700字范文 > 就业影响因素 impact factor of job searching英语短句 例句大全

就业影响因素 impact factor of job searching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-16 16:34:08


就业影响因素 impact factor of job searching英语短句 例句大全

就业影响因素,impact factor of job searching

1)impact factor of job searching就业影响因素

1.Based on national scale graduate survey data sets conducted in , and ,this paper has given a statistic comparative analysis on rate of placement,starting salary,distribution,impact factor of job searching,method of job searching,and the level of job satisfaction.本文利用、和三次全国高校毕业生的抽样调查数据,从就业落实率、就业起薪、就业分布、就业影响因素、求职过程和结果等方面进行统计分析,在归纳和总结我国高校毕业生就业特点与变化趋势的基础上,提出了相应的政策建议。


1.Employment of College Graduates Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Factors;大学毕业生就业影响因素的比较分析

2.An Analysis of Factor Affecting Employment of Graduates in 高校毕业生就业影响因素分析

3.Employment Effective Elements of Fine Arts Graduates and Countermeasures;美术专业毕业生就业影响因素及解决对策

4.The Employment Elasticity in the Process of Economy Growth of China: Affecting Factors and Employment Evaluation;中国就业弹性的决定因素及就业影响

5.Teaching Factors Affecting the Occupation-taking-up of Graduates from Institutions of Higher Learning;影响高校毕业生就业的教学因素研究

6.Reemployment of the Unemployed and Its Influential Factors;失业者再就业行为及其影响因素分析

7.Analyse On Factor of Influencing the Urgency of GraduatesEmployment;影响大学毕业生就业迫切性因素浅析

8.The Analysis of Individual Factors Influencing the College Graduates" Job-hunting大学毕业生就业的个体影响因素分析

9.Research on Female College Students Employment and the Factors;女大学生就业问题及其影响因素研究

10.The Analysis of the Employment Factor in the Opening Environment of Hubei;开放环境下影响湖北就业的因素分析

11.Employment elasticity change and influencing factor on Jilin Province;吉林省就业弹性变化及影响因素分析

12.Analysis of the Economic Elements to Influence Collegians Employment;影响我国大学生就业的经济因素分析

13.Factors Influencing University Students Employment and the Corresponding Strategies;影响大学生就业因素及对策目标研究

14.Key factors on employment of Junior college graduate of Gan SU;影响甘肃专科生就业的几个关键因素

15.Problems,Influence Factors and Coping Strategies of Deaf College Students Employment;聋人大学生就业问题、影响因素及对策

16.An Exploration on the Irrational Factors Influencing Job Attaining of Graduates from Higher Vocational Institutions;影响高职学生就业的非理性因素探析

17.The Factors Affecting Job Creation in the Transforming Period;转型时期影响就业的因素和应对措施

18.Discuss the Major Factors Effected of Labors Finding Job in Our Country;试论影响我国劳动力就业的主要因素


The influential factors of reemployment再就业行为影响因素

3)employment influencingfactor就业影响因子

4)employment influence就业影响

1.The importance and feasibility ofemployment influence studies of M&A in China are discussed,.回顾了兼并时机实证研究主要成果和最新动向,对其方法加以总结;介绍和评价两种兼并动机实证研究方法及相关结论;总结了国外兼并绩效实证研究主要结论和近期成果,并重点述评国内研究的方法和特点;阐述兼并就业影响实证研究的重要价值及其在国内开展的可行性;并提出了研究展望。

5)Occupational Influence Factors职业影响因素

6)determinants of entrepreneurial intention创业影响因素


