700字范文 > 具体法治 substantial policy of ruling by law英语短句 例句大全

具体法治 substantial policy of ruling by law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-27 03:46:31


具体法治 substantial policy of ruling by law英语短句 例句大全

具体法治,substantial policy of ruling by law

1)substantial policy of ruling by law具体法治

1.Only throughsubstantial policy of ruling by law can the status quo of ruling by law be truly substantialized.只有通过具体法治 ,才能使法治达到名归实至的境界。

2)Substantialization of "Ruling by Law走向具体法治

3)detailed translation methods具体用法

1.By giving some examples,thedetailed translation methods of "it" in English-Chinese sci-tech translation are explored from the angle of translation from English to Chinese.首先阐述了翻译及英汉科技翻译的定义及其作用,然后通过举例的方式,从英译汉的角度探讨了"it"在科技翻译中的一些具体用法。

4)specific algorithm具体算法


1.Thinks About the Two Kinds of the Concrete Calculating Ways in the Karmarkar Algorithm;对Karmarkar算法中两种具体算法的思考

2.According to the models, the paper gives a detailed algorithm for the whole process of the bomb explosion.比丈弹体整个爆炸过程的具体算法。

3.Method of Extracting Materials" Optical Parameter from Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy太赫兹时域谱提取样品光学参数的具体算法

4.The frame of the structure of the three models and an algorithm for the whole process of the bomb explosion were given.本文利用这三个模型给出了虚拟弹体整个爆炸过程的具体算法

5.The concrete step and complexity of the attack algorithm is given.给出了应用该算法的具体步骤,并分析了攻击算法的计算复杂性。

6.The Boundary Between Tangible Invention and Abstract Idea--An Analysis of the Patentablity of Algorithm;专利法上的抽象思想与具体技术——计算机程序算法的客体属性分析

7.The paper offer a method of calculating the curve of the stamp for a paraboloid antenna. An example of the calculation of praotical stamp curve and its errors are also given.本文提出了计算抛物面天线模具曲线的方法,计算了一个具体的模具曲线,并估计了误差.

8.The methodology, steps and strategies of population decomposition are given in detail.并给出算法的思想、步骤及具体实施方案。

9.The detailed realization of the algorithe was illustrated.给出了算法的具体过程及参数设置方案。

10.QoS-based stream media service composition algorithm具有QoS保证的流媒体业务服务组合算法

11.Calculation of Laminar Flow Pressure Loss of Casson Fluid in Drilling Tools卡森流体在钻具内层流压降的迭代算法

12.Finally, the numerical example is put forward to illustrate the implementation of the model and iteration algorithm.最后,通过具体算例验证了模型与迭代算法的可行性。

13.concrete operational stage具体运算阶段 具体运思期

14.Accounting policies are referred as the specific principles and methods used in business accounting.会计政策是企业在进行会计核算时遵循的具体原则,以及具体会计处理方法。

15.Genetic Algorithm Survey and Development of Toolbox of Genetic Algorithm;遗传算法研究及遗传算法工具箱开发

16.of or relating to or having the characteristics of an algorithm.算法的、与算法相关的或者具有算法的特点。

17.This paper has presented a method for calculating the damage tensor of rock mass with mulit-set of joints.本文介绍了一种具有多组节理系统的岩体的损伤张量的计算方法。

18.In the end, this paper introduced the application of the algorithm in Question Answering System( QAS).最后,介绍了该算法在中文问答系统中的具体应用。


Substantialization of "Ruling by Law走向具体法治

3)detailed translation methods具体用法

1.By giving some examples,thedetailed translation methods of "it" in English-Chinese sci-tech translation are explored from the angle of translation from English to Chinese.首先阐述了翻译及英汉科技翻译的定义及其作用,然后通过举例的方式,从英译汉的角度探讨了"it"在科技翻译中的一些具体用法。

4)specific algorithm具体算法

5)concrete method具体方法

1.This text emphasizes to discuss the types of the bad studying habit of the students and the expressions in the southern mountain area of Haiyuan county in Ningxia,the author elaborated its formative main reasons,then definitely put forward the basic principles for the students to follow and pointed out theconcrete methods in order to get rid of their bad studying habits.本文着重分析了宁夏南部山区海原县职业学校学生不良学习习惯的主要类型及其表现,并对其形成的主要原因做了简要阐述,提出了解决其不良学习习惯应遵循的基本原则,指出了解决的具体方法。

6)specific methods具体方法


《丹溪心法治要》《丹溪心法治要》 《丹溪心法治要》 综合性医书。八卷。元·朱震亨述,明·高叔宗校正。此书原为朱氏门人整理而成,明嘉靖间高氏予以校正重刻。全书论述了以内科杂病为主,兼有外科、妇产科、儿科、五官、口腔等多科病证。介绍治法比较具体,选方颇精,并附医案。确实在一定程度上反映出朱丹溪的学术思想。本书宜于《丹溪心法》、《脉因证治》、《活法机要》等书互相参阅。1909年肖树霖又予重校刊行。
