700字范文 > 生产者责任制 producers esponsibility arrangement英语短句 例句大全

生产者责任制 producers esponsibility arrangement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-22 20:28:09


生产者责任制 producers
esponsibility arrangement英语短句 例句大全

生产者责任制,producers"responsibility arrangement

1)producers"responsibility arrangement生产者责任制


1.Optimal Designment of Incentive Mechanism Based on the Implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility of Electronic Manufacturer基于电子企业生产者责任制实施的激励机制设计

2.Discussion on the Extended Producer Responsibility Regime;生产者责任延伸(EPR)制度研究

3.Brief Analysis of the Connotation and Factors of Producer Obligation Elongation System;生产者责任延伸制度内涵和要素探析

4.Discussion on Waste Problem and Response to Extended Producer Responsibility;论废弃产品问题与生产者责任延伸制度的回应

5.The Application of Extended Producer Responsibility in Electronic Products in China生产者责任延伸制度在电子产品行业中的应用

6.Motivational Mechanism of China s Extended Producer Responsibility;生产者责任延伸制的SOP模型及激励机制研究

7.Study on Extended Producer Responsibility and Improving Extended Producer Responsibility in China论生产者责任延伸制度及该制度在我国的完善

8.A Study on Reverse Logistics with the Restriction of Extended Producer Responsibility;生产者责任延伸制下的企业回收逆向物流研究

9.Implementary Measure of Extended Producer Responsibility in Recovery and Management of Used Automobile;汽车回收中实施生产者责任延伸制手段研究

10.Extended Producer Responsibility and the Mode of Circular Enterprises;生产者责任延伸制与企业的循环经济模式

11.On the Improvement of Our Country"s Extended Producer Responsibility System论我国生产者责任延伸法律制度的完善

12.Study on the System of Extended Producer Responsibility under the Moderately Prosperous Society小康社会视阈下的生产者责任延伸制度解构

13.The Choice of the Different Reclaim Systems in Reverse Logistics with the Restriction of EPR生产者责任延伸制下逆向物流回收体系的选择

14.The Study of Green Design in the View of Extended Producer Responsibility生产者责任延伸视角下的绿色设计制度研究

15.Differences in Implementation Means of Extended Producer Responsibility System and Evaluation of the Performance生产者责任延伸制度实施方式差异及绩效评价

16.Discussion on Confusion and Correction for the Concept of Extended Producer Responsibility Regime论生产者责任延伸制度概念的淆乱与矫正

17.Empirical Study on the Effect of Implementing Extended Producer Responsibility (EOR) in China’s Automobile Industry;我国汽车产业实施生产者延伸责任制的影响因素实证研究

18.AStudy of the Controllable Mechanism About Internalization of the Outer Environmental Cost in EPR System;生产者责任延伸制度下企业外部环境成本内部化的约束机制探讨


producer responsibility生产者责任

3)extended producer responsibility生产者责任延伸制度

1.And with theextended producer responsibility,the establishment of recovery system of waste electronic and electric equipment was studied from the point of view of laws,management,company,charge,etc.介绍了废弃电子电气产品的回收处理现状,结合生产者责任延伸制度,从法律、管理、企业、收费等方面探讨了在我国废弃电子电气产品回收体系的建设,并提出了建议。

2.Extended Producer Responsibility is an important regulatory policy instrument , which extends a producer s responsibility for a product to the post-consumption stage and the waste disposition stage .生产者责任延伸制度是一项重要的环境政策,该制度将生产者的责任延伸到其产品的整个生命周期,特别是产品消费后的回收处理和再生利用阶段。

3.In different countriesextended producer responsibility has different implementation means,which include voluntary program,mandatory program,market driven program and negotiated program.生产者责任延伸制度(EPR)是以现代环境管理原则实现产品系统环境性能改善的一种政策性工具。

4)Extended Producer Responsibility生产者延伸责任制

1.Study of implementing environments of extended producer responsibility in China based on game analysis基于博弈的我国生产者延伸责任制度运行环境研究

2.The Research on Implementing Environment and Functioning Mechanisms ofExtended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Chinese Automobile Industry;发达国家几十年的环境管理实践证明,生产者延伸责任制(Extended Producer Responsibility,,简称EPR)能够有效缓解产品废弃后的环境压力,促进产品及产品系统整个生命周期环境绩效的源头改进。

5)extended producer responsibility生产者责任延伸制

1.The article introduced the current status of treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment,as well as the instance of pilot areas for applying theextended producer responsibility(EPR) to the electrical and electronic products in China.介绍了我国电子废弃物处理现状和我国在电子产品方面施行生产者责任延伸制试点地区的情况,分析了生产者责任延伸制相关方的行为。


1.This essay discussed the connotation of the Extended Polluters Responsibility from the very beginning, then made a deep analysis and explanation of the element of the Extended Polluters Responsibility, conformed to the situation in our country, defined the subject ,the object and the substance of theEPR, offered the rationale of theEPR practicing in our country.本文从生产者责任延伸制度的内涵出发,深入分析了生产者责任延伸制度的三要素,结合我国具体国情,界定了其主体、客体和内容,为我国实施该制度提供理论基础。

2.Based on a thorough analysis of the three factors of the extended producer responsibility(EPR) system,this paper deals with the necessity and significance of implementing theEPR system in the P.文章从生产者责任延伸制度的内涵出发,深入分析了生产者责任延伸制度的三要素,结合我国当前固体废物的管理现状,论证了实施生产者责任延伸制度的必要性和重要意义,并联系实际,为构建适合我国国情的生产者责任延伸制度体系提出了一些对策和建议。


