700字范文 > 小学六年级英语上册用适当形式填空题


时间:2019-12-19 22:45:25




1. What ____ (be ) you doing ? I am ____ ( write ) .

2. What ____ (be ) your grandma doing ? She is ____ ( wash ) .

3. What _____ (be ) they doing ? They are ____ ( draw ) .

4. What ____ (be ) your mother doing ? She ____ ( be ) reading .

5. Jane often ____ ( read / reads ) English in the morning .

6. The girl usually ___( watch / watches ) TV in the evening .

7. My friend ____ ( go / goes ) home by subway every day .

8. I usually ___ (get / gets ) up at 6:30 .

9. He ____ ( play / plays ) football after class .

10. They often ___ ( climb / climbs ) mountains on weekends .

11. She is ___(write/ writing) an e-mail.

12. We ______ (see ) elephants in the zoo next week .

13. The elephant ____ (like/ likes) eating bananas.

14. Amy often ____ (buy ) a card for her teacher on Teachers’ Day ?

15. My little sister is too ____ ( young ) to go to school ?

16. Who can help ____ ( I ) with my heavy box ?

17. I _____(row ) a boat tomorrow .

18. ____ (be not ) you a teacher ?

19. Mike is ____ ( draw ) a picture on the wall .

20. I will ____ ( play ) basketball with my friends tomorrow .

21. I ___( watch ) TV tomorrow evening .

22. Mike ____( do ) homework tonight .

23. We ___( play ) football tomorrow .

24. My mother ____ ( clean ) the room now .

25. Amy ___(visit ) her grandparents next week .

26. I ____ ( go ) to school by bike .

27. My father ____ ( go ) to work by subway .

28. Bill often ____ (read ) newspaper after lunch .

29. My family ____ ( watch ) TV at night .

30. Chen Jie likes _____( ride ) bikes .
