700字范文 > 预填充 prepriming英语短句 例句大全

预填充 prepriming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-26 01:03:45


预填充 prepriming英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of flow rates andprepriming on the removal of cryoprotective agents using dialysis method流速与预填充对透析清除低温保护剂的影响


1.Infiltrating control of SiO_2/ZrO_2 sol-gel films by pre-filled polystyrene预填充聚苯乙烯控制SiO_2/ZrO_2薄膜膜间渗透

2.Effects of flow rates and prepriming on the removal of cryoprotective agents using dialysis method流速与预填充对透析清除低温保护剂的影响

3.precast concrete cladding panel预制混凝土骨架填充板材护墙板

4.Cause and preventive measures of frame structure filler wall crack框架结构填充墙裂缝原因及预防措施

5.The Research of Sand Control Technology by Expandable Pre-graved Screen;可膨胀预充填防砂筛管及防砂机理研究

6.The Effects of Root Canal Preparation and Tampering on the Mechanical Characters of Tooth Root.;根管预备与充填方法对牙根抗力性能的影响

7.Reasons and Prevention to the Cracks on the Wall Filling with Aerated Concrete Masonry;加气混凝土砌块填充墙裂缝原因与预防

8.Forecast and Control of Blasting Vibration Effects under Fill Mining Condition充填采矿环境下爆破振动效应预测与控制

9.Effect of post space preparation on the sealability of root canal filled with 3 filling methods桩道预备对3种方法充填根管封闭性能的影响

plications and prognostic analysis for long-term intraocular silicone oil tamponade硅油长期眼内填充的并发症及预后分析

11.Advanced geological prediction of filled caverns and control of geological disasters充填型溶腔的超前地质预报与地质灾害防治

12.Using Artificial Neural Network Model to Determine the Prescription of Paste Filling Materials膏体充填材料配比的神经网络预测研究

13.To fill plentifully, as with money or food.填充用钱或食物填满

14.To stuff, as for roasting.填充填料,可供烤炙

15.Analysis of filling effect and filling ratio of backfill mining in longwall face长壁工作面充填开采的充填比与充填效应分析

16.smaller scour-and-fill feature小型充刷-充填形态

17.The acute inflammation was related to the root preparation,root filling and periapical leision.急性炎症与根管预备、根管充填、根尖周区骨质破坏程度有关。

18.Practice of Pre-setting Laneway in Underhand Drift Cut-and-Fill Stoping下向进路式胶结充填采矿法中巷道预留技术实践


prophylactic filling预防充填

3)Skin-melt volume prefilled预填充量

4)pre-filling procedure预充填过程

5)perforation prepack炮眼预充填



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