700字范文 > 中亚 Central Asia英语短句 例句大全

中亚 Central Asia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-06 04:52:33


中亚 Central Asia英语短句 例句大全

中亚,Central Asia

1)Central Asia中亚

1.Some Thinking about the Construction of International Secure Corridor of Oil and Gas between China andCentral Asia;关于构建中国中亚石油天然气国际安全通道的思考

2.Petroleum Geopolitics inCentral Asia and Construction of a Main Energy Security Corridor in Xinjiang;中亚石油地缘政治与新疆建设能源安全大通道探析

3.Central Asia and Southeast Asia:China"s Oil Safety;中亚与东南亚:中国石油安全的地缘战略选择


1.Regional Informatics Network for South and Central Asia南亚和中亚区域信息网络(南中亚网)

2.The Powerful Nations" Fighting for Central Asian Countries Since Their Independence中亚国家独立以来大国对中亚的争夺

3.On the Arab Entry into and Islamization in Central Asia阿拉伯进入中亚与中亚伊斯兰化开始

4.Mesolithic Cultures in Central Asia中亚中石器时代文化

5.Ancient and Medieval Coins of Central Asia中亚古代和中世纪钱币

6.Association for Engineering Education in South and Central Asia南亚和中亚工程教育协会

7.Structure and Function of linoleic acid in Food食物中亚油酸与亚麻酸的结构与功能

8.Regional Situation in Central Asia after Cold War and China-Central Asia Cooperation;冷战后的中亚区域状况及中国与中亚的合作

9.Central Asia s Strategic Status and the Policy of China, Russia and America Towards Central Asia;中亚战略地位与中俄美三国的中亚政策

10.Characteristics of Central Asia Geostratagem of Petroleum and China′s Development Strategy in Central Asia;中亚地缘油气特点和中国的中亚发展战略

11.The Struggle on Energy Central Asia and Energy Cooperation of China and Central Asia Countries;中亚地区的“油气之争”及中国与中亚的能源合作

12.A Tentative Analysis of Central Asia s Security and China-Central Asia Relations;试论中亚的安全问题及中国与中亚关系

13.China"s military contacts with countries in Southeast, South and Central Asia have maintained their momentum.中国同东南亚、南亚及中亚地区国家的军事交往保持了发展势头。

14.an ancient country in west central Asia Minor.小亚细亚中西部古国。

15.Asian Centre for Development Administration亚洲发展事务行政中心(亚发行政中心)

16.Regional Office for South Central Asia中南亚区域办事处( 中南亚办事处)

17.It also names Algeria, EquatorialGuinea and Malaysia.还有阿尔及利亚,赤道几内亚,马来西亚也在其中。

18.East Asia Economic Caucus东亚经济中心(经济中心)


Middle Asia中亚

1.The School of Painting ofMiddle Asia of Islamic Close Drawing;伊斯兰细密画中的中亚画派

2.Thoughts upon Geopolitics betweenMiddle Asia and Islamic World;中亚与伊斯兰世界关系的地缘政治思考

3.Textual Research on the Land Transportation Course between Ming Dynasty andMiddle Asia and West Asia;明朝与中亚、西亚陆上交通路线考

3)the Central Asia中亚

1.The Primary Discussion on the international strategic status ofthe Five Countries inthe Central Asia;浅论中亚五国的国际战略地位

2.USA and China inthe Central Asian Interests Pattern;中亚利益格局中的美国与中国

3.Study on the Activities and Influence of the OSCE inthe Central Asia;论近年来欧安组织在中亚的活动及作用


1."Neo-Bushism"andMid-Asia Pattern of Geographical Politics;“新布什主义”与中亚地缘政治格局

2.Kouge(口歌) and Koliu(口溜)in Cultural Context ofMid-Asia;中亚文化语境中的东干口歌口溜

3.Research on The Relation between Extremely National and Religion Force inMid-Asia and Security in West China;中亚极端民族宗教势力与中国西部安全关系探析


1.Idea of New Silk Road Economy Development Zone between China andCentral-Asia;中国—中亚新丝绸之路经济发展带构想

2.The six central-Asian countries themselves are not only trapped in regional security, but also in regional economy and culture.中亚六国不仅深陷地缘安全困境 ,而日地缘经济和地缘文化亦陷困境之中。

6)China—central Asian中国—中亚


