700字范文 > 耕地重点保护区 key protected region of cultivated land英语短句 例句大全

耕地重点保护区 key protected region of cultivated land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-16 10:48:17


耕地重点保护区 key protected region of cultivated land英语短句 例句大全

耕地重点保护区,key protected region of cultivated land

1)key protected region of cultivated land耕地重点保护区


1.Division of key cultivated land regions based on calculation of comprehensive productivity in Hebei province基于综合生产能力核算的河北省耕地重点保护区划定

2.Key Farmland Regions Division and Regulation in Hebei Province;河北省耕地保护重点区域的划分与调控

3.Soil Quality Characteristics and Protection Countermeasures of Cultivated Land in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone成渝经济区的耕地土壤质量特点及保护对策

4.Research Progress and Management of Dynamic Change of Farmland Resources in Wanzhou District;重庆市万州区耕地资源的动态变化及保护对策

5.Urban Fringe Area of Arable Land Protection Decision Analysis--Shuangxi Village of Jiangbei District of Chongqing as an Example城市边缘区耕地保护决策分析——以重庆市江北区双溪村为例

6.On Cultivated- land Protection in View of Anhui Land Resources;从安徽省土地资源的特点论耕地保护



9.Cultivated Land Use Change and Protecting Exploitation Ways in Three Gorges Reservoir Area--A Case Study at Zhongxian County of Chongqing City;三峡库区耕地利用变化及保护开发途径——以重庆市忠县为例

10.Studies on the Protection of the Arable Land and Basic Farmland in Low Mountains and Hills Area--A case study of Huangshan City in Anhui Povince;低山丘陵区耕地与基本农田保护研究

11.Preliminary Imagine for Construction of Regional Compensation Mechanism of Cultivated Land Preservation;对构建耕地保护区域补偿机制的设想

12.The Current Situation of Cultivated Land and Countermeasure of Protection in Xiangxi Karst Mountain Area;湘西喀斯特山区耕地现状及保护对策

13.Current Situation and Conservation Strategy of Ancient and Famous Tree Resource in Hangzhou杭州地区古树名木现状分析及保护重点

14.As farmers deserve state protection of farmland, these people trample serious dereliction of duty.作为农民的耕地应受到国家重点保护,可他们这些人肆意践踏,严重失职。

15.Reconstruction of Cultivated Land Utilization Benefit System and Economic Compensation Mechanism of Cultivated Land Protection耕地利用效益体系与耕地保护的经济补偿机制重构

16.Study on Cultivated Land Protection and Influence Mechanism in the Yangtze River Delta Area;长三角地区耕地保护影响机制与对策研究

17.Study on protecting measure of the cultivated land and the primary farmland in Bijie,Guizhou province;毕节地区耕地和基本农田的利用与保护

18.Discussion on cultivated land protection in the process of new village reconstruction in the west part of China;西部地区新农村建设中的耕地保护问题


cultivated land protection耕地保护

1.Study on thecultivated land protection from perspective of the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers in China;从“三农”问题视角解读我国的耕地保护问题

2.Research on Urbanization Process and Cultivated Land Protection in Yunnan Province;云南省城镇化进程及耕地保护研究

3)Farmland protection耕地保护

1.Analysis on the Contradiction between Ceiling Price in the Process of Land Expropriation and Farmland Protection;土地征收最高限价与耕地保护的矛盾关系分析

2.The Analysis on Countermeasures to Farmland Protection Contradictions in Kaiping;开平市耕地保护矛盾与对策分析

3.Research on Farmland Protection in the Rapid Urbanization Process;快速城市化进程中耕地保护问题研究

4)Protection of cultivated land耕地保护

1.The article Analyses the difficulty of the protection of cultivated land based on understanding the contradiction between fast increasing of economy and lacking of cultivated land resources in economy fast developing area.从平湖市的经济快速增长与耕地资源短缺一对现实矛盾出发,分析了目前经济快速发展地区耕地保护的难点,并提出了耕地保护的长期发展策略和近期对策。

2.As it is difficult to resolve the contradiction between protection of cultivated land and development of township, the way to resolve one is taking development of township with economizing land.小城镇发展与耕地保护是一对不易克服的矛盾。

5)protection of cultivated land保护耕地

6)arable land protection耕地保护

1.The analysis ofarable land protection in Chinese metropolitan areas:a case study of Shanghai;我国大都市地区耕地保护问题分析——以上海市为例

2.This paper puts forward a basic framework for studies on grain security andarable land protection in Shanxi Province.提出了山西省粮食安全及耕地保护研究的基本框架,对山西省耕地资源、粮食需求量和耕地区域生产潜力做了研究,对粮食安全和耕地阀值进行了计算,对粮食和耕地变化提出高、中、低3个方案进行预测后认为:全省耕地应保持在410万hm2,耕地应保持在420万hm2。

3.The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for policy making and implementation ofarable land protection in Beijing by reviewing internation al experience onarable land protection and by summarizing domestic characters a nd development trends.研究目的:借鉴国外农用地保护先进经验,总结国内农地保护发展特点和趋势,为北京市耕地保护政策的制定和实施提供参考。


耕地耕地cultivated landgengdI耕地 (cultivatedl lalia’)经人们开发用以种植农作物、蔬菜、花卉的土地。根据《土地利用现状调查技术规程》(全国农业区划委员会,1984年)中土地利用分类含义,耕地还包括新垦荒地、休闲地、轮歇地、草田轮作地和粮林间作种植农作物的土地,以及种植农作物3年以上的滩地和海涂,也包括中国南方宽<1.0米,北方宽<2.0米的沟、渠、路、田埂(参见彩图插页第25页)。棉花地(陈百明摄)耕地是土地的精华。1991年,全世界耕地只占世界土地总面积的11.26%(《中国农业自然资源数据汇编》,全国农业区划办公室)。在中国,耕地面积约占国土面积的9.96%(统计数),按耕地面积调查数计算,也不过占13.19%-。分布在平原地区的耕地约占53%,分布在丘陵山区约占47%。按耕地类型可划分为水田和旱地。其中,旱地又可分为水浇地和依靠自然降水种植农作物的旱地。中国灌溉地(含水田和水浇地)面积占全国耕地面积的51.6%,比例之高,为世界之冠。按耕地生产力可划分为高、中、低产田。据全国农业后备资源调查,中国高产田面积占全国耕地面积28.7%,中、低产田占71.3%。中国耕地资源十分短缺,耕地后备资源也很少。由于经济发展,国家基建、乡村集体、农民个人建房和农业结构调整,占用了大量耕地,耕地日益减少,人均占有耕地据1望抖年统计,已降到1.2亩。耕地是农业生产的基本生产资料,要珍惜耕地,开发利用必须与保护相结合,促使其永续利用。(梁佩谦)
