700字范文 > 数字流域平台 the platform of digital basin英语短句 例句大全

数字流域平台 the platform of digital basin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-17 14:08:58


数字流域平台 the platform of digital basin英语短句 例句大全

数字流域平台,the platform of digital basin

1)the platform of digital basin数字流域平台

1.Onthe platform of digital basin derived from raster DEM data, - a grid-based hydrological model and a subcatchment-based hydrological model were used to study the effects of spatial variability on runoff process on such aspects as precipitation, model parameter.在构建的数字流域平台基础上,建立分别基于子流域离散和栅格离散的数字水文模型,从而分析研究降水、模型参数和土壤蒸发的空间不均匀性对模拟水文过程的影响。


1.Spatial Variability of Hydrological Processes and Model Parameters Based on Digital Basin;数字流域平台上水文过程与模型参数的空间不均匀性研究

2.Impact of Human Activity on Surface Water Resources on Digital Basin Platform;数字流域平台上人类活动对地表水资源的影响研究

3.Distributed Watershed Hydrological Model and Flow Concentration Based on Digital Technique;基于数字化平台的分布式流域水文模型和流域汇流研究

4.The Design and Development for the Information Resources Management Platform of Basin Management Digitization;流域管理数字化信息资源管理平台的设计与开发

5.How Logistics Enterprises to Establish its Own Integrated Information Platform;打造物流企业自己的数字物流综合信息平台

6.The Research on Digital AC Speed Regulation System Based on TMS320LF2407A DSP;基于TMS320LF2407A数字化交流调速实验平台的研究

7.Constructing wide area logistics system platform based on data warehouse基于数据仓库技术构建广域物流系统平台

8.Digital Platform Construction of DV Digital Technology and Educational TV;DV数字技术与教育电视数字平台构建

9.Research on Information Extracting Method for Digital Watershed数字化流域及流域信息提取方法研究

10.Integration of Digital Basin and Digital Hydrological Model;数字流域与数字水文模型的集成研究

11.The transition between a pit and a land corresponds to a“1” in the digital bit stream.一个凹坑和一个平台之间的转换,在数字比特流中对应一个“1”。

12.Research on Digital Processing Platrorm of VHF FH Radio Set;超短波跳频电台数字处理平台的研制

13.Study and Application of Non-point Source Pollution Model of River Network Area Based on Digital Basin System;基于数字流域系统的平原河网区非点源污染模型研究与应用

14.Research on the Impact of Different Constructing Digital Watershed Methods on the Features of the Watershed数字流域提取方法对流域特征参数的影响研究

15.Design of Soil Parameter Monitoring System of Digital Agriculture Platform;数字农业平台土壤参数监测系统设计

16.Research on the Influence of Regional Logistics Information Platform on Regional Logistics区域物流信息平台对区域物流的影响力研究

17.⑦ to add the CCTV and othe r provincial TV programs to Ningxia digital TV platform;⑦将中央及外省节目平台纳入宁夏数字电视平台;

18.Design and Development of a Unified Platform for Digital Urban Management and Law Enforcement数字城管与数字执法统一平台设计与开发


digital platform数字平台

1.The mathematic model for a Pseudolite(PL) receiver based on software defined radio(SDR) is presented,and two schemes for realizing thedigital platform are proposed which are DDS+DSP and FPGA+DSP.提出了基于软件无线电的伪卫星接收机的数学模型和数字平台实现的两种方案:DDC+DSP方案和FPGA+DSP方案。

2.This text proposes the design ondigital platform of PL receiver.本文提出了基于软件无线电思想的伪卫星接收机数字平台设计方案,给出了3种硬件实现方式:基于DSP的数字平台实现;基于FP-GA的数字平台实现;基于ACM的数字平台实现。

3)digital river basin数字流域

1.Connotation and framework ofdigital river basin数字流域的内涵和框架探讨

2.The construction ofdigital river basin is up-to-date trend and technology in the management of water resources.数字流域是我国流域管理的发展方向,是流域现代化管理的重要技术手段。

3.Digital hydrological model is an advanceddigital river basin model,whose successful application will be of great importance to the flood-forecast in Zhexi reservoir.数字水文模型是一种先进的数字流域模型,它在柘溪水库的成功应用,将为柘溪水库的洪水预报发挥重大作用。

4)digital valley数字流域

1.On the construction of research platform ofdigital valley;数字流域研究平台建设雏议

2.Study of system analysis and integration based ondigital valley;面向数字流域的系统分析与集成技术研究

3.Feasibility study on development ofdigital valley by component technology;应用组件技术开发数字流域的可行性分析

5)digital basin数字流域

1.Hydrological processes modeling based ondigital basin;基于数字流域的水文过程模拟研究

2.Research & realization on data shared of "digital basin;“数字流域”中数据共享机制研究与实现

3.Information sharing services underdigital basin environment数字流域环境下信息共享服务研究

6)digital watershed数字流域

1.The role of GPS technology on constructingdigital watershed;GPS技术在数字流域建设中的作用

2.Based on X3D standard in this paper,3D scenes ofdigital watershed are modeled, and a simple mono simulation system is designed and redlized to adapt the extension ofdigital watershed on Web.基于 X3 D构建了数字流域三维场景 ,并在此基础上设计并实现了一个网上仿真系统原型 ,以适应数字流域在 Web上扩展的需要。

3.Supported by the theory ofdigital watershed,statistic software SPSS was used to assess the land quality by the methods of principal component and clustering analysis.以“数字流域”为平台,采用SPSS统计软件,利用主成分分析和聚类分析方法进行了流域土地质量等级评价。


