700字范文 > 权威认知 conception of authority英语短句 例句大全

权威认知 conception of authority英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 17:38:55


权威认知 conception of authority英语短句 例句大全

权威认知,conception of authority

1)conception of authority权威认知

1.This study examined the relationship between theconception of authority and autonomy in 5-year-old children through lab observation.本研究采用实验室观察法对五岁儿童自主性与权威认知之间的关系进行探讨。

2.According to research abroad, children sconception of authority had an effect on development of autonomy.国外已有研究发现,儿童的权威认知影响其自主性的发展。


1.Studies on the Cognitive Levels of Authorities by Children at Different Ages;不同年龄儿童对权威认知水平的研究

2.Qualitative Research about the Character and Influence of the Cognition of Authority Relation in 6 to 8 Year-old Children6~8岁儿童权威认知的特点及影响

3.A Correlation Study between Conception of Authority and Autonomy of 5-year-old Children;五岁儿童自主性与权威认知的相关研究

4.Conceptions of Parental Authority and Its Mechanism Affecting Parent-adolescent Relationship in Adolescence;青少年期父母权威认知及其对亲子关系影响的机制

5.Threat Cognition,Sovereign Interference and Sino-European Strategic Cooperation;威胁认知、主权干预与中欧战略合作

6.The Pedagogy Cognition of the Concept of "Authority" and its Value;“权威”概念的教育学认知及其价值意义

7.Chinese Employees Perceptions of Managerial Authority in American Multinationals in China;在华美国公司中国员工对经理权威的认知分析

8.To recognize as being valid or having force or power.确认有效,承认权威确认有效或有权力或权威

9.Identity,Perception and Authority within the Dispute Between the Yi and Han People:An Example of Ninglang Yi Autonomous County,Yunnan;彝汉纠纷中的身份、认知与权威——以云南省宁蒗彝族自治县为例

10.Adolescents Beliefs about Parental Authority and Its Relationship with Parenting Style;青少年对父母权威的认知及其与父母教养方式的关系

11.Of generally recognized and accepted authority or merit公认为权威的或优秀的

12.having official authority or sanction.持有官方权威或认可的。

13.sanctioned by established authority.由确立的权威认可的。

14.serving to certify or endorse authoritatively.证明的或权威认可的。

15.Recognizing that intellectual property rights are private rights;承认知识产权为私权;

16.Our findings will have to bear scholarly scrutiny from our peers.我们的发现必须经过权威学者的权威级认可

17.Recognition of another"s existence, validity, authority, or right.确认确认他人的存在、有效性、权威或权力

18.Its characteristic is: The extensiveness of knowledge; multability of development, long termmess of certification, low repay in applzcation the authoritativeness on appraisement.它的特点是:知识的广泛性,发展的易变性,认定上的长期性,应用上的低偿性,评价上的权威性。


Conceptions of Parental Authority父母权威认知

1.Conceptions of Parental Authority and Its Mechanism Affecting Parent-adolescent Relationship in Adolescence;青少年期父母权威认知及其对亲子关系影响的机制

3)Threat Perception威胁认知

4)authority legitimization权威认同

1.The research covered five domains of adolescents′ lives which included moral, convention, friendship, privacy and prudence and three levels of autonomy which were rule making,authority legitimization and autonomous behavior.研究共涉及道德、传统、交友、个人、安全5个领域以及家庭规则、父母权威认同和自主行为水平3个层面的内容。

5)knowledge authority知识权威

1.The culture is a kind of cultural base as aknowledge authority .它以大学人为主体,以知识及其学科(专业)为基础,主要凝聚在大学拥有的深厚的文化底蕴之中,是大学精神文化、物质文化、制度文化和环境文化的总和,是大学作为人类社会知识权威的文化基础,是人类先进文化的重要组成部分。

2.Traditional authority refers to the teacher career authority formed in the long?run tradition elements;knowledge authority refers to the professional authority formed from teachers major proficiency; influence authority refers to the spiritual authority of interior emotion.后者对教师的传统权威、知识权威、感召权威有很大影响。

6)intellectual authority知识权威

1.The authority of a teacher consists of three elements: knowledge, teaching ability and personality power, among which,intellectual authority is the basis, capable authority the mai.教师的个人权威由教师知识水平、施教能力、人格力量三要素共同组成,其中知识权威是基础,能力权威是支柱,人格权威是后盾。


CE认证国际权威机构APRAGAZ(安普)是比利时一家专业从事以压力设备为主的认证检测机构,是最早从事压力设备的检测的国际权威机构。BELTEST/BELCERT依据 EN45001-45004-45011 授权其为公告号机构(欧盟的授权编号是0029)。它成立于1929年,位于欧盟总部布鲁塞尔,由比利时国家液化石油气运输协会组建,拥有现代化专业的检测设备和具备资深专业经验的工程师。 64]?n AU APRAGAZ(安普)在中国的各地拥有众多的分支机构,上海、北京、青岛、杭州、宁波、温州、台州、福州、广州、成都。帮助全国的制造厂商快速合格地进入国际市场;如今APRAGAZ(安普)已经拥有专业强大的技术专家,我们的工程师们凭借多年专业的知识和丰富的经验为中国企业打开各国的市场努力工作。我们在机械、压力设备、卫生洁具、玩具、医疗器械、卫生级的饮用水等认证上有着众多的客户,同时在以上产品上我们有着丰富的检测资源;良好的合作是迈向产品安全的第一步,每一个经过产品工程师检测的产品有包含安全的含义,到达消费者手中的产品都是安全符合标准的合格产品。
