700字范文 > 生物入侵机理 Mechanism of biological invasion英语短句 例句大全

生物入侵机理 Mechanism of biological invasion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-15 20:23:15


生物入侵机理 Mechanism of biological invasion英语短句 例句大全

生物入侵机理,Mechanism of biological invasion

1)Mechanism of biological invasion生物入侵机理

2)Biological invasions生物入侵

1.Allee effect and its significance to small population management in nature reservation and biological invasions;阿利效应及其对生物入侵和自然保护中小种群管理的启示

2.As an opening region with high population and booming foreign trade in seaboard,Zhejiang Province now is being suffered from a serious biological invasions of waterhyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes),pine wood nematode(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus),smooth cord-grass(Spartina alterniflor),canada goldenrod(Solidago Canadensis),et al.本文在调查及搜集大量资料的基础上,分析了浙江省主要外来入侵种的分布与危害现状,并初步提出了防范生物入侵的对策,有利于浙江省的生物多样性保护及农林牧渔业的可持续发展。

3.At individual level, researchers were mostly concentrated on evolution and adaptation of alien species when they invaded new environments,as well as responses of native species facing biological invasions.目前国际上对外来生物入侵种的研究主要在个体水平上研究外来种对新环境的进化与适应,本地种对生物入侵后发生的进化调整;种群和群落水平上研究外来种的定居、潜伏、竞争和暴发;生态系统水平上研究生境的可入侵性和外来种对生态系统结构和功能的影响等几个方面。


1.The Interaction between Invasive and Native Species in the Biological Invasion生物入侵中入侵种与土著种的相互作用

2.Probe into the Situation and Counter Plan for the Biological Invasion in Yunnan Province;云南省外来生物入侵现状及对策研究

3.The Harm of Biological Invasion of Exotic Organisms andIts Corresponding Comprehensive Prevention and Control;异地生物入侵的危害及综合防治对策


5.Interaction between Ageratina Adenophora Sprengel and Soil Microorganism in Invaded Habitat外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰与入侵地土壤微生物的互作

6.Application of the Reproductive Biology on the Research of the Invasive Alien Plant繁殖生物学特性在外来入侵植物入侵性中的意义

7.Ecophysiological Mechanisms of Competition between Invasive Weed Ageratina Adenophora (Asteraceae) and Non-invasive Herbaceous Plants;入侵杂草紫茎泽兰与非入侵草本植物竞争的生理生态机理研究

8.invasion of the bloodstream by virulent microorganisms from a focus of infection.血液中侵入致命的微生物体。

9.The antibodies attack and slaughter the invading microbea in the cut.抗体能攻击和杀伤侵入伤口的微生物。

10.New and better adapted forms could not freely enter.新的或适应较优的生物不能自由入侵。

11.Take precaution against the risk of exotic species invasion and safeguard the safety of ecosystem防范外来物种入侵风险,维护生态安全

12.China s Foreign Pest Invasion and Management Study;我国外来有害生物的入侵及管理研究

13.Studies on Invasion Biology of Rhus Typhina;外来种火炬树的入侵生物学特性研究

14.Invasive Mechanism of Ageratina Adenophora Sprengel (Compositae): Underground Self-reinforced Capacity by Changing Soil Biota;外来植物紫茎泽兰入侵的土壤微生物学机制

15.The Research of Biological Invasion in Exotic Species of Ambrosia L.;豚草属植物入侵生物学几个问题的研究

16.Module biomass structure of the alien invasive plant Conyza canadensis外来入侵植物小飞蓬种群构件生物量结构特征

17.Biological Characteristics and Control Strategies of Alien Invasive Plant Eupatorium odoratum外来入侵植物飞机草的生物学特性及控制策略

18.Protection and Utilization of Wild Plants, Prevention the Invasion of Alien Species保护和利用野生植物 防止外来物种入侵


Biological invasions生物入侵

1.Allee effect and its significance to small population management in nature reservation and biological invasions;阿利效应及其对生物入侵和自然保护中小种群管理的启示

2.As an opening region with high population and booming foreign trade in seaboard,Zhejiang Province now is being suffered from a serious biological invasions of waterhyacinth(Eichhornia crassipes),pine wood nematode(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus),smooth cord-grass(Spartina alterniflor),canada goldenrod(Solidago Canadensis),et al.本文在调查及搜集大量资料的基础上,分析了浙江省主要外来入侵种的分布与危害现状,并初步提出了防范生物入侵的对策,有利于浙江省的生物多样性保护及农林牧渔业的可持续发展。

3.At individual level, researchers were mostly concentrated on evolution and adaptation of alien species when they invaded new environments,as well as responses of native species facing biological invasions.目前国际上对外来生物入侵种的研究主要在个体水平上研究外来种对新环境的进化与适应,本地种对生物入侵后发生的进化调整;种群和群落水平上研究外来种的定居、潜伏、竞争和暴发;生态系统水平上研究生境的可入侵性和外来种对生态系统结构和功能的影响等几个方面。

3)biological invasion生物入侵

1.The impact ofbiological invasion on biodiversity and grassland agroecosystem;生物入侵对生物多样性以及草地农业生态系统的影响

2.On evaluation and predication ofbiological invasion;生物入侵的评价与预警研究

3.Effects ofbiological invasion on ecological safety of Fujian Province;生物入侵对福建生态安全的影响


1.Present situation and strategy againstbio-invasion in Jilin Province;吉林省生物入侵的现状及对策

2.Based on the former research inbio-invasion risk assessment,aiming at the status quo of exotic plant invasion in Xiamen,we have established a Risk Assessment System for alien plants.通过对已有文献资料的分析、实地调研和专家咨询,整理了厦门市已入侵或值得警惕的外来植物名录,并结合前人在外来生物入侵的风险评价方面的研究成果,针对厦门市的外来植物入侵现状,建立了适应厦门地区外来植物入侵风险评价指标体系,选取了厦门及其周边地区20种已入侵或可能构成威胁的外来植物进行了评价、分析,并为管理者提出了相应的建议。

3.The correct understanding of landscape plant introduction andbio-invasion has an important significance to China’s urban landscape construction.正确地认识园林植物引种工作和生物入侵,对我国城市的园林建设,具有重要的现实意义。

5)invasive species入侵生物

1.Anoplolepis gracilipesis a kind of dangerousinvasive species,It can cause catastrophic invasion to the ecological consequences.细足捷蚁是一种危险性入侵生物,能够造成被入侵地灾难性的生态后果。

2.In this paper,invasive species Bursaphelenchu xylophilus and its vectors, especially Monchamus alternatus, were token as major objects, the author chose typical forests infected by B.本论文以入侵生物松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner & Buhrer)Nickle与其传播媒介,尤其是松墨天Monochamus alternatus Hope为主要研究对象,选择浙江省富阳市和舟山市发生松材线虫病以及发病后自然更新的典型林地作为研究样地,从种群生态学、群落生态学和系统生态学理论出发,主要研究钻蛀性昆虫的群落结构及其在松林更新中的作用,探讨了松林生态系统在松材线虫入侵时所表现出的抵御能力和恢复机制。

3.This thesis is mainly about the pest risk analysis on fire blight(a disease caused by an alieninvasive species Erwinia Amylovora)in assist of the technique of Geographical Information System and about the foundation of an multiple index analysis system for alieninvasive species.梨火疫病最早于1780年发生于美国纽约州,随着世界性贸易日益增长而人为地向各国传播,目前已在世界40多个国家有分布,引起梨火疫病的病原细菌Erwinia amylovora是威胁我国的外来入侵生物之一,我国将其列为一类检疫对象。



