700字范文 > 构思手法 The idea of the way英语短句 例句大全

构思手法 The idea of the way英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-22 11:01:24


构思手法 The idea of the way英语短句 例句大全

构思手法,The idea of the way

1)The idea of the way构思手法

2)conceiving method构思方法

1.Aconceiving method of the series of products based on profile form was presented.提出了一种基于产品形态的系列产品的构思方法,并以区域照明控制系统为例,详细介绍了系列产品进行构思设计的过程。


1.About Design Methodology of Colour Structure and Colour Creation;浅谈色彩结构与色彩创造的构思方法

2.The Identification of Structural Technique and Oriented-object Technique;结构化方法与面向对象方法思想辨析

3.The Difference in Syntax Structure of Chinese and French in the Perspective of Ways of Thinking从中西方思维方式看法汉句法结构差异

4.Reflection on the Methodological of Constructing Harmonious Relations between Human and Nature;建构人与自然和谐关系的方法论思考

5.Thought Modes Embodied in Chinese-Uygur Grammatical Structure;试论汉维语法结构中体现的思维方式

6.On the Characteristics of Marx s Method of Constructing the Theory of World s History;马克思世界历史理论建构方法的特点

7.On the basic anti-seismic thoughts and design methods of the structure浅谈结构的基本抗震思想和设计方法

8.Problems,Ways,Methods:Reflections on New Academic Heights in Marxist Philosophical Studies (Symposium);思想构境论:一种新文本学方法的哲学思考

9.Effect about Taoism on Chinese Medicine Theory And Building A Way of Thinking道家思想对中医学理论及思维方法构建的影响

10.the Party"s Ideological Line and the Establishment of Method System of the Ideological and Political Education党的思想路线与思想政治教育方法体系的构建

11.New Ideas on the Structural System of Management Science;理念、方法与实务——管理学结构体系的新构思

12.The Constitutional Approach of the Abnormal Numberegister Viewed from the Traditional Chinese Thinking Mod;从中国传统思维方式看非标准数域的构造方法

13.Chinese and Western Cultures and Ways of Thinking Seen through Differences in Syntactic Structures between Chinese and English从汉英语法结构差异看中西方文化与思维方式

14.On the Construction of Judge s Way of Thinking in Modern Judicial Concept;论现代司法理念下法官思维方式的建构

15.Conception of Teaching Method Reform on "Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Basis of Law";《思想道德修养与法律基础》教学方法改革构想

16.A New Approach to Law Economics From the Perspective of SEM;法经济学研究方法的新思路——基于结构方程模型的简介

17.Innovation constitutes a different subject and a separate mode of thinking.创新构成了一个不同的主题和另一种思想方法。

18.Methods A topic involving a researchable problem was selected to form a situational conception.方法选择主题中需探究的问题进行情景构思;


conceiving method构思方法

1.Aconceiving method of the series of products based on profile form was presented.提出了一种基于产品形态的系列产品的构思方法,并以区域照明控制系统为例,详细介绍了系列产品进行构思设计的过程。

3)conception principles构思法则

4)legislation idea立法构思

1.This article has made some tentative research from the aspects of the right attribute,suitable condition,the resistance effect,legislation idea and so on.本文从建设工程价款优先受偿权的权利属性,适用条件,对抗效力,立法构思等方面,对这一制度加以粗浅的研究。

5)Tectonic method建构手法

6)Scenery Composition构景手法


