700字范文 > 体育竞赛表演业 Sports performance industry英语短句 例句大全

体育竞赛表演业 Sports performance industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-06 06:36:25


体育竞赛表演业 Sports performance industry英语短句 例句大全

体育竞赛表演业,Sports performance industry

1)Sports performance industry体育竞赛表演业

1.The conclusion is that sports performance industry and sports fitness and entertainment industry should be decided on as guiding sports .结果表明:现阶段海峡西岸体育产业的发展应选择体育健身娱乐业和体育竞赛表演业作为海峡西岸的体育主导产业。


1.Study on International Competitiveness of Sport Performance Industry in Shanghai;上海市体育竞赛表演业国际竞争力研究

2.The Organizational Mechanism of Professional Sports Competitive Performance Industry in China我国职业体育竞赛表演业的组织机制研究

3.Study on the Theory and Method of International Competitiveness of Shanghai Sport Event Industry;上海市体育竞赛表演业国际竞争力研究理论与方法

4.Status and Role of Government in Sport Event Exhibition Industry--Taking Shanghai as an Example;政府在发展体育竞赛表演业中的地位和作用——以上海市为例

5.Study on the Key Competitiveness of Shanghai Sport Event Industry--Comparing with the World Metropolitan cities of New York, London & Paris;上海市体育竞赛表演业竞争力的核心——与世界城市纽约、伦敦、巴黎的比较分析

6.The Research on Macro-environment of China s Sports Competition Exhibition Match Industry Market;我国体育竞赛表演产业市场宏观环境研究

7.A Study of Performance Tendency in Pro-competition in Western Countries西方职业体育竞赛表演化发展趋势的研究

8.Economic causes of rapid growth of American and European sports competition performance industry;欧美体育竞赛表演产业快速增长的经济动因及其启示

9.Present situation and exploration research on sports competition performance market in China;我国体育竞赛表演市场的现状及开发研究

10.Research on the Professional Sports Market′s Value of Chinese Spectators for Difficult and Pretty Events;我国难美体育项目竞赛表演市场价值趋向分析

11.The Studies of the Development Countermeasures of Jiang Xi Province Sports Performance Market江西省体育竞赛表演市场发展对策研究

12.Analysis on Existing Problems of Sport Competition Market in Hebei Province河北省体育竞赛表演市场存在问题分析

13.Characteristics of Management System and Operation Patternin Competitive Performance Profession of China;中国竞赛表演业的管理体制及经营方式的特点

14.Give priority to the cultivation of the markets for physical fitness and amusement, competition demonstration, sports goods, network sports, sports publications and sports lottery.重点培育健身娱乐、竞赛表演、体育用品、网络体育、体育书刊、体育彩票市

15.A strategic approach to marketing of the athletic contest performance in universities in Hebei;河北省高校体育竞赛表演市场现状分析及发展对策

16.Analysis on the Current Problems with the Development of China s Sports Competition Exhibition Match Market;当前我国体育竞赛表演市场发展存在的问题分析

17.Social Factors Affecting the Market Development of Competition Demonstration in Hebei Province影响河北省体育竞赛表演市场发展的社会环境因素分析

18.Analysis on the Current Situation and Reason of Sports Performance Industry in Guangzhou City;广州市体育竞技表演业的现状及原因剖析


sports competition performance体育竞赛表演

1.Economic causes of rapid growth of American and Europeansports competition performance industry;欧美体育竞赛表演产业快速增长的经济动因及其启示

2.The result shows that the comprehensive physical laws should strengthen thesports competition performance norm and its supervision,clearly define the conditions of biding for the sport competition performance,stander the athletes and staff s behavior through legal agreement and administration of justice,strengthen the supervision of the sports competition financial management and stander the ath.对体育竞赛表演市场法律规范的现状及问题进行分析,研究认为,应明确申办体育竞赛表演多元主体的审核条件;应加强体育竞赛表演市场中监督管理的规范;应以契约合同和司法介入形式对体育竞赛表演者和工作者的行为进行规范;应加强对体育竞赛的财务的监督管理;应加强对体育竞赛表演质量的规范;也应加强综合性体育法规对体育竞赛表演市场的规范。

3)Competitional sports performance竞赛性体育表演

4)contest performance industry竞赛表演业

1.It is mainly thatcontest performance industry lags behind slowly;The sports level of consumption is not high;leading industry s mode of the market,etc.采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对中美日三国体育产业构成、产业模式及产业现状进行对比分析,指出中国体育产业市场发展缓慢原因主要是:竞赛表演业滞后,体育消费水平不高。

5)the Competitive Sport Industry体育竞技表演业

1.Discuss on Internal Division of Labor inthe Competitive Sport Industry;论体育竞技表演业的内部分工

6)Martial arts competition and performances industry武术竞赛表演业


表演性运动竞赛表演性运动竞赛exhibitional sports competition表演性运动竟赛(exhibitional sportscompetition)通过有韵律的、准确优美的身体动作或姿势来进行表演、表达思想感情的竞赛活动,如艺术体操、韵律体操、竞技体操、技巧、花样滑冰、水上舞蹈等。竞赛中不与对手直接接触或对抗,而是通过表演者难、新、美的动作或造型,创造性的表演能力来征服观众、战胜对手,故它是创造性的艺术性的运动技术竞争。表演性运动竟赛不仅要有准确、协调、有节奏的动作表达,还要有各种心理品质做基础,如对动作、姿势的正确表象,对身体各部位与动作的确切认知,敏锐的洞察力、想像力和灵活的思考力,丰富的情感、审美情操及表现美的能力,创新意识和强烈的表演欲望等。(刘淑慈撰马启伟审)
