700字范文 > 蒙古民族 Mongolian nationality英语短句 例句大全

蒙古民族 Mongolian nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-25 17:06:15


蒙古民族 Mongolian nationality英语短句 例句大全

蒙古民族,Mongolian nationality

1)Mongolian nationality蒙古民族

1.The ecology idea in Mongolia s national grassland culture is an important component of Mongolia s national ideology, it is the spiritual props of all economic behaviours ofMongolian nationality, is the rarity in the grassland culture.蒙古民族草原文化中的生态学观念是蒙古民族意识形态的重要组成部分,是蒙古民族一切生态经济行为的精神支柱,是草原文化中的瑰宝。


1.Let Mongolian be known by the world, let Mongolian head for all over the world.让世界了解蒙古民族,让蒙古民族走向世界。

2.The Original Research about the Communication between the Ancient Mongolian Culture and other National Cultures in the world;古代蒙古民族文化与世界各民族文化交流初探

3.the Mongol people living the the central and eastern parts of Outer Mongolia.住在外蒙古中部和东部的蒙古民族的人。

4.On the Development of Tourist Resources from Ethnic Cultures of Inner Mongolia;关于内蒙古民族文化旅游资源的开发

5.A Brief Survey on the Study of Local Legal\;History of the Mongols;近年来蒙古民族地方法制史研究述评

6.a member of the nomadic peoples of Mongolia.蒙古游牧民族的成员。

7.A member of any of the traditionally nomadic peoples of Mongolia.蒙古族人任一蒙古传统游牧民族中的一员

8.Research on the Measurement of Mongolian Middle School Students Ethnic Identity and Ethnic Differentiation in the West Area of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古西部蒙古族中学生的民族认同和民族区分的测量研究

9.Cultural Changes of Han Immigrants in Subei Mongolian Autonomous County;肃北蒙古族自治县汉族移民文化变迁

10.A Research on Nurturing the Mongolian Primary Students" Consciousness of Nationality Culture蒙古族小学生民族文化意识培养研究

11.On the National Acknowledgement of the Policy " Republicanism of Five Nationalities" by Monggolion Princes and Dukes at the Beginning of the Republic of China;民国初年蒙古王公对"五族共和"政策的民族认同


13.The120000Mongolians here are engaged exclusively in animal husbandry.这里的□□万蒙古族人民完全从事畜牧业。

14.Chondromalacia Patellae and Ultrasonic Diagnosis in the Mongolian Herder蒙古族牧民髌骨软化症及其超声诊断

15.Studies on Pharmacognosy of Mongolian Folk Drug Panzeria Alaschanica Kupr蒙古族民间药材脓疮草的生药学研究

16.The Research of the Three Minorities Space Structure of Population in Inner Mongolia;内蒙古“三少民族”人口的空间结构研究

17.The Study of Tragically Aspect of Mongolian Narrative Short Tone Folk Song;蒙古族叙事性短调民歌的悲剧性研究

18.The Application of Mongolian Folk Pattern of Graphic Design;蒙古族民间图案在平面设计中的应用


Mongolian herdsmen蒙古族牧民

1.Survey on fasting blood glucose among theMongolian herdsmen in pastoral areas of Tongliao City;通辽市部分蒙古族牧民空腹血糖状况调查

3)Mongolian resident蒙古族居民

4)Mongolian farmers蒙古族农民

5)Mongolian folk song蒙古族民歌

1.OrdosMongolian folk songs are adjacent to Shanxi(山西)and Shanxi(陕西)folk songs so that the original OrdosMongolian folk songs full of new colors and have formed unrestrained,resounding loud and clear,beautiful stretch,uncertain cheerful aesthetic style.鄂尔多斯蒙古族民歌与毗邻的晋、陕民歌相交融,形成了鄂尔多斯民歌热情奔放、高亢嘹亮、优美舒展、明朗欢快的审美风格。

6)Inner Mongolian Mongolian national minority folk song内蒙古蒙古族民歌


