700字范文 > 休闲观念 concept of leisure英语短句 例句大全

休闲观念 concept of leisure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-16 22:04:34


休闲观念 concept of leisure英语短句 例句大全

休闲观念,concept of leisure

1)concept of leisure休闲观念

1.Liang shiqiu s outlook on life has many greatconcept of leisure.当下,梁实秋受到人们的喜爱,这是因为梁实秋人生观和散文中有浓厚的休闲思想,是一种贵族式的休闲观念。


1.The Effects of Folk Sports Culture on Leisure Sport Concepts of Urban Residents;民俗体育文化对城镇居民体育休闲观念的影响

parison of Chinese traditional leisure culture and Hesperian leisure values;中国传统休闲文化与西方休闲价值观

3.The Mode of Leisure: Human Beings Way of Enjoying and Developing:With a Discussion on the Humanistic Functions of Leisure Culture and the Transformation of Societal Values;休闲方式:人的享受和发展方式——兼论休闲文化的人性功能及社会价值观念的革新

4.The Application of Taiwan Leisure Agriculture Idea to Minnan Leisure Agriculture;台湾休闲农业理念对闽南休闲农业的启示

5.Discussion on the Leisure Sport Idea in the Fields of Vision of City Essence;城市本质视野中的休闲体育理念论析

6.Impact of Humanity Olympics Idea on Leisure Sports in China“人文奥运”理念对中国休闲体育的影响

7.From a personnel perspective, people realize that the concepts and contents of leisure are changing fast like other changes the society is experiencing.以一个个人观点来看,人们认识到休闲的理念和内容变化的太快就像社会上的其他变化。

8.The Relationship among Leisure Motivation、Leisure Satisfaction and SWB in College Students;大学生休闲动机、休闲满意度与主观幸福感的关系

9.Devealopment potertial eualuation of agricalture zone for leisure and tourism--An instan a sfudy of Beijing entertainment orchand观光休闲农业园旅游发展潜力评估——以北京市休闲果园为例

10.On the Effect to Subjective Well-being from Leisure Sports Activities;论休闲体育活动对主观幸福感的影响

11.Study on the Planning Thought and Methods of Sightseeing Leisure Agriculture;观光休闲农业策划的思路和方法研究

12.The Research on the Sustainable Development of Leisure & Sightseeing Agriculture in Beijing北京市休闲观光农业可持续发展研究

13.Work and Leisure:Conflict and Integration of Values休闲与劳动——价值观的冲突与整合

14.Some sportswear ideas, like the leisure suit, never caught on.一些运动服的概念像休闲服一样从未被理解。

15.Research on the Integration of City Spatial Form Based on the Idea of Leisure;基于休闲理念的杭州城市空间形态整合研究

16.On the Theory of "Zoology Leisure" and Its Application of Living Circumstances;论生态休闲理念及其在人居环境建设中的应用

17.Study of the Space Environment Issues in Hangzhou Old Urban District Based on the Idea of Leisure City;“休闲城市”理念下杭州老城区空间环境问题研究

18.Survey of Modern Value of Taijiquan in the Leisure Aspect;从休闲理念的角度探讨太极拳的时代价值


leisure ideas休闲理念

1.Exploration ways of the public greenbelts based on theleisure ideas;基于城市休闲理念的公园绿地开发途径——以上海市为例


1.Situation ofleisure agriculture in Zhejiang and countermeasures for its development;浙江休闲观光农业现状评价与发展对策

4)Sightseeing/leisure tour观光休闲

5)Relaxation landscape休闲景观

6)landscape and leisure area景观休闲区

1.This paper introduces the integer planning and layout pattern of Suzhou industrial park,illustrates the planning and layout concept of each function area as residential area,industrial park,landscape and leisure area,public utilities land-use and greenbelt,and discusses the concept of road planning,in order to offer experience for the planning of post-transcendent cities.介绍了苏州工业园区的整体规划布局模式,阐述了居住区、工业区、景观休闲区、公共设施用地、绿地等各功能区的规划布局理念,论述了道路规划理念,以期为后发赶超型的城市规划提供经验。


