700字范文 > CAD软件 CAD software英语短句 例句大全

CAD软件 CAD software英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-08 01:55:11


CAD软件 CAD software英语短句 例句大全

CAD软件,CAD software

1)CAD softwareCAD软件

1.Development ofCAD software Based on Solid Works for Wood-matrix China Molding Die;基于Solid Works的木基陶瓷模具CAD软件开发

2.Solving the blank dimension of rotational drawing parts withCAD software;用CAD软件辅助求解旋转体拉深件的毛坯尺寸

3.CAD software development of prestressed lattice structure;预应力网格结构的CAD软件开发


1.SluiceCAD Software Development (SluiceCAD);水闸CAD软件研制(SluiceCAD)

2.The Development of CAD System for Sand Casting of Steel;铸钢件砂型铸造模具参数CAD软件开发

3.Three-dimensional CAD Software Animation Hydraulic Components基于三维CAD软件的液压元件动画制作

4.Developing and Research on CAD Software of Established track Lengthwise Section既有轨道纵断面CAD软件开发研究

5.A CAD System of Cam Mechanisms of Autolathe;自动车床凸轮机构CAD软件的研究开发

6.Study and Development of Multi-layer Fabric Structure and CAD Software;多层织物结构研究及其CAD软件开发

7.Study on the Design of Axial Fans and Software Development;轴流风机的设计研究及CAD软件开发

8.Research on Design of Submersible Motor and Development of Its CAD Software;潜油电机的设计研究及其CAD软件开发

9.The Research of Multi-face Antenna s Field Coverage CAD Software;多面天线阵场强覆盖CAD软件研究

10.Design and Realize of 3D Special Carton CAD Software;三维异型纸盒CAD软件的设计与实现

11.R&D of CAD Softwares about Tubular Heat-exchanger;管壳式换热器CAD软件的开发与研究

12.The Research and Implementation of Pipe Support CAD Software in Plant Design;工厂管道支吊架CAD软件的研究与实现

13.Exploration on the Computer-aided Design Software System of Woolen Sweater Flat-knitting Technology;羊毛衫横机工艺CAD软件系统的研发

14.Techniques to Realize Programming by Means of VBA and VLISP in CAD Software;CAD软件中VBA与VLISP交叉编程的实现技术

15.The Exploitation of Computer Aided Mechanization Design Software Mech CAD机械化辅助设计软件系统Mech CAD的开发

16.Familiar with office software and basic CAD skills.熟练操作办公软件和cad绘图技巧.

17.This is the reference for the CAD development of the vehicle gear box.供车辆变速箱cad软件开发时参考。

18.Reusability of EUCLID3 software in the ?field of 3?D braiding CADEUCLID3软件在三维编织CAD上的二次开发




2.The graphic method of designing ellipse gears with a universalCAD software;用CAD软件作图法设计椭圆齿轮

3)CAD/CAM SoftwareCAD/CAM软件

1.Flexible Application ofCAD/CAM Software in Machining of Pick-up Tube;CAD/CAM软件在集流管加工中的灵活应用

2.Research into Teaching and Teaching Material on the Application and Developing of AdvancedCAD/CAM Software;高端CAD/CAM软件应用与开发的教学和教材建设研究

3.An CAD/CAM software is developed by the Object ARX technique in Auto CAD with function of track auto-generation,mutual design and graph simulation.在Auto CAD平台上利用ObjectARX技术开发了相应CAD/CAM软件,具有自动指令生成、交互设计和图形仿真等功能;经实际铺放检验,该软件能够满足平面自动铺带的基本要求。


1.to the teaching of mould design, if only we innovate and make full use of scientific & technological measures, can we get rid of the defect in teaching, the use of softwareCAD/CAI is just playing an effective role to solve the problem, which is not only a reform in teaching, but a development by leaps and bounds in training comprehensive talented people.模具CAD/CAI软件在教学中的使用,就解决了这一问题。

5)CAD/CAID softwareCAD/CAID软件

1.In order to promote the education and the application of CAD/CAID (Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Industrial Design) software in our country, the currently commonly usedCAD/CAID software were taken as the research object.为了促进CAD/CAID(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助工业设计)软件在我国的教育与应用,本论文以目前主流的CAD/CAID软件为研究对象,对其在工业设计产业及相关制造业中的应用现状进行了调查,并对其功能特性进行了比较研究。

6)CAD SoftwareCAD 软件


CAD软件的对比------关于MDT与SOLIDEDGE从底层的造型核心来看,SolidEdge采用prosolid造型核心,MDT采用ACIS,而较普遍的说法是prosolid强于ACIS。MDT采用的数据格式是DWG,这是它的优势也是它的缺点。因为当初DWG是针对二维的CAD,所以用于描述现在三维的产品有一定的缺陷。但由于DWG使用太普遍,所以这也是MDT的强大的地方,因为工厂不需要进行太多的培训就可以转换到三维上,对以前的设计数据也可以得到较好的继承。SolidEdge是较新的产品(相对于AutoCAD)所以起点较高,操作也比较简单,比较符合潮流。其中的一些思想也是比较先进的。但从销售的情况来看,MDT依然是销量最大的,毕竟有AutoCAD的底子在,同时,MDT本身的改进也不少,ACIS造型核心就专门为MDT进行了优化和改进。从MDT4到MDT5,其曲面的功能有增强了很多,我所接触的人还是比较喜欢MDT,毕竟AutoCAD用得很熟,用它也方便一些。其实Autodesk公司本身也看到了MDT在数据格式方面的缺点,所以花了三年的时间秘密开发了并推出了Inventor,它就是完全从底层重新构建的,其自适应设计是非常有独到见解的。我个人很看好Inventor,虽然它目前还不太完善。有评论称它甚至有可能和高端的CAD产品竞争。 以上所说的都是针对中端市场,高端的UG,i-deas等当然是功能要强大一些,但它们的价位也高得多,至少在中国并不能形成规模化使用,所以也不能形成规模化的生产力。倒是中端市场的这些产品可以在以后提高中国的CAD应用水平。而AutoCAD Mechanical 2000i和AutoCAD 2000i是针对二维的制图用的软件,已经是夕阳了,不能代表CAD的发展潮流,所以就不说了。
