700字范文 > 体育商业赛事 professional sports event英语短句 例句大全

体育商业赛事 professional sports event英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-23 20:29:02


体育商业赛事 professional sports event英语短句 例句大全

体育商业赛事,professional sports event

1)professional sports event体育商业赛事


1.A Study of Human Resource Management Practices in Sport Events Management Organization in China--Taking Commercial Sport Event Organizing as a Target我国体育赛事管理组织中的人力资源管理实践探究——以体育商业赛事组织为研究对象

2.District Core Competitiveness of Professional Sports--An Assumption Theory Framework Proposed;体育商业赛事区域核心竞争力——一个假设理论构架的提出

3.Research on the Commercialize Operation of College Sports Events in China我国高校体育赛事商业化运作的研究

4.On Financial Risk Management of Commercial Physical Games浅析商业性体育赛事的财务风险管理

5.The Development of Television Commercial Broadcast Market to Big Sportive Events;大型体育赛事电视商业转播市场的开发

6.University sports resource development and commercial cooperation interaction research;高校体育赛事资源开发与商业合作的互动研究

7.Research on the Commercialized Operation of Chinese Large Physical Games with the Public Welfare;我国大型公益性体育赛事商业化运作研究

8.Research on Enlightenment of the International Commercialized Operation on Chinese Competitive Sports;国际体育赛事商业化运作对我国的启示


10.On the Commercial Running of Sports Events inColleges and Universities关于高校校内体育赛事商业运作的探索

11.Analysis of Transaction Features and Costs of Property Rights Related to Sports Competitions with Commercial Nature;商业性体育赛事的产权交易特征和交易费用分析

12.Development of sports competition market intermediary service;体育赛事市场中介服务业培育与发展

13.The Research on the Core Competitiveness of Shanghai Sports Industry上海体育赛事产业核心竞争力的研究

14.Influences and countermeasures of sports competitions held in Guangzhou on its tourism广州体育赛事对旅游业的影响及对策

15.The Commercialization Trend and Association of Sports and Media体育赛事与媒体传播的商务化——以羽毛球竞赛规则变化为例

16.A Research on the Relationship between Sports Industry and Sports Competitions in Colleges and Universities体育产业与高等院校体育赛事关系研究

17.Analysis of the Promotion of Sports Competitiveness on the Host City Holding Comprehensive Sports Events析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用

18.Analysis on the Promotion Effect of Holding Comprehensive Competitive Sports Meetings to the Host City s Sports Career Competitiveness;浅析举办重大体育赛事对城市体育事业竞争力的提升作用


commercial physical game商业性体育赛事

1.In order to survive in competition and to seek long-term development,the organizers ofcommercial physical games must realize the "optimal financial situation" and "maximum profit".商业性体育赛事的组织者要想在激烈的竞争中生存下来,并谋求长足发展,在赛事运作过程中就要尽可能实现"财务状况最优"和"利润最大"。

3)China"s commercial sporting events中国商业体育赛事

4)commercial sports games商业性体育比赛

1.There are two basic juristic civil relationships incommercial sports games.商业性体育比赛中 ,有两个基本的民事法律关系 :1观众与比赛举办者之间 ;2比赛举办者与参赛队之间。

5)Sports events industry体育赛事产业

6)Sports events体育赛事

1.Research on the effect of Hosting Big Sports Events to the GNH and the Construction of Interrelated Measurement Index Systems;大型体育赛事的举办对GNH的影响及相关测量指标体系的初步构建

2.A Research on the Development of the Marketing Strategy of Sports Events;体育赛事营销策略的发展研究

3.Many sports events have procedure for on-spot audience draw.很多体育赛事都进行现场观众抽奖。


外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利:独立董事、外部监事除依法律规定外,不得泄露与任职商业银行有关的商业秘密。---------------《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》 第29条
