700字范文 > 愿望理解 desire understanding英语短句 例句大全

愿望理解 desire understanding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-22 17:14:38


愿望理解 desire understanding英语短句 例句大全

愿望理解,desire understanding

1)desire understanding愿望理解

1.5 tasks were used to examine the existence of multi-levels indesire understanding.愿望理解是儿童心理理论的重要组成部分。


1.Gender Stereotype in Children"s Desire Understanding儿童的性别刻板印象对其愿望理解的影响

2.His wish to study in America is quite understandable.他要在美国学习的愿望是可以理解的。

3.Desire-belief Understanding and Emotion Understanding in Children s Theory of Mind aged 3-6: Their Development and Relation;幼儿心理理论愿望信念理解与情绪理解关系研究

4.My wish to be a teacher is quite understandable.我想成为一个教师的愿望是可以理解的。

5.5-to 9-year-old Children s Understanding of Emotion in the Desire-rule Conflict Situation;5-9岁儿童在愿望—规则冲突情景下的情绪理解

6.Children s Understanding of Other People s Emotions in DesiresConflicting-with-Prohibitive-Rules Situations;儿童对愿望-规则冲突情境下他人情绪的理解

7.A good manager will accept, even respect the fact that you wish for career development.一位好经理将会理解,甚至尊重你发展事业的愿望。

8.As cyberEnglish expands, so will the need and the desire to understand the language.随着网络英语的扩展,理解这种语言的需要和愿望也将越来越强。

9.That hope is understandable, comforting -- and false.这种愿望令人鼓舞,是可以理解的,但也是不真实的。

10.The Development of Children s Emotion Understanding in Situation That People s Desires Conflict with Moral Rules;愿望与道德规则冲突情境中儿童情绪理解的发展特点

11.The Experiment Research of Desire and Belief Emotion Understanding of 3-6 Years Old Children;3-6岁儿童愿望、信念情绪理解认知发展的实验研究

12.Understanding of Others′ Mind in Students with Visual Impairment;视力残疾学生对他人愿望、情绪以及错误信念的理解

13.fulfil a desire, prayer, hope, need, dream, etc满足欲望、 实现祈愿、 符合愿望、 符合需要、 符合理想

14.The Study of Children"s Belief-Desire Reasoning:Argument and Prospect儿童信念─愿望推理的研究:争鸣与展望

15.What moves him is the desire to unravel the mysteries of nature.推动他们的还是解开自然之迷的愿望。

16.By this I mean the sense of responsibility, care, respect, knowledge of any other human being, the wish to further his life.我所说的手足之爱指的是责任感,关心别人,尊敬别人,对别人的理解以及改善别人生活的愿望。

17.Now the desire for those things had left her, and she could not understand how she had ever wanted them.现在这些美好的愿望都已化为泡影,她不理解当初为什么会向往那些东西。

18.We fully understand the complicated mentality they formed under a special historical background and fully respect their will and demand.我们充分理解他们在特殊的历史背景下形成的复杂心态,充分尊重他们的愿望和要求。


desire-belief understanding愿望信念理解

3)ideals and desires理想愿望

4)belief-desire reasoning信念─愿望推理

1.Children\"sbelief-desire reasoning is the main part of the domain of Theory of Mind research.儿童的信念─愿望推理是心理理论研究的主要内容。


1.This article reviewed researches about children’s inference of mental state which included the actor’sdesire,belief,emotion and the authority’sdesire in deontic context.该文回顾了儿童对道义情景中心理状态推理的研究,包括儿童对行为者愿望、信念和情绪的推理以及对权威愿望的推理研究。

2.Results:They were able to attributedesires to the character of the test story,and understood other person s positive and negative emotions that caused by situation.结果:视力残疾学生能理解别人的愿望,理解别人在不同情景、愿望下所产生的情绪,并能依据别人的愿望推测别人可能发生的行为。

3.The current study focused on the influence ofdesire on 3- to 4-year-olds belief understanding.研究考察愿望在3-4岁儿童信念理解中的作用。



愿望愿望secondary identification愿望(desire)在思想_l二明确地意识到并且企图实现的需要。它是,种趋向于定目的的意向,总是指向未来能满足人的需要的某种事物或行动。愿望总是和目的、行动意义的认识联系在一起的。目的越明确,社会意义越大,人的愿望也就越强烈。积极的愿望使人向前看,振作奋发,有信心和热情,充分发挥自己的潜能,去加以实现。良好的愿望如果不付诸行动,就会变成空想。(朱新砰撰王启康彭聆龄审)
