700字范文 > 实业部 the Department of Industry英语短句 例句大全

实业部 the Department of Industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-30 21:01:53


实业部 the Department of Industry英语短句 例句大全

实业部,the Department of Industry

1)the Department of Industry实业部

2)Plant Quarantine Institute, Ministry of Agriculture农业部植物检疫实验所


1.Plant Quarantine Institute, Ministry of Agriculture农业部植物检疫实验所

2.Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)(农业部)动植物卫生检验局

3.Reforms in the Teaching Methods of "Plant Testing and Quarantine"植物检验检疫学教学改革的实践探索

4.The department of agriculture administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine in the whole country.国务院农业行政主管部门主管全国进出境动植物检疫工作。

5.The Impacts of SPS Measures on China s Agricultural Exports;动植物检验检疫措施对中国农产品出口的影响

6.LRL (lunar receiving laboratory)月球物质回收和回归宇航员检疫实验所

7.Exploration of Experiment Teaching Methods of Agricultural Plant Pathology《农业植物病理学》实验教学方法的探索

8.The agency that seems poised to take charge is the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).美国农业部动植物卫生检验局目前正在考虑是否要全权接管这些相关业务。

9.The Impact of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures on the Agricultural Export of Developing Countries;动植物卫生检疫措施对发展中国家农业出口的影响

10.Detection and Quarantine Biotechnology for Plant Pest and Development of Stabilized Diagnostic Reagent Kits;植物疫害生物分子检验检疫技术研究与固相化检测试剂盒研制

11.The import animals and plants that need to be placed in isolation for quarantine inspection shall be quarantined in an isolation court designated by the port animal and plant quarantine office.输入动植物,需隔离检疫的,在口岸动植物检疫机关指定的隔离场所检疫。

12.Application and prospects of molecular marker techniques in plant inspection and quarantine分子标记技术在植物检验检疫中的应用及前景

13.Article 32 The State shall practise a system of animal and plant epidemic prevention and quarantine.第三十二条 国家实行动植物防疫、检疫制度。

14.When a wild animal is carried to the place where experimental animals are kept, it shall be subject to quarantine once again before it is allowed into a feeding and breeding room for experimental animals.野生动物运抵实验动物处所,需经再次检疫,方可进入实验 动物饲育室。

15.The animals that need to the placed in isolation for quarantine inspection before exit shall be quarantined in an isolation court designated by the port animal and plant quarantine office.出境前需经隔离检疫的动物,在口岸动植物检疫机关指定的隔离场所检疫。

16.Article 34 Ships, airplanes or trains from the animal or plant epidemic areas shall, upon their arrival at the port, be quarantined by the port animal and plant quarantine office.第三十四条 来自动植物疫区的船舶、飞机、火车抵达口岸时,由口岸动植物检疫机关实施检疫。

17.Chapter III The Quarantine of Experimental Animals and the Control of Their Infectious Diseases第三章 实验动物的检疫和传染病控制

18.Article 48 Port animal and plant quarantine offices shall collect fees, according to relevant regulations, for performing quarantine inspection.第四十八条 口岸动植物检疫机关实施检疫依照规定收费。


Plant Quarantine Institute, Ministry of Agriculture农业部植物检疫实验所

3)Real part实部

1.Inequalities between the eigenvalues of matrices andits real parts as well as its imaginary parts;方阵特征值及其实部、虚部之间的不等式

2.By calculating the relative integrals of the function and the residues of a meromorphic function and taking their real part,thus this paper got the analogous result with primitive Poisson-Jensen′s formula in form,then applied the analogous result to a practical example,it illustrated correctly.由计算有关函数的积分和亚纯函数的留数,并取它们的实部得到了形式上与原来的Poisson-Jensen公式类似的结果,通过将其应用到实例中,说明它是正确的。

3.A strict proof of the formulas of the convergence real part,absolutely convergence part and uniform convergence real part for the exponential series has been given.给出了指数级数收敛实部、绝对收敛实部及一致收敛实部公式的严格证明。


1.Zhang Jian s Thought of "Education Is Father and Industry Is Mother":Internal Meaning and Signification in the Contemporary Era;张謇“父教育而母实业”之内蕴及其当代意义

2.The article focuses on the contents of ZhangJian s "local autonomy" system,the interrelationship betweenindustry,education and charity,and the characteristics and limits.这一思想不是谋求地方政治的自我控制,而是经济的自我主治、自我发展、实业救国。

3.He advocated setting up theindustry,and recommended practical learning.他倡导兴办实业,并提倡实学。

5)industry and commerce实业

1.The development of realism in education around 1911 revolution underwent the following stages: utilitarian education, pragmatic education, education forindustry and commerce, and vocational education, The most influential advocators of realism in education were Cai Yuanpei, Lu Feikui, Zhuang Yu,Huang Yanpei et al.唯实主义教育思想的发展在辛亥革命前后经历了实利、实用、实业、职业教育等几个渐进阶段。

6)Industrial-running Practice实业实践


