700字范文 > 征地补偿分配纠纷 dispute of compensation for expropriated land英语短句 例句大全

征地补偿分配纠纷 dispute of compensation for expropriated land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-23 17:15:39


征地补偿分配纠纷 dispute of compensation for expropriated land英语短句 例句大全

征地补偿分配纠纷,dispute of compensation for expropriated land

1)dispute of compensation for expropriated land征地补偿分配纠纷


1.Processing on new Dissension of Compensation for Land Expropriation;新型征地补偿分配纠纷的处理办法探析

2.Discussion On Trying Cases of Assigning Dispute Caused Land Levid Compensatory Funds;土地征收补偿款分配纠纷案件审理探讨

3.A Reflection on Dispute of Allocation of Chinese Rural Land Requisition Compensation Fee对中国农村征地补偿费分配纠纷的思考

4.Legal Sociological Analysis on Dispute between Married Women and Their Brothers;陕北P村女客和男户土地征用补偿款纠纷之法社会学分析

5.Research on the Village-level Distribution of Expropriated Payments Base on the Rational Behavior;基于理性行动的征地补偿款村级分配研究

6.Research on the Margin of the Price and the Compensation for Land Acquisition in China Based on the Perspective of Land Property Rights Value Distribution我国征地补偿出让价差成因分析——基于土地产权价值分配的角度

7.The Compensation Mechanism Study on Land Acquisition--View from the Employment Compensation中国征地补偿机制——基于就业补偿视角分析

ments on the Location of Judicial Saving on Existing Pulling-down Compensation and Residents Disputes;现行拆迁补偿安置纠纷司法救济定位评析

pensation for Land Expropriation and Coordinate Development of Urban and Rural Areas--Based on Marx"s Land Rent Theory征地补偿与城乡协调发展——基于马克思地租理论的征地补偿分析

10.The Land Expropriation Compensation to the Same Price with the Rational Analysis土地征收补偿之同地同价的理性分析

11.The Problems of Land Expropriation Compensations and Benefit Segmentation in Beijing;北京市征地补偿与利益分割问题研究

12.Land Requisition in China:Economic Analysis and Policy Recommendation;中国征地补偿制度的经济分析及征地改革建议

13.On the Dispute of Rural Collective Economic Earnings Distributions农村集体经济组织收益分配纠纷探析

14.The Land Confiscation Conflict in the Perspective of Social Conflict Theory;社会冲突理论视野里的农村征地纠纷

15.Analysis of solving the dispute during the rural land acquisition浅析中国农村土地征收纠纷解决机制

16.Review on the Compensation Scope, Standard and Method of Land Requisition System;论征地补偿范围、补偿标准及测算方法

17.A study on a case of compensation for tort and damage resulted from illegal date signing of the bill of lading;一起倒签提单侵权损害赔偿纠纷案例分析

18.The Analysis and Revelation from the Land Expropriation Compensation Theory in Some Countries (Areas);世界部分国家(地区)征地补偿理论分析与借鉴


Disputes of land acquisition and demolition征地拆迁纠纷

3)Land collection dispute土地征收纠纷

4)compensation dispute赔偿纠纷

1.It was proposed that sports insurance was the best way to settle school sports injurycompensation disputes.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和案例分析法对学校体育伤害事故赔偿与学校体育保险救济问题进行研究,分析后认为,体育保险将是解决学校体育伤害事故赔偿纠纷的有效途径。

5)compensation in land expropriation征地补偿

1.IRegarded as the core issue of land expropriation, thecompensation in land expropriation is correlated with the benefit of peasants whose land was expropriated and the smooth process of land expropriation.征地补偿作为征地过程中的核心问题,直接关系到被征地农民的利益与征地工作能否顺利进行。

2.Regarded as the core issue of land expropriation, thecompensation in land expropriation is correlated with the benefit of peasants whose land was expropriated and the smooth process of land expropriation.征地补偿作为征地过程中的核心问题,直接关系到被征地农民的利益与征地工作的顺利进行。

6)land compensation征地补偿

1.Land requisition system came into beings starting at planned economy, andland compensation as one of the most important issues of land requisition system, which always been a hot topic between theoretician and land management department this branch of government.征地补偿作为征地制度中最关键的一环,一直以来是理论界和土地管理部门研究的热点问题。

2.Such disadvantages as low standard and simplified mode of compensation exist in ourland compensation system,and the new criteria ofland compensation to be implemented has not made essential change.我国现行征地补偿标准存在补偿标准低和模式单一等缺陷,国土资源部即将出台的新征地补偿标准也仅是在补偿倍数上进行调整,并没有进行质的改变。

3.Because of the speeding progress ofland compensation and the increasing of the number of the farmers who has been losing their land,the conflicts between the governmental land requisition behaviors and the farmers’ interests make the relationship of the two become tenser and tenser.由于征地进程的加快和失地农民的增多,政府征地与农民利益的关系日益紧张,本文针对征地制度存在的问题,并对导致问题的原因进行了探析,提出了如何完善征地补偿机制的一些建议。


