700字范文 > 民间伴嫁音乐 folk marriage songs英语短句 例句大全

民间伴嫁音乐 folk marriage songs英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-21 08:28:06


民间伴嫁音乐 folk marriage songs英语短句 例句大全

民间伴嫁音乐,folk marriage songs

1)folk marriage songs民间伴嫁音乐

2)Jiahe non-married with music嘉禾民间伴嫁音乐

3)folk music民间音乐

1.Professor Yang Yin-liu and the investigations onfolk music conducted by researmusic,Chinese Academy of Arts;风起田野——杨荫浏与中国艺术研究院音乐研究所的民间音乐考察

2.To Construct a Long Gallery of the National Music Culture——On the secondary protection of thefolk music culture;修筑民族音乐文化的长廊——论民族民间音乐文化的二级保护

pared with that in the20 century thefolk music census in the view of Intangible Cultural Heritage has a lot of new traits,including the investigating aim,principles,data preservation,method,scope,management of findings and so on."非遗"视野下展开的民间音乐普查工作与20世纪相比,呈现出许多新的特点,即在调查目的、调查原则、调查资料的保存、调查方法、调查范围、调查成果的管理等方面均表现出新的特征。


1.Shaman music--The original of the national and folk music of Northeast China;萨满音乐——东北民族民间音乐之源

2.Which do you often listen to, classical music, pop music, folk music, or rock music?你经常听哪种音乐--古典音乐、流行音乐、民间音乐还是摇滚音乐?

3.Folk music everywhere seems to be tonal.各地的民间音乐看来都是有调性音乐。

4.World Youth Folk Festiva世界青年民间音乐节

5.Or they may play folk music,或者演奏民间音乐、

6.This is a kind of folk music.这是一种民间音乐。

7.International Folk Music Counci国际民间音乐理事会

8.International Association for the Study of Popular Music国际民间音乐研究协会

9.Chinese Folk Music Research Institute中国民间音乐研究会

10.The Innovations in the Teaching of the National-music-class of Higher Normal College;谈高师音乐专业民族民间音乐课教法创新

11.Inheriting Ethical and Folk Music Starting from Elementary Schools Education;传承民族民间音乐应从基础音乐教育做起

12.A Superficial Discussion about the Relationship Between the Origin of Taoist Music and Folk Music浅谈道教音乐的渊源及与民族民间音乐的关系

13.What is the difference between" folk" and" popular" music?民间音乐"和"流行音乐"之间的区别是什么?

14.Review on Liu Zhengweu s Survey On Chinese Traditional Music;中国民间音乐研究的新视角——评刘正维著《民族民间音乐概论》

15.On Utilizing of the Folk Music in Northern Guangdong in Musical Education in Teachers Colleges;粤北民间音乐在师范大专生音乐教育中的运用

16.The Influence to Division of Music Configuration by Analyses Chinese Folk Music Stratum;中国民间音乐阶层分析对音乐形态划分的影响

17.On Teaching of Local Folk Music Teaching in Music Department of Teachers College;高师音乐系、科应重视本地民间音乐的教学

18.A Research Report on Etiquette and Custom Music Based on an Example of Folk Music in Shanbei;以陕北民间音乐为实例的礼俗音乐研究报告


Jiahe non-married with music嘉禾民间伴嫁音乐

3)folk music民间音乐

1.Professor Yang Yin-liu and the investigations onfolk music conducted by researmusic,Chinese Academy of Arts;风起田野——杨荫浏与中国艺术研究院音乐研究所的民间音乐考察

2.To Construct a Long Gallery of the National Music Culture——On the secondary protection of thefolk music culture;修筑民族音乐文化的长廊——论民族民间音乐文化的二级保护

pared with that in the20 century thefolk music census in the view of Intangible Cultural Heritage has a lot of new traits,including the investigating aim,principles,data preservation,method,scope,management of findings and so on."非遗"视野下展开的民间音乐普查工作与20世纪相比,呈现出许多新的特点,即在调查目的、调查原则、调查资料的保存、调查方法、调查范围、调查成果的管理等方面均表现出新的特征。

4)folk musician民间音乐家

1.A bing, an outstandingfolk musician, had a life full of frustrations.我国杰出的民间音乐家阿炳一生坎坷 ,虽遭生活磨难和种种打击 ,受尽辛酸凌辱 ,但他性格倔强 ,人残志坚 ,视音乐为生命 ,广采博收民间音乐 ,创作了许多具有浓郁民族风格和永久艺术魅力的乐曲。

2.The folk music was the cornerstone of traditional music, therefore, all of thefolk musicians made a huge contribution to the traditional musical culture.民间音乐是传统音乐的基石,民间音乐家对传统音乐文化贡献巨大。

5)folk music民族民间音乐

1.The field work is an important part of exercise infolk music and the scientific method is the key toinstruct the students how to take an investigation.实地调查是民族民间音乐教学实践中的一个重要环节,科学合理的方法运用是指导学生开展调查工作的教学关键。

6)accompanying music伴奏音乐

1.This text describes the functions ofaccompanying music in rhythmic gymnastics.伴奏音乐是艺术体操中不可缺少的组成部分,是艺术体操的灵魂,这就对如何选择伴奏音乐提出了特殊的要求。


嘉禾1.生长奇异的禾,古人以之为吉祥的征兆。亦泛指生长茁壮的禾稻。典出《书.微子之命》:"唐叔得禾,异亩同颖,献诸天子。王命唐叔,归周公于东,作《归禾》。周公既得命禾,旅天子之命,作《嘉禾》。"孔传:"唐叔,成王母弟,食邑内得异禾也……禾各生一垄而合为一穗。异亩同颖,天下和同之象,周公之德所致。"孔颖达疏:"此以善禾为书之篇名,后世同颖之禾遂名为"嘉禾",由此也。" 2.勋章的一种。民国初所定,中镂嘉禾,分九等,后废止。
