700字范文 > 延安文艺 Yanan literature and art英语短句 例句大全

延安文艺 Yanan literature and art英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 13:47:51


延安文艺 Yanan literature and art英语短句 例句大全

延安文艺,Yanan literature and art

1)Yanan literature and art延安文艺

1.Ding Ling had been brought up byYanan literature and art,which also caused her predestined fate.对于丁玲来说,生命的辉煌与劫难都与延安文艺时代密不可分,延安文艺时代成就了丁玲,也为其以后的劫难埋下了伏笔。

2.Qin Bangxian as one of the early leaders of the communist party of China,leaded the party s press,broadcasting,publishing force and made important contributions to the development and growth of theYanan literature and art during the Yanan period.秦邦宪作为党的早期领导人之一,在延安时期他统帅党的新闻、广播、出版大军为延安文艺的发展壮大做出了重要贡献。

3.As a form of Chinese literature and art in special period, Yanan Literature and Art which was directed by the literature and art thought of Mao Zedong brought far-reaching effects to the change of chinese contemporary literary and the the creation and the fate of Chinese intellectuals.以毛泽东文艺思想为指导的延安文艺作为特殊时期的文艺形态,对中国当代文坛的格局变化和知识分子的创作与命运产生了深远影响。



2.On the Textual Research into the Decision-making Process of Holding the Yanan Seminar on Literature and Art;召开延安文艺座谈会的决策过程考辨

3.March to Folk--About the Yan an literary campaign in the forties;走向民间——论40年代的延安文艺运动

4.Qin Bangxian and Yanan Literature and Art秦邦宪与延安文艺——纪念秦邦宪牺牲六十周年

5.Zhou Yang and Mao Zedong’s Talks at Yan’an Forom on Literature and Art;周扬与毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》

6.On Mao Zedong"s "Talks at the Yan"an Forum on Literature and Art"(1942-1949)毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》研究(1942-1949)

munist Party s Policy on Literature and Art during Anti-Japanese War before the Speech at the Literature & Arts Forum in Yan’an;略论《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》之前中国共产党的抗战文艺政策

8.Philosophy and Literature-An Philosophical Interpretation of the Speech at the Yan an Literature Symposium;哲学与文艺——对《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的哲学解读

9.Art Must Serve the People A re-reading of Mao Zedong s Speech at the Yan an Art Symposium;文艺要面向人民群众——重读毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》

10.An ideological struggle is already under way in literary and art circles in Yenan, and it is most necessary.延安文艺界现在已经展开了思想斗争,这是很必要的。

11.In commemoration of the...anniversary of the publication of Chairman Mao"s Talks at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art纪念毛主席《在延安文艺座谈会上的井话》发表…周年。

12.The problems discussed here exist in our literary and art circles in Yenan. What does that show?我们延安文艺界中存在着上述种种问题,这是说明一个什么事实呢?

13.From accepts esthetics the angle of view to look at "Speech at the Forum of Art and Literature in Yanan" Practical significance;从接受美学的视角看《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的当下意义

14.Thoughts on MAO Ze-dong s Speech;关于毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的若干思考

15."Speech" on Forum of Yan an Literature and Art Translated and Valuated in Abroad;《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》在国外的译介与评价

16.An Invaluable Period of Liberty: On the Literary Circles in Yanan before the Rectification Movement of Literature and Art;难得自由:文艺整风之前的延安文人

17.The Reconstruction of Folk Literary of Shaanbei in Yan′an Period延安时期文艺工作者对陕北民间文艺的改造

18.To Study the Change of Discourse Mode of Intellectuals from the Literary Activity of Luyi in Yan an;从延安鲁艺文学活动看延安文人话语方式的变化


Yan an writer延安文艺整风

1.Yan an writers experienced a complex process in learning and using the folk language,especially the language of peasants.延安文艺整风前,作家们对根据地农民的刻画从人物形象的塑造到具体语言的运用确实存在着某种程度的丑化和欧化现象,显示出与根据地农民和农民化的士兵间的隔膜。

3)Yenan forum on literature and art延安文艺座谈会

1.TheYenan forum on literature and art solved literature and art policy of the Communist Party of China.延安文艺座谈会的召开 ,解决了中国共产党长期以来没有文艺政策的问题 ,毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的发表 ,标志着中国共产党在长期的战争环境中有了自己的文艺政策。

4)Yan"an spirit of literature and art延安文艺精神

5)Yan an literary and artistic movement延安文艺运动

6)Literary theory in Yanan延安文艺思想


