700字范文 > 体质与健康状况 physical fitness and health state英语短句 例句大全

体质与健康状况 physical fitness and health state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-31 15:55:05


体质与健康状况 physical fitness and health state英语短句 例句大全

体质与健康状况,physical fitness and health state

1)physical fitness and health state体质与健康状况


1.The Dynamic Analysis on Physical Condition of College Students in Shanxi Province;山西省大学生体质与健康状况的动态研究

2.Investigation on the Constitution and Healthy Condition of the Undergraduates in Xinzhou Teachers University;忻州师范学院学生体质与健康状况调查分析

3.A survey of students health in Shijiazhuang;对石家庄市青少年体质与健康状况的调查研究

4.Basic Conditions of Shanghai Middle and Primary School Students Constitution and Health;上海市中小学生体质与健康基本状况

5.Research and Analysis on Physical and Healthy Condition of Students;对大学生体质健康状况的研究与分析

6.The Investigation of College Students’ Health and Sanitation Service;大学生体质健康与卫生服务状况调查

7.A Study and Survey of the Students Constitution;对大学生体质健康状况的调查与研究

8.The test and analysis of our college students" constitution我院学生体质健康状况的测试与分析

9.The Comparative Research and Thought between Postgraduate Students andRegular Course Students on their Health Consciousness,Physical Quality and Practice;在读研究生与本科生健康意识、体质健康、体育锻炼状况比较研究

10.Analysis of Situation of Undergraduates Physical Exercise and Constitution in Jiangxi Province;江西省大学生体育锻炼与体质健康状况分析

11.Research on Between Collegestudent Sports Lifestyle and Fitness-heaith大学生体育生活方式与体质健康状况的研究

12.Investigation and Study on Senior Citizens Constitution Health State in Datong;大同市老年人体质健康状况的调查与研究

13.Study of the ChangChun University Student Physique Condition and the Psychologically Healthy Relations;长春市大学生体质状况与心理健康关系研究

14.An Investigation and Study of Students Health Condition in Baicheng Normal College;白城师院学生体质健康状况的调查分析与研究

15.Study on Physical Health Condition of College Students and Measurements on Improvement;大学生体质健康状况分析与改善对策的研究

16.The Survey and Analysis on Status of Undergraduates Physical Health in Xichang College;对我校大学生体质健康状况的测试与分析

17.Survey and Analysis of the Health Condition of College Staff;高等学校教职工体质健康状况的调查与分析

18.Analysis and Suggestion on the Implementation of the Standards for Students Physical Constitution and Heath;对《大学生体质健康标准》实施状况的分析与建议


health and physique condition健康与体质状况

3)healthy situation of university students大学生体质健康状况

4)state of students"physique and health学生体质健康状况

5)health and medical situation健康与医疗状况

6)physical health status躯体健康状况


