700字范文 > 统计数据仓库 Statistical Data Warehouse英语短句 例句大全

统计数据仓库 Statistical Data Warehouse英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-22 07:39:13


统计数据仓库 Statistical Data Warehouse英语短句 例句大全

统计数据仓库,Statistical Data Warehouse

1)Statistical Data Warehouse统计数据仓库

2)Design of Date Warehousing数据仓库的设计


1.The Design of Data Warehouse of Airline Company Based on Dataturbo数据中心的航空公司数据仓库的设计

2.Online Enterprise CRM Data Warehouses Design基于WEB方式的企业CRM数据仓库的设计

3.In Telecommunication Decision Support System Data Warehouse Design;电信决策支持系统中数据仓库的设计

4.The Design of Data Warehouse in Supporting System of Medical Decision医疗决策支持系统中数据仓库的设计

5.The Design of a Data Warehouse and Implementation of Data Preprocessing Technologies;数据仓库的设计与数据预处理技术的实现

6.The Design and Implementation of a Data Warehouse for Aiding Audit;一个用于辅助审计的数据仓库的设计与实现

7.Design of billing analysis system based on data warehouse基于数据仓库的计费分析系统的设计

8.The Deviseing and Achieveing of OLAP System Base on Datawarehouse;基于数据仓库的OLAP系统的设计与实现

9.Design and Implementation of DW-OLAP System;数据仓库OLAP系统的编程设计与实现

10.The Design and Implementation of ETL in Data Warehouse of Postal Name and Address Information;邮政名址数据仓库中ETL的设计与实现

11.Design and Realization of Warehouse on GFMIS;面向金财工程的数据仓库设计与实现

12.The Design and Application of CRM Systems Based on Data Warehouse;基于数据仓库的CRM系统设计与应用

13.The Research and Design of Data Warehouse Based on Web Technology;基于Web技术的数据仓库研究与设计

14.The Design of Data Warehouse Platform for EC EnvironmentEC环境下高性能数据仓库平台的设计

15.OLAP system design and implementation for drilling data warehouse钻井数据仓库的OLAP系统设计与实现

16.Design and Implementation of MDA Development Data Warehouse Based on xUML基于xUML的MDA开发数据仓库设计与实现

17.Design and Implementation of Airport Cargo Data Warehousing System机场货运数据仓库系统的设计与实现

18.Design and realization of OLAP in data warehouse of telecommunicationOLAP在电信数据仓库中的设计与实现


Design of Date Warehousing数据仓库的设计

3)warehouse design数据仓库设计

4)traditional data warehouse传统数据仓库

1.The paper discusses the difference betweentraditional data warehouse and active real-time data warehouse,and presents a new architecture of active real-time data warehouse.传统数据仓库的主要目标是从不同的异构数据源中分析并提取商业战略信息,在传统的数据仓库中,数据不能及时从源系统导入,成功地做出决策会有延时。

2.Traditional data warehouse involves a widely accepted topology of ODS, data warehouse, data mart and BI tools.传统数据仓库由ODS(Operational Data Stone)、数据仓库、数据集市和BI工具组成。

5)data warehouse system数据仓库系统

1.On task scheduling strategy indata warehouse system;数据仓库系统中任务调度策略研究

2.The Design and Implementation of Data Warehouse System in the Commercial Enterprise;商业数据仓库系统的设计与实施

3.Data Warehouse System in Chain Store;数据仓库系统在商业连锁企业中的应用

6)data warehouse数据仓库

1.Research ondata warehouse solutions in oil and gas well drilling engineering;油气井工程数据仓库解决方案的研究

2.Establishment of thedata warehouse system oriented to the textile enterprise;面向纺织企业的数据仓库构建方法

3.Intelligent decision support system based ondata warehouse for drilling engineering;基于数据仓库的钻井工程智能决策支持系统研究


