700字范文 > 胎儿唇裂畸形 The embryo lip crack is abnormal英语短句 例句大全

胎儿唇裂畸形 The embryo lip crack is abnormal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-02 05:53:58


胎儿唇裂畸形 The embryo lip crack is abnormal英语短句 例句大全

胎儿唇裂畸形,The embryo lip crack is abnormal

1)The embryo lip crack is abnormal胎儿唇裂畸形

2)Fetal cheiloschisis胎儿唇裂


1.Diagnosis of fetal lip-cleft by real time 3-D ultrasonography实时三维超声在胎儿唇裂诊断中的价值

2.Research status of prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis in fetal cleft lip and palate胎儿唇腭裂畸形的产前超声诊断现状

3.Ultrasonic diagnosis and influential factors in cleft lip and cleft palate of fetus胎儿唇腭裂的超声诊断及影响因素

4.The value of ultrasonography in diagnosis of the fetal cleft lip and cleft palate超声对胎儿唇腭裂畸形的诊断价值

5.Ultrasonographic Appearances and Assessments of Cleft Lip and Palate Malformation in Fetus胎儿唇腭裂畸形的超声诊断及临床分析

6.Prenatal diagnosis value of ultrosonography in fetal cleft lip/palate产前超声检查对胎儿唇腭裂畸形的诊断价值

7.The Value of Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging in the Diagnosis of Fetal Cleft Lip and Palate断层超声显像技术诊断胎儿唇腭裂的价值

8.Preliminary Investigations on the Value of Three-dimensional Ultrasound Reconstruction of Fatal Lip and Palate as Well as Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging for the Diagnosis of Fetal Cleft Lip and Palate;胎儿唇腭部三维超声重建方法及断层超声显像技术对胎儿唇腭裂诊断价值的初步研究

parative analysis of fetal deft lip and palate with 2D and 3D ultrasonography二维及三维超声诊断胎儿唇腭裂畸形的对照分析

10.Clinical value of joint multi-parameter screening in diagnosing cleft lip and palate malformation in fetuses多参数联合筛查在胎儿唇腭裂畸形产前诊断中的应用

11.Clinical study on the fetal cheilopalatognathus for prenatal dianosis by 3-D ultrasonic image.实时三维超声在产前诊断胎儿唇腭裂中的临床研究

12.Diagnosis the Chilopalatognathus in Fetus by the C Curve of the Arcus Alveolaris Maxillaeta Broken上颌牙槽突弓C形曲线连续性中断诊断胎儿唇腭裂的意义

13.A detailed US examination using a3.5- MHz transabdominal probe demonstrated a fused single ventricle, a fused thalami, a cleft lip and palate, and the absence of falx cerebri in her fetus.腹部超音波显示胎儿有单一脑室,融合的视丘及缺少大脑帘并唇裂及颚裂畸形。

14.Three-dimensional Ultrasounic Extended Imaging of Fetal Cleft Lip and Plate and Study of Mutation Detecting and mRNA Expression of Related Genes;胎儿唇腭裂的三维超声扩展成像与相关基因突变检测及其mRNA表达研究

15.A new digital technique for cleft palate model in infants with cleft lip and palate唇腭裂新生儿的腭裂数字化模型方法

16.Intra-Uterine Model of Cleft Lip and Scarless Wound Healing of Fetal Rats胎鼠唇裂模型与无瘢痕伤口愈合的初步研究

17.Early Assessment and Feeding Care in Children with Cleft Lip and Palatal唇腭裂患儿的早期评估及其喂养护理

18.Study of Cooperative Nursing on Infants with Cleft Lip对唇裂婴儿实施协同性护理的探讨


Fetal cheiloschisis胎儿唇裂

3)cleft lip唇裂畸形

1.The value of ultrasonographic diagnosis of fetalcleft lip;超声对胎儿唇裂畸形的诊断价值

2.In order to increase the detected rate ofcleft lip, we d better choose the best checking time.目的探讨胎儿唇裂畸形的声像图特征 ,选择最佳检查时间 ,提高胎儿唇裂畸形的检出率。

4)Fetal malformation胎儿畸形

1.Advance in research of fetal malformations induced by antiepileptics;抗癫痫药致胎儿畸形的研究进展

2.Relationship between amniotic fluid volume abnormality and fetal malformation;羊水量异常的超声诊断与胎儿畸形的关系

3.Fetal malformation screened by antenatal ultrasound analysis of 80 cases;产前超声筛查胎儿畸形——附80例分析

5)fetal anomalies胎儿畸形

1.Diagnosis offetal anomalies by ultrasonography;胎儿畸形的超声诊断分析

6)Fetus malformation胎儿畸形

1.Ultrasonic diagnosis of congenital fetus malformation in 38 cases;超声诊断先天性胎儿畸形38例分析


唇裂面颌发育过程中形成的最常见的先天畸形之一,表现为唇部留有裂隙,俗称兔唇。影响美观、吸吮和发音。可与腭裂合并发生。手术治疗有效。发病 胚胎第4周时,口区周围形成一个中鼻突、两个侧鼻突和来自第一鳃弓的上、下颌突。以后,两侧上颌突与中鼻突融合,形成上唇。若融合障碍则形成唇裂,若两侧均未融合则成双侧唇裂。发病原因未明,可能与以下因素有关:①营养因素。孕妇呕吐和偏食可影响营养摄入,造成维生素的缺乏;②遗传因素。家族中可同时出现多例病人;③感染和损伤。妇女在妊娠初期(2个月内)受到某些损伤或病毒感染;④内分泌影响。生理性、精神性及损伤性等因素,均可使妊娠早期的孕妇体内肾上腺皮质激素分泌增加,从而导致胎儿畸形;⑤药物因素。孕妇服用化学药物(特别是某些安眠药)有可能导致胎儿畸形。临床表现 唇裂患者唇部留有裂隙,单侧或双侧,常在一侧鼻孔中央的直下方,大小不一,大者可达鼻孔内,并常伴有鼻翼塌陷。除影响美观外,还可造成吸吮功能障碍,切牙发育畸形、突出,前牙牙槽裂开等。治疗 唇裂早期缝合,可恢复上唇的正常形态和吸吮功能。一般认为,单侧唇裂修复的适当年龄是3~6个月。若同时患有腭裂,则上唇修复后唇部肌肉的运动可以产生压迫作用,促使牙槽脊的裂隙逐渐靠拢,这样,也为以后修复腭裂创造条件。双侧唇裂的修复术较单侧者复杂,手术中出血量比较多,手术时间也较长,一般宜推迟到患儿 6~12个月后再施行。唇裂修复除考虑年龄因素外,还应考虑其他条件,若婴儿血红蛋白过低或有胸腺肥大,均应推迟手术时间。冬季天气过冷,易患上呼吸道感染,夏天炎热,易致婴儿脱水与创口感染,故施行手术以春秋两季为宜。修复方法:在唇裂早期,裂隙口可直线缝合,但术后的远期效果差,由于瘢痕收缩,上唇缝合处变短。自采用三角瓣法修复方法,手术效果大为改观,目前采用最广的是旋转推进法(米勒德氏法)及下三角瓣法(坦尼森氏法),目的是在缝合处插入一块组织,以延长唇的长度并避免收缩畸形。近来提出把口轮匝肌肌纤维复位缝合,这更符合其生理状态。若唇裂患儿在幼年未得到及时治疗,成年后也可以治疗,手术在局部麻醉下进行,唇部可恢复外形,但瘢痕比幼年时手术者明显。
