700字范文 > 政府生态责任 Government ecology duty英语短句 例句大全

政府生态责任 Government ecology duty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-21 19:09:29


政府生态责任 Government ecology duty英语短句 例句大全

政府生态责任,Government ecology duty

1)Government ecology duty政府生态责任


1.Establishing the Scientific Development View and Strengthening Government s Responsibility in Zoology;树立科学发展观,强化政府生态责任

2.Government s Zoology Responsibility in Sustainable Development of Tourism;旅游业可持续发展中的政府生态责任研究

3.Constructing Government Eco-responsibility Under the Guidance of Scientific Development View;基于科学发展观的政府生态责任的构建

4.Consideration on governmental ecological responsibility in harmonious society construction关于和谐社会建设中政府生态责任的思考

5.On Government Ecology Duty and Ecology Policy Select In the Process of Industry Transfer承接产业转移过程中的政府生态责任与生态政策选择问题探讨

6.About the government s eco-accountability during the sustainable development of economy;论经济可持续发展中政府的生态责任

7.Environmental Ethical Responsibilities of the Government in the Horizon of Ecological Civilization生态文明视域下政府的环境伦理责任

8.On Our Government s Eco-accountability in the Sustainable Development of Economyand Society;论政府在经济社会可持续发展中的生态责任

9.On the Ecological Responsibilities of Chongqing Municipality in the Economic Development;论重庆市政府在经济发展中的生态责任

10.The Government s Culture Ecology Responsibilitly during Building Harmonious Society;和谐社会建设中政府文化生态责任的强化

11.Government s responsibility in the game between ecological balance and social development;生态平衡与社会发展博弈中的政府责任

12.On Governmental Responsibility in the Construction of Ecological Region at the Yangtze River Delta论长三角生态型区域建设中的政府责任

13.The Way Governed by Law of Responsibility Government"s Construction and Political Ecology Supporting of it责任政府建设的行政法治途径及其政治生态支撑

14.Investigation on Normalization of Administration Accountability System under the Context of Responsible Government责任政府语境下的行政问责制常态化探究

15.Protection of Rights and Interests and Government s Responsibilities:A Case Study of the Tarim River Ecological Migration as an Example;生态移民权益保护与政府责任——以新疆轮台塔里木河移民为例

16.Ecological civilization outlook of cultural industry development in southeast Chongqing and its governmental leading responsibility渝东南文化产业发展的生态文明观与政府的主导责任

17.The Asymmetric Information Study of the Medical Service;医疗卫生事业管理中的政府责任研究

18.Government s Ethical Responsibilities in Aids of Poor College Students;政府在高校贫困生扶助中的伦理责任


The Governmental Eclogical Responsibility政府生态责任研究

3)government responsibility政府责任

1.Discussion on Peasants"Health Right,Government Responsibility and New Rural Cooperative Medical System;农民健康权、政府责任与新型农村合作医疗初论

2.On the relationship betweengovernment responsibility and market-oriented mechanism during reformation of town-level basic healthcare insurance;城镇基本医疗保险改革中政府责任与市场机制关系的研究

3.Thegovernment responsibility in three substantial health issues;三大卫生问题考验政府责任

4)governmental responsibility政府责任

1.Urban Expansion,Governmental Responsibility and Service Industries:case study of Beijing;城市加速扩张、政府责任与服务业发展:以北京为例

2.The Governmental Responsibility in Privatiation of Public Utility;论公用事业民营化中的政府责任

3.The lack ofgovernmental responsibility in public health is because of the indifferent sense of responsibility.只有保障机制与约束机制,特别是问责制,同时发挥效用,才能保证政府责任的有效实现。

5)government"s responsibility政府责任

6)responsibility of government政府责任

1.Only by strengthening theresponsibility of government,optimizing the employment structure,improving the ability of employment and re-employment and building up the public service system of employment can the problems of employment be resolved,and the socialist harmonious society be built up.只有强化政府责任,优化就业结构,提升就业、再就业能力,构建公共就业服务体系,才能为更好地解决就业问题拓开路径,进而推进社会主义和谐社会建设。


