700字范文 > 情绪调控理解 the understanding of emotion regulation英语短句 例句大全

情绪调控理解 the understanding of emotion regulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-25 13:41:00


情绪调控理解 the understanding of emotion regulation英语短句 例句大全

情绪调控理解,the understanding of emotion regulation

1)the understanding of emotion regulation情绪调控理解

2)emotion regulation情绪调控

1.Emotion regulation teaching means, to evoke emotion sad enhance the study dynamics t0 improve students study and develop students?eagerness and fondness of study.体育教学中的情绪调控是在教学中激发情绪对体育学习的动力性的作用,以提高学生学习积极性,培养学生乐学、好学的情感性的教学手段。


1.On the Adjustment and Control of Students Sentimentsin Teaching Course of P.E;体育教学过程中学生情绪调控的探讨

2.The Theoretical Analysis of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and the Research That the University Student;理性情绪行为疗法理论分析及其对大学生抑郁情绪调控的研究

3.The Control of Feeling in Wushu Teatching of Female College Students;试论高校女生武术套路教学中的情绪调控

4.Simply Talking about the Control of Beginners Feeling in Wushu Teaching;浅谈武术套路教学中初学者的情绪调控

5.The Model on Regulation and Control of Free Combat Players" Pre-game Emotion论散打运动员赛前情绪调控模型的建立

6.A Mental Guidance for Volleyball Coaches in Competitions──Emotional Adjustment, Control and Concentration情绪调控和注意指向──排球教练员临场心理指导刍议

7.A Preliminary Study on Disinhibition in Rat Anterior Cingulate Cortex: One Possible Mechanism of Pain Emotion;大鼠前扣带皮层内去抑制的初步探索:痛情绪调控的可能机制

8.On Taking Care of the Students Mood in Basketball Teaching;浅谈如何调控篮球专业课学生的情绪

9.Discussion on Sports Activity Regulating Students Emotional Obstacle in Middle Schools;体育活动调控中学生情绪障碍的探讨

10.Emotion and Regulation of the Athletes in Wrestting;格斗类项目运动员的情绪状态与调控

11.Anxiety and Anxiety Control Strategies in Foreign Language Teaching;外语学习中的焦虑情绪及其调控策略

12.The Control of Students Anxiety about Singing in Vocal Group Lessons;声乐小组课上学生歌唱焦虑情绪的调控

13.Analysis and adjustment of students negative emotions in volleyball teaching;排球教学中学生负性情绪产生的原因及调控

14.On Adjustment and Control of Player’s Morale in Collegial Volleyball Match;高校排球比赛中队员的情绪调节与控制

15.Discussion on the Emotion Regulating and Controlling for the New Football Players in the Match;谈足球新队员在比赛时的情绪调节与控制

16.The Analysis of Emotional Characteristics of High School Student and Regulation of Negative Emotion In China;我国高中生的情绪特点及影响因素分析与调控

17.The Mood in Sportsman Teenagers Contest Lacks Proper Care and Control;青少年运动员竞赛中的情绪失调及其控制

18.On The Cause and Adjustment of Uncontrolling Mood of College Students;关于大学生个体情绪失控的成因及调适


emotion regulation情绪调控

1.Emotion regulation teaching means, to evoke emotion sad enhance the study dynamics t0 improve students study and develop students?eagerness and fondness of study.体育教学中的情绪调控是在教学中激发情绪对体育学习的动力性的作用,以提高学生学习积极性,培养学生乐学、好学的情感性的教学手段。

3)emotional control情绪调控

1.This situation requiresemotional control.公安院校教学任务日趋繁重,公安院校专业课程的特点是枯燥、乏味的,有小部分学员表现出消极、松懈、无兴趣,甚至厌学的情绪,这就需要情绪调控。

4)emotion understanding情绪理解

1.Theemotion understanding is an important component of theory of mind and it plays a key role in our social life.情绪理解是儿童心理理论能力中的一个重要组成部分,它在人们的社会交往中具有不容忽视的作用。

2.The present study was to explore the characteristics ofemotion understanding in children with learning disabilities(LD).本研究以90名学习障碍儿童和90名一般儿童为对象,采用表情图片和情境故事法,探讨学习障碍儿童情绪理解特点。

3.This study examined children s development of desire-belief understanding andemotion understanding of theory of mind,and discussed the relation between the abilities to understand desire-belief and emotion.考察了幼儿心理理论信念愿望理解与情绪理解的发展状况及相互关系。

5)the abilities of understanding and controlling to owner emotion对自身情绪理解和控制

6)adjusting and controlling of the mood-emotion情绪情感调控

1.The EQ is by self-cognitive ability, the ability ofadjusting and controlling of the mood-emotion, empathy , Human communication , psychological motive force of motive , will and encouraging myself combining together, etc.情商是由自我认知能力,情绪情感调控能力,移情能力,人际交往能力,动机、意志和自我激励相结合的心理动力等五方面的心理素质和能力构成。


