700字范文 > 腐蚀速率 corrosion rate英语短句 例句大全

腐蚀速率 corrosion rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 13:12:28


腐蚀速率 corrosion rate英语短句 例句大全

腐蚀速率,corrosion rate

1)corrosion rate腐蚀速率

1.Research oncorrosion rate of sucker rod steel 20Ni2Mo in wet H_2S;20Ni2Mo抽油杆钢在湿H_2S环境中的腐蚀速率

2.Description of thecorrosion rate of 16Mn pipeline steel in soil by using neural network;16Mn管道钢土壤腐蚀速率描述的人工神经网络方法

3.Effect of temperature and pressure on CO_2/H_2Scorrosion rate of N80 steel;温度和压力对N80钢CO_2/H_2S腐蚀速率的影响



2.Standard of test method for corrosion rate of buried steel埋地钢质检查片腐蚀速率测试方法

3.10.6 The corrosion data must below 0.075 mm/year.腐蚀速率必须低于0.075密尔/年。

4.Measurements and Analyses of the Corrosive Rates of X52 Pipeline Material in SoilX52管材土壤腐蚀速率测试及结果分析

5.Semi-empirical Model for Prediction of CO_2 Corrosion RateCO_2腐蚀速率半经验预测模型研究

6.The potgtodynamic scanning method can determine the corrosion rate and screened inhibitor quickly, and simply.应用动电势扫描法能够快速、便地测定腐蚀速率和评选缓蚀剂。

7.Monitoring of corrosion rate of steels in marine atmosphere by hydrogen permeation current investigation氢渗透电流法监测海洋大气中钢材的腐蚀速率

8.Research on the Grey Forecasting Models Applied in the Corrosion Rate Prediction of the Water Injecting Pipeline灰色模型群应用于注水管道腐蚀速率的预测

9.Grey Theory to Predict Corrosion Rate in Oilfield Sewage Reinjection Pipelines油田污水回注管道腐蚀速率灰色理论预测

10.Corrosion Rate Updating of Hydraulic Steel Gates Based on Bayesian Prior Methods基于Bayes先验方法的水工钢闸门腐蚀速率更新

11.Effect of H_2S Partial Preesure on Corrosion Rate of P110 Steel under High Cl~- Oil Condition高Cl~-条件下H_2S分压对P110钢腐蚀速率的影响

12.Research on Buried Metal Pipeline Corrosion Rate Forecasting Method Based on Grey GM Model基于灰色GM(1,1)模型埋地金属管道腐蚀速率预测

13.Once tube wall is overheated, oxidation corrosion rate is not only accelerated, hut also the tube performance is rapidly deteriorated.一旦管壁过热不仅加速氧化腐蚀速率,且急剧恶化管材性能。

14.Research of relation between air conditioning cooling water conductivity and iron corrosion velocity空调冷却水电导率与金属铁腐蚀速率关系的研究

15.Study on Prediction Model of the Long-distance Pipeline Corrosion Rate and Its Protection;长输油气管线腐蚀速率预测模型及防护技术研究

16.Prediction of Pipeline Corrosion Rate Based on Grey Markov Models基于灰色马尔科夫组合模型的管道腐蚀速率预测方法

17.Research on Concrete Resistivity and Reiforced Concrete Steel Corrosion Rate混凝土电阻率及钢筋腐蚀速度的研究

18.Slow Strain Rate Test Studies of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Pipeline Steels;管线钢应力腐蚀慢应变速率拉伸试验研究


Etching rate腐蚀速率

1.The error of etching rate between the existing model and the experimental data increases with etching time.本文提出了一个修正模型,在修正模型中:HF的扩散系数是浓度和温度的函数;腐蚀速率常数是温度的函数;此外还考虑了腐蚀产物对腐蚀过程的影响。

2.To predict the etching rate accurately can not only protect the structure layer from over etching, but also save the etching time.精确预测腐蚀速率对于避免过腐蚀和节省时间,从而提高MEMS器件加工的效率具重大意义。

3.The effects of thickness of sacrificial layer on the etching rate are studied.对牺牲层厚度对腐蚀速率的影响进行了详细地研究,并得到了如下结论当牺牲层厚度达到微米量级时,其腐蚀速率随着牺牲层厚度的增大而加快,但当其达到纳米量级时,由于固体表面存在的静电荷而产生双电层效应,这种效应对腐蚀速率的影响超过了牺牲层厚度的影响,最终使得腐蚀速率和牺牲层厚度无关。

3)Corrosion speed腐蚀速率

1.First time introduces P_(CO_2)/P_(H_2S) sub pressure to forecast model of tubing steel corrosion speed in order to find out the relation between tubing steel corrosion speed CR and CO_2 sub pressure P_(CO_2)、H_2S sub pressure P_(H_2S).为了找出油管钢腐蚀速率CR与CO2分压PCO2、H2S分压PH2S之间的关系,首次将分压比PCO2/PH2S引入油管钢腐蚀速率预测模型,在不同分压比下,视一种气体腐蚀为主导,另一种气体腐蚀为影响因素来建立两个分模型,进而将两个分模型叠加,得到总的腐蚀速率预测模型。

4)rate of corrosion腐蚀速率

1.The averagerate of corrosion in field use was less than 0.现场应用表明,欠饱和复合盐水防腐钻井液不仅流变性能满足了钻井需要,而且对钻具腐蚀小,平均腐蚀速率均小于0。

5)etch rate腐蚀速率

1.The influence factors of Mc-Sietch rate and textured surface conditions were analyzed through experiment,such as mixture ratio of acid compound,additives,etching temperature and time.通过实验分析了酸混合液的体积浓度配比、添加剂、温度和时间等因素对腐蚀速率和腐蚀后表面形貌的影响;总结出了多晶Si的酸腐蚀规律,得到了制备理想绒面的酸混合液体积配比(V(HF):V(HNO3):V(CH3COOH)=1∶12∶6)。

2.For the simulation of orientation dependent etching processes it is necessary to determine theetch rates of a material under certain circumstance.根据硅各向异性腐蚀特点 ,构造出了一个完整的硅各向异性腐蚀速率图。

6)corrosion velocity腐蚀速率

1.While the chipping water applied in the process of circulation cooling water, the averagecorrosion velocity is 0.切粒水回用于循环水冷却水系统过程中,腐蚀速率较高,平均为0。


