientsand Relevant Countermeasures;医患冲突中的利益失衡及其对策探析

3)complex or practical benefit利益获失

4)interest lacking利益缺失

5)interest loss利益损失

6)interast losing利益丧失


