700字范文 > 体育后进生 college students slow in sports英语短句 例句大全

体育后进生 college students slow in sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-15 00:54:15


体育后进生 college students slow in sports英语短句 例句大全

体育后进生,college students slow in sports

1)college students slow in sports体育后进生

1.Through the analysis of temperament characteristics of thecollege students slow in sports,the mental characteristics of individual,and the connection between the teaching activities in physical education and the temperament characteristics,we suggest that it be people-oriented and discriminative.通过对大学生"体育后进生"的气质类型、"个性"心理特征和"体育后进生"气质类型与体育教学活动关系的分析研究,提出矫正"体育后进生"的教育要"以人为体、区别对待";要"关心爱护、表扬激励";要"民主教学、团结协作";要"降低难度、培养兴趣"等教学对策,从而来帮助和提高"体育后进生"完成体育教学目标和任务。

2.This article chiefly explores the causes of the psychological barriers met in class by thecollege students slow in sports,and puts forward a series of correct strategies.通过对大学体育后进生在教学活动中心理障碍成因的探析 ,提出了矫正的对策。


1.Exploration on Transforming “Backward Students” in Physical Education;体育教学中转化“体育后进生”的措施探讨

2.The Research of College Female Negative Students at Physical Education;高校女生中"体育后进生"体育课程学习态度的研究

3.The Experiment Research of the Effects of Atribution Training on the Bad-done Students in Sports;归因训练对体育后进生成绩影响的实验研究

4.The Causes and Solutions of School sports Backward Students Psychological Disorder;中学体育后进生心理障碍成因及对策探析

5.Causes of Formation of the Gym Less Advanced Students In Ordinary College and Teaching Countermeasures;浅析普通高校体育后进生的成因及教学对策

6.Causes and Strategies of the Psychological Barriers of College Students Slow in Sports;大学体育后进生心理障碍的成因及对策

7.Inspirit on Enthusiasm of Some Self-contemptuous Students in P.E;从调整心态入手,调动体育后进生锻炼积极性

8.Study on Temperament Characteristics of Middle School Students with Poor in Sports对中学“体育后进生”气质类型分析与转化教育的思考及策略

9.The Strategy Study Analysis and Correction of Temperament Characteristics about College Students Slow in Sports;对大学“体育后进生”气质类型的分析及矫正对策研究

10.The Present Status Analysis and Interference Study of Body-Esteem、Satisfaction with Life and Social Support of Weak Students in P.E in University;大学体育后进生身体自尊、生活满意感与社会支持的现状分析及干预研究

11.A Brief Talk on How to Improve Slower Students in the Physical Educational Teaching of Teachers Colleges;浅谈高师体育教学中对后进生的转化

12.An organism that produces or generates offspring.母体生产或生育后代的生物体

13.Life Education: To Improve the Whole Generation of the Individual;生命教育:促进个体生命的整体生成

14.Explore of Appreciation Education and the Students Weak in Study Education;赏识教育与“后进生”教育问题的探究

15.Health Promotion of Educating Students in School Sports;学校体育在促进学生健康中教书育人

16.Making use of P.E Teaching of Institutions Promoting Students’ Mental Health;利用高校体育教育促进学生心理健康

17.Sports and Health Education for College Students;对大学生进行体育与健康教育的探讨

18.How to Train the Students Morally in Physical Education;体育教学中如何对学生进行品德教育


weak students in P.E in university大学体育后进生

3)disadvantaged student后进生教育

1.It is non-effective that educator understanddisadvantaged student superficially and merely correcting errors.为攻克这一难点,后进生教育的取向应由"纠错"转变为"扬善",即从后进生外显和内□的积极品质出发,运用"感受成功"、"光点扩张"、"竞选上岗"等策略,增强后进生学习和生话中的积极体验,促进积极人格的形成,最终实现所追求的人生理想。

4)P.E backward students体育落后生

5)backward students后进学生

1.It is significant for schools and society to do well in transformingbackward students in colleges and universities.做好高校后进学生的教育转化工作,对学校和社会都有着重要的意义。

6)backward student后进生

1.Study on the causes and changing countermeasures ofbackward students;后进生形成原因及转化对策探析

2.This paper analyses the characteristics and the causes of thebackward students in higher vocational colleges and brings forward some countermeasure本文对高职院校后进生进行剖析,并提出几方面的对策。

3.Owing to many causes, low self-efficacy makesbackward students lose learning confidence, poor in morality and school report, hard to get on with other people.由于许多原因,后进生的自我效 能感水平普遍低下,这是他们丧失学习信心、品德和学习成绩下降、人际关系恶化的主要原因。


