700字范文 > 婴儿发育 infant development英语短句 例句大全

婴儿发育 infant development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-29 07:07:03


婴儿发育 infant development英语短句 例句大全

婴儿发育,infant development

1)infant development婴儿发育

1.Mother-to-infant HBV transmission andinfant development in pregnant women during lamivudine therapy:a retrospective investigation of 15 cases;拉米夫定治疗期间15例妊娠妇女母婴HBV传播及婴儿发育的回顾性调查


1.Multicentre Infant Growth Reference Study多中心婴儿发育基准研究

2.The value of ultrasonography in diagnosis of DDH超声诊断婴儿发育性髋关节异常的价值

3.Effect of early education on infant intelligence development.;早期教育对婴儿智能发育的影响研究

4.He"s just an overgrown baby.他只是个发育过速的婴儿。

5.A Correlation Study Among Infants Temperament,Home Environment and Development;婴儿气质、家庭环境与发育的相关研究

6.The Analysis of Influence on Touching to Infant Neuropsychological Development抚触对婴儿神经心理发育影响的分析

7.Research Progress in Complementary Feeding for Infants婴幼儿辅食添加对其生长发育的影响

8.Effect of massage on the growth and development of babies aged under 6 months抚触对0~6个月婴儿生长发育的影响

9.Relationship between feeding pattern and intelligence development of infants婴儿喂养方式与智能发育关系的研究

10.Growth and psychomotor development of children conceived by IVF or ICSI试管婴儿在婴幼儿期体格和精神运动发育状况分析

11.The stages of development for a baby are zygote, embryo, and fetus.婴儿的发育阶段有受精卵、胚胎、然后是胎儿。

12.Development of Intraorbital EOMs Pulleys in Late Trimester of Pregnancy and Infants;孕晚期胎儿及婴幼儿眶内眼外肌Pulley系统的发育

13.Correlation research on neonatal asphyxia and infant intelligence development新生儿窒息与婴幼儿智力发育相关性研究

14.The Effects of Early Education on the Mental Development in Infants;早期教育对婴幼儿神经心理发育影响的研究

15.Effects of Early Education on the intelligence development in infants126例婴幼儿早期教育对智能发育的影响分析

16.To care for or nurture in infancy.抚养在婴儿期照料或养育婴儿

17.The medical study of the life and development of fetuses and infants during the perinatal period.胎儿医学对于产期婴儿或胎儿生长发育进行的医学研究

18.Be certain this are the principle with infantile the most important education and jumping-off place.坚信这一点是婴儿教育最重要的原则和出发点。


Development of infants婴幼儿发育

3)physical growth of infants婴儿体格发育

4)Infant Behavior and Development婴儿行为与发育

5)baby grid婴儿发育表格

6)the growth of a baby婴儿的发育成长


膀胱不发育与发育不全膀胱不发育与发育不全aplasia and agenesis of bladder膀胱不发育与发育不全均罕见。膀胱不发育常并发上尿路及其他系统严重畸形,故为死产或生后不久死亡。在女性有因输尿管直接开口于前庭、阴道,呈完全性尿失禁而存活者。膀胱发育不全也多因并发严重畸形于生后不久死亡,若有生存的病例则与双侧单一输尿管口异位问题相似。
