700字范文 > 急倾斜煤层 steep seam英语短句 例句大全

急倾斜煤层 steep seam英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-01 18:25:03


急倾斜煤层 steep seam英语短句 例句大全

急倾斜煤层,steep seam

1)steep seam急倾斜煤层

1.Repetitive mining subsidence with thick soil layers andsteep seam;厚冲积层急倾斜煤层群开采重复采动下的开采沉陷

2.Similar material simulation study on the mining overburden movement law insteep seam;急倾斜煤层开采上覆岩层运动规律模拟研究

3.Model and its application on the evaluation of degree of difficulty of top coal caving insteep seam;急倾斜煤层顶煤可放性评价模型及应用


1.Study on Gateway Top Caving Technology for Steep-inclined Coal Seam急倾斜煤层巷道放顶煤回采工艺研究

2.Study of Overburden Water Flowing Fractured Zone Height of Steep Seam Mining急倾斜煤层覆岩导水裂隙带高度研究

3.Study on Technology of Top-coal Caving Mining of Lane Pillar in 3.5~10m Steeply Inclined Coal Seam;3.5~10m急倾斜煤层巷柱式放顶煤开采技术研究

4.Research on Reasonable Dimension of Protective Pillar for Cross-cutin Steeply Inclined Coal Seam急倾斜煤层石门保护煤柱合理尺寸研究

5.Exploration and Application of Support Methods in Half Coal Rock Roadway in Steep Coal Seam急倾斜煤层半煤岩巷支护方法的探索与应用

6.Study on Installation of Fully-mechanized Coal Mining Equipments in Steep Coal Seam急倾斜煤层综合机械化采煤设备安装的研究

7.Research on Damage Mechanism of Floor Rock in Mining Steeply Inclined Coal Seam急倾斜煤层开采底板岩层破坏机理研究

8.Application of Protecting Sides in Steep Coal Seam with Large Inclined Angle in No.3 Mining Area in Xintie Coal Mine大倾角急倾斜煤层护帮在新铁煤矿三采区的应用

9.Study on Overburden Strata"s Movement Pattern and Mechanism of Mining Steeply Inclined Seams;急倾斜煤层采动覆岩移动模式及机理研究

10.Research on the Rule of Surface Movement and Deformation Caused by Strip Mining in Steep Seam;急倾斜煤层条带开采地表移动与变形规律研究

11.Study on Numerical Simulation of Ground Movement in Steep Coal Seam Mining;急倾斜煤层开采地表变形的数值模拟研究

12.Study on Time Process of Ground Movement in Steep Coal Seam Mining;急倾斜煤层开采地表移动时间过程研究

13.The Study on Rockburst and Prevention by Water Injection in Steep Coal Seam of Datai Coal Mine;大台井急倾斜煤层冲击地压及注水防治研究

14.Study on the Technique of Gas Drainage Along the Striking in Steep Seam Gob;急倾斜煤层采空区瓦斯抽采技术的研究

15.Study of Surrounding Rock Movement of Steep Seam under Pore-water Pressure;孔隙水压作用下急倾斜煤层围岩运动规律研究

16.Analysis of Mining Steeply Inclined Coal Seam with Bursting Risk in Small Colliery小煤矿急倾斜突出煤层开采方法探析

17.Support Technology of Roadways Driving in Steep Middle Thick Coal Seam急倾斜、中厚煤层巷道掘进支护技术

18.Safety top-coal-caving of heavy and steep coal seams under complex environment复杂环境下急倾斜特厚煤层安全开采


steep coal seam急倾斜煤层

1.Determination of local caving rule insteep coal seam repeated mining and safe mining height;急倾斜煤层复采抽冒规律与安全开采高度确定

2.In order to predict the mining effect and choice the technical decision,the comprehensive evaluation onsteep coal seams was taken.为了预测急倾斜煤层开采的效果和决策辅助技术,对急倾斜煤层可采工艺性进行综合评价。

3.The paper summarised technology for guick-equiping and withdrawing powered support is suitable forsteep coal seam and is ripe experience.总结了液压支架快速安装与回撤技术,该技术适用于急倾斜煤层,且已日趋成熟。

3)steeply inclined coal seam急倾斜煤层

1.Based on the analysis of problems in slope mining insteeply inclined coal seam in Datai Mine, 3 improvement projects were put forward according to on-the-spot application status.分析了大台矿急倾斜煤层斜坡式开采存在的问题,结合现场应用情况,提出3种改进方案,条件适宜时,配合机械化水平的提高,可提高生产效率和经济效益。

2.Aimed at thesteeply inclined coal seam of Datai Mine,practicable prevention measures are put forward and better effective is obtained.结合大台井急倾斜煤层提出了相应的切合实际的防治措施,如防治冲击矿压的钻孔布置、注水设备的选择、注水工艺参数的确定等,收到了较好的实效。

3.Based on the #403 face entry of Guandi coal mine,the characters ofsteeply inclined coal seam entry maintenance is introduced.以官地矿403工作面回采巷道为工程背景,介绍了急倾斜煤层巷道的维护特点,分析了该巷道的支护难题。

4)steeply inclined seam急倾斜煤层

1.Aimed at the character of thesteeply inclined seam,the reasonable roadway arrange,production technology and safety measure are used.针对急倾斜煤层的特点,采用合理的巷道布置、生产工艺和安全措施,通过现场实际开采,摸索经验,实施巷道长壁长孔爆破采煤法,为今后急倾斜煤层开采寻找安全之路。

2.By force of pratise of +615 m 49 coal in Xiaohua coal mine,the text introduces mina points of no-stumping technoloy insteeply inclined seam mining,by laying manual seam roof,the coal recovery rate will be increased,and visible economic benefit will be tokenout.介绍急倾斜煤层无煤柱开采工艺技术要点,通过小华矿+615 m区段49#工作面实践,铺设人工假顶,提高资源回收率,取得明显经济效益。

5)steeply inclined and extremely thick coal seam急倾斜特厚煤层

1.Frequent and violent underground pressure behavior and dynamic disaster made roadways deform and damage instantaneously in full-mechanized caving mining face with horizontal sections insteeply inclined and extremely thick coal seam.针对急倾斜特厚煤层水平分段综放工作面回采巷道频繁出现强烈矿压显现和动力灾害造成巷道瞬间变形破坏现象,通过现场测试和理论分析研究动力灾害发生机理,采取综合防治措施,很好地解决了动力灾害问题,促进了矿井安全生产。

6)inclined coal seams急倾斜煤层群


急喉闭急喉闭 急喉闭 病名。指各种原因所致的咽喉迅速肿起,闭塞不通。该病甚急,可先切开气管,再以辨证治之。参见紧喉风条。
