700字范文 > 预测建模 predictive modeling英语短句 例句大全

预测建模 predictive modeling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-15 23:09:46


预测建模 predictive modeling英语短句 例句大全

预测建模,predictive modeling

1)predictive modeling预测建模

1.Predictive Modeling Method of Gini Coefficient and Its Application in Beijing Economic Development Analysis;基尼系数的预测建模方法及在北京市经济发展分析中的应用

2.Traditional approach topredictive modeling of large-scale sequential curves is to build model separately according to every curve,which causes heavy and complicated modeling work inevitably.传统方法解决大规模时序曲线的预测建模问题,需要对每条曲线逐一建模,使得建模工作量相当庞大,在实际应用中缺乏可操作性。


1.Research on single forecast model screening for combination forecast modeling组合预测建模中单项预测模型筛选研究

2.Evaluation and Predictive Modeling on Epidemic Situation of SARS;SARS疫情的状态评估和预测建模研究

3.Forecasting Modeling Based on Neural Network of Multivariable Coupling System多变量耦合系统的神经网络预测建模

4.Evaluation on Prognosis and Construction of Hazard Model in Colorectal Cancer结直肠癌预后评估及预测模型的建立

5.The Study of SARIMA Model and the Application in Loan Forecast;SARIMA模型的建模及其信贷预测分析

6.Novel grey forecasting model and its modeling mechanism一种新的灰色预测模型及其建模机理

7.Econometrics Model for Analyzing and Forecasting in Provincial Scale in China省级经济计量模型的建立与预测分析

8.RNA Secondary Structure Prediction Modeling and Application Study;RNA二级结构预测的建模及其应用研究

9.Research on the GARCH Model to Predict System Marginal Price;系统边际电价预测的GARCH建模

10.Study on Predicting the Quantity of Construction Land Demand in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;内蒙古自治区建设用地规模预测研究

11.Modeling and Prediction of Fire Cost Based on Neural Networks;基于神经网络的火灾损失建模与预测

12.Modeling and Forecasting of Different Types of Vehicle Population in Guangzhou;广州市机动车分类保有量建模与预测

13.The Forecast Model of Fujian s Per capita GDP and its Application;福建省人均GDP预测模型及其应用

14.GMDH modeling and forecasting based on local linear kernel estimation;基于局部线性核估计的GMDH建模及预测

15.Building up Default Predicting Model based on Logistic Model and Misclassification Loss;考虑误判损失的Logistic违约预测模型构建

16.The Application of ARIMA Model in Forecasting of Fujian s GDP;ARIMA模型在福建省GDP预测中的应用

17.Discussion on some Basic Prediction Methods about Mathematical Models;数学建模的几种基本预测方法的探讨

18.Bayes Prediction Model for Short-Term Loan Default;企业短期贷款违约预测Bayes模型构建


forecast modeling预测建模

1.Based on the historical data,aforecast modeling method for structural equation model was discussed,where the future relationship between the system factors was described without future sample.提出一种结构方程模型的动态预测建模方法,从而可以在无须未来样本数据的情况下,预测系统要素之间未来的因果关系。

2.Aiming at a hard problem to crack for theforecast modeling for flight accident rates,the forecast model of flight accident rates is established by using of the LS-SVM method based on statistical learning theory.针对飞行事故率预测建模难的问题,基于统计学习理论,采用LS-SVM方法,建立了飞行事故率的预测模型。

3)forecast model预测建模

1.A new machine learning method—support vector machine (SVM) is used tobuildforecast models on the nonstationary time series in this paper, and theapplication in weather prediction field by this method is tested and analyzed aswell.全文分为以下三个部分:在论文的第一部分中,我们系统地介绍了支持向量机方法的基本思想、特点、回归方法的内容、预测建模思路以及支持向量机学习建模软件平台等。

4)model and forecast建模和预测

5)modeling and forecasting建模与预测

1.An RBF neural network based method for stocks marketmodeling and forecasting is presented,and a hierarchical genetic algorithm is proposed to train network parameters such as RBF centers,widths,connection weights and the configuration.对上证综指和个股 (伊利股份 )的建模与预测结果表明 ,该训练方法使 RBF神经网络具有很强的学习与泛化能力 ,它在股市这样一个复杂的非线性随机系统建模中具有很高应用价

2.This paper presents a method for stock marketmodeling and forecasting based on fuzzy neural network, genetic algorithm is used to learn the connection weights of the fuzzy neural network and partitions of fuzzy subsets.提出一种基于模糊神经网络的股票市场建模与预测方法,并采用遗传算法训练网络权值及模糊子集的划分。

6)forecasting modeling建模的预测


