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参考配点 Reference collocation points英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-24 21:02:28


参考配点 Reference collocation points英语短句 例句大全

参考配点,Reference collocation points

1)Reference collocation points参考配点

2)matching reference minutiae匹配参考点

1.Using the local characteristic vector we have ascertained thematching reference minutiae.指纹的旋转和平移是指纹匹配中必须解决的问题,针对这一问题提出了一种新的指纹局部特征描述方法,主要是利用特征点之间的距离、特征点类型来构建新的局部特征向量,利用这些局部结构特征来实现对匹配参考点的确定,将存在平移和旋转的两个指纹特征点集转换为以匹配参考点为极点的极坐标下进行全局匹配。

3)the refernce formula参考配方


1.The performance of zinc dust paint manufactured by partially ferrophosphorus- substituted zinc dust were introduced.着重介绍了磷铁粉取代部分锌粉制备锌粉漆的特性,并给出了3类锌粉漆的参考配方。

2.Historical Document Inspection about Ginseng Whose Capability Changed in Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine;人参在方剂配伍中性能改变的历史文献考察

3.Automatic Registration between Portal Images and Reference Images in Radiotherapy一种射野图像和参考图像的自动配准方法

4.Quality Assessment of Granule of Danshen Extract by High Performance Liquid Chromatography高效液相色谱法考察丹参配方颗粒的质量(英文)

5.The fatigue equation for design of reinforced concrete pavement was suggested.提出了考虑不同配筋率影响的、供配筋混凝土路面设计参考的疲劳方程。

6.Reference books are announced in the following Reference Books block.参考书目已公布,请参阅下方参考书区块。

7.Enter a brief description of the wildcard matching rule. This is for your reference only.输入通配符匹配规则的简短说明。仅供您参考。

8.Chief, here is the bay plan provided by dock planner for your reference.大副,这是码头配载提供的预配图,供你参考。

9.Did you buy the study guides that go with books?你有没有买与教科书配套的参考书?

10.Pondering Over "Production Factors Participate Distribution;关于“生产要素按贡献参与分配”的思考

11.Methods The financing amount of non-clinical services of CHS is separately calculated according to actual item cost, reference value of standard item cost and standard personnel.方法按照项目实际成本、准成本参考值和标准人员配备分别进行推算。

12.Variational geometric constraints (VGC) are classified as self-referenced VGC, cross-referenced VGC and mating VGC.定义了三类变动几何约束:自参考、互参考和配合变动几何约束;

13.Study on the Chinese herbal component SSTG compatibility from a AUC value perspective从药代参数AUC值探讨中药复方双参通冠的配伍

14.A Method of Selection Matching Suitability Characteristic Parameter Based on Rough Set Theory in Geomagnetism Matching Guidance一种地磁匹配制导适配性特征参数选取方法

15.The Study of Mechanism and Prescription Parameter in Ink of Ink Jet Printing;喷墨印刷油墨机理及配方参数的研究

16.The Characteristics and the Ways of theEssential Factors Information in the Income Distribuion;信息要素参与收益分配的方式及特点

17.Determination of harpagoside in Dispensing granule of Scrophularia ningpoensis by HPLCRP-HPLC测定玄参配方颗粒中的哈巴俄苷

18.Study on preparation and quantity determination of Scrophularia ningpoensis dispensing granules玄参配方颗粒的制备工艺和含量测定


matching reference minutiae匹配参考点

1.Using the local characteristic vector we have ascertained thematching reference minutiae.指纹的旋转和平移是指纹匹配中必须解决的问题,针对这一问题提出了一种新的指纹局部特征描述方法,主要是利用特征点之间的距离、特征点类型来构建新的局部特征向量,利用这些局部结构特征来实现对匹配参考点的确定,将存在平移和旋转的两个指纹特征点集转换为以匹配参考点为极点的极坐标下进行全局匹配。

3)the refernce formula参考配方

4)Reference Point参考点

1.Trouble diagnosis and exclusion of NC machine tool return reference point;数控机床回参考点的故障分析与排除

2.Improved fingerprint reference point location algorithm;改进的指纹图像参考点定位算法

3.Numerical Control Machine Returning Reference point by??rule and line,Affect Stability Of Machine,And that,Affect Precision of Machine.数控机床回参考点的准确性,不但影响机床的稳定性,更重要的还影响加工精度及加工尺寸的稳定性。

5)reference points参考点

1.The several partial views of automatic alignment is realized by Atos with the sensor-calibration and fixedreference points.该设备利用系统标定和固定参考点来实现多幅图像的拼合对齐,以完成整个工件的扫描测量工作。

2.The scanning measuring method for small-size parts used in Laser Scann er COMET 400 was improved and a new method about establishing an auxiliary scann ing coordinate system to matchreference points was put forward.对COMET 40 0激光扫描仪小型零件扫描测量方法的不足进行了改进 ,提出了建立辅助扫描测量参考点匹配坐标系统的方法 ,从整体上提高了扫描测量点云的质量 ,保证了重构曲面的光顺性要求。

6)reference node参考节点

1.A simple method for determiningreference nodes for strength analysis of pumping jack;抽油机支架强度分析参考节点的简易确定方法

2.Then,one node was chosen from each cluster according to the proposed rules to be thereference node of the ordinary hosts.在基于固定landmarks的网络坐标系统中,普通主机通过测量到所有landmarks的距离来计算自己的坐标,其中landmarks的个数将影响到系统的距离预测准确度和测量开销网络坐标系统(network coordinate system, NCS)综合了Vivaldi和GNP的优势,具有良好的网络距离预测性能,然而它没有讨论landmarks的选取问题因此,提出一种改进型网络距离预测算法—INCS,该算法首先选定网络中的一组主机作为landmarks,然后按照landmarks之间的相互距离对其进行聚类,最终从每个聚类中按照所提出的策略选择一个节点作为普通主机的实际参考节点。


