700字范文 > 汉语同音字 Chinese homophone英语短句 例句大全

汉语同音字 Chinese homophone英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-26 18:10:01


汉语同音字 Chinese homophone英语短句 例句大全

汉语同音字,Chinese homophone

1)Chinese homophone汉语同音字

2)chinese characters pronunciation汉字语音

1.General telephone reply & index adapters usually do not offerchinese characters pronunciation function.目前通用型电话语音卡尚无很好的汉字语音功能 ,通过对汉字语音研究 ,利用现有电话语音设备 ,使其具有较好的汉字语音功能 。

3)Chinese characters speech library汉字语音库

1.This article introduces a method of producing GB2312Chinese characters speech library of SPCE061A compressed format.阐述了制作SPCE061A压缩格式GB2312汉字语音库的方法。

4)Japanese Kanji pronunciation日语汉字音

1.Japanese experts have conducted a long-term study over the relations betweenJapanese Kanji pronunciation and ancient Chinese pronunciations.回顾日本学者对日语汉字音与汉语上古音关系研究的历史,并且从日本学者利用日语汉字音研究中国上古音几部重要的著作中,人们可以总结出他们在理论与方法等方面的得失,从而引起人们对与此相关的研究理论与方法等问题作进一步的思考和研究。


1.Japanese Experts Studies of the Relations between Japanese Kanji Pronunciation and Ancient Chinese Pronunciations;日本学者对日语汉字音与汉语上古音关系的研究

2.On the Study of the Relationship between the Pronunciation of Chinese in Japanese and that of Mid-Ancient Chinese by Japanese Scholars;日本学者对日语汉字音与汉语中古音关系的研究

3.A Comparative Research on the Japanese Phonetic-Reading Chinese and Chinese Characters;日语音读汉字与汉语汉字之对比研究

4.Phonological Change and Word Formation by Onyomi-Kanji in Japanese;语音变化对日语音读汉字构词的影响

5.The Historical Evolution and Analysis of the Sound and Form of Using Common Chinese Characters in Japanese;日语常用汉字的字音、字形溯源分析

6.A Comparative Study of the Chinese and Japanese Pronunciations of Chinese Characters Ending with the Sound "i;汉语中i韵尾字的汉、日读音对比研究

7.On the Relation Between Kanji s Ondoku and Chinese Pinyin;从日本文字的发展看日本汉字的音读与汉语拼音的关系

8.grass character(汉语、日语)草字[书]

9.The pronunciation of -ng the ending Chinese Characters in Japanese;读后鼻辅音韵尾的汉字在日语中的音读

10.A Study of Japanese Kanji Pronunciation Through the Connection Between Chinese and Japanese;从中日语言的联系看日文汉字的发音特点

11.The Variation of Monosyllabic Honji and Hansa as Predicate In Korean and Japanese试论朝鲜语和日语谓词单音节汉字词的倾向性

12.Is in the Japanese pronunciation fundamental unit, is a little similar with Chinese Pinyin function.是日文中汉字读音的基本单位,和汉语拼音的作用有点相似。

13.A character used in this system of writing.汉字日语的汉字体系中的一个汉字

14.Influence of Chinese Culture Center s Changing on Japanese Pronunciation from Historical View;中国文化中心的转移对日语汉字读音的影响

15.Study on Pronunciation Rules of Chinese Characters Beginning with Initial Consonants "n" and "r" in Japanesen声母和r声母汉字在日语中的发音规律

16.Chinese speech digital signal processing汉语语音数字信号处理

17.Apart from these, many different kanji may have the same or similar pronunciation.日文汉字的发音与汉语有一定的必然联系,也有其独特规律。

18.Chinese characters displaying and phonetics recognizing system汉字显示语音识别系统


chinese characters pronunciation汉字语音

1.General telephone reply & index adapters usually do not offerchinese characters pronunciation function.目前通用型电话语音卡尚无很好的汉字语音功能 ,通过对汉字语音研究 ,利用现有电话语音设备 ,使其具有较好的汉字语音功能 。

3)Chinese characters speech library汉字语音库

1.This article introduces a method of producing GB2312Chinese characters speech library of SPCE061A compressed format.阐述了制作SPCE061A压缩格式GB2312汉字语音库的方法。

4)Japanese Kanji pronunciation日语汉字音

1.Japanese experts have conducted a long-term study over the relations betweenJapanese Kanji pronunciation and ancient Chinese pronunciations.回顾日本学者对日语汉字音与汉语上古音关系研究的历史,并且从日本学者利用日语汉字音研究中国上古音几部重要的著作中,人们可以总结出他们在理论与方法等方面的得失,从而引起人们对与此相关的研究理论与方法等问题作进一步的思考和研究。

5)Pinyin-to-Chinese-Character conversion汉语音字转换

1.The research and development of thePinyin-to-Chinese-Character conversion is the core technique of Chinese Input system,Chinese speech recognition and Chinese information pro- cessing.汉语音字转换是中文键盘输入、汉语语音识别和中文信息处理的基础,也是一个非常具有挑战性的问题。

6)the Chinese phonetic alphabet汉语拼音字母

1.Author introduces the methods ofthe Chinese phonetic alphabet for Chinese name and Wade-Giles System,and puts forward a transliterating proposal.对中国人的姓名采用汉语拼音字母拼写的各种方案以及早期用英语字母的“威妥玛式拼法”进行了较全面的介绍,通过分析比较其中的利弊,提出了建设性的拼写方案建议。


