700字范文 > 碳排放空间 Carbon emission permits英语短句 例句大全

碳排放空间 Carbon emission permits英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-24 10:30:03


碳排放空间 Carbon emission permits英语短句 例句大全

碳排放空间,Carbon emission permits

1)Carbon emission permits碳排放空间


1.The Carbon Emission Permits Allocation and Its Impact on Regional Functions in China碳排放空间分配及其对中国区域功能的影响

2.Effect of economic development on energy carbon emission distribution经济发展对中国能源碳排放空间分布的影响

3.A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Human Development Potential--With Empirical Analysis of Global Demand for Carbon Emissions;人文发展分析的概念构架与经验数据——以对碳排放空间的需求为例

4.When humans exhale, they expel a plume of carbon dioxide and other odors that travel through the air.当人们呼气时会把含二氧化碳及其他气味的气团排放到空气中。

5.Field Managements Affect Yield,Soil Carbon,and Greenhouse Gases Emission of Winter Wheat in North China Plain田间管理对华北平原冬小麦产量土壤碳及温室气体排放的影响

6.Studies on the Discharging and Distribution of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Pearl River Delta;珠江三角洲重金属排放及空间分布规律研究

7.CO_2 Emissions Embodied in International Trade and Special Characteristics in China中国国际贸易中的内涵CO_2排放及其空间特征

8.Area source emission inventory of air pollutant and its spatial distribution characteristics in Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲大气面源排放清单及空间分布特征

9.A Preliminary Inventory of NH_3-N Emission and Its Temporal and Spatial Distribution of China我国NH_3-N排放量及空间分布变化初步研究

10.Analysis of characteristics of carbon emission in China and the construction of carbon sink economy中国碳排放特征及碳汇经济建设分析

11.Research on the Influence on Condensing Heat Release between Different Arranged Air Condensing Units in Alleys窄巷中不同排列方式的空调室外机冷凝热排放相互间的影响研究

12.steric exclusion chromatography空间排阻色谱(法)

13.Emission Trading Market and Emission Price;二氧化碳排放权交易市场与排放权价格分析

14.1 linear metre of storage按排放长度计一米的贮存空间〔政府档案处〕;按对象摆放长度计一米的贮存空间

15.A clear or open space.间隙空旷或开放的空间

16.d emission standard空气质量和排放标准

17.CO is a dangerously poisonous gas that is emitted into the air in relatively large quantities by the automobile engine.一氧化碳(CO)是一种由汽车发动机以相对大的量排放到空气中的危险污染气体。

18.A Research on Mechanism of Chinese Emission Permits Trade of Carbon under Low-carbon Economy Mode低碳经济模式下中国碳排放权交易机制研究


Space drainage空间排放

3)emission space limit排放空间

4)carbon emission碳排放

1.Economic growth and its effects oncarbon emission in China;中国经济增长对碳排放的影响分析

2.Analysis of characteristics ofcarbon emission in China and the construction of carbon sink economy中国碳排放特征及碳汇经济建设分析

5)carbon emissions碳排放

1.Energy consumption is the main source ofcarbon emissions.能源消费是碳排放的主要来源。

2.Energy consumption are the main source ofcarbon emissions,With the continuous development of the economy in Qinghai Province,the rapid growth of energy consumption as well as the coal-focused energy structure in the short term it is very difficult to change.能源消费是碳排放的主要人为来源。

6)soot emission碳烟排放

1.It is confirmed by the experiments thatsoot emission can be reduced by using diesel methanol compound combustion(DMCC).采用柴油-甲醇组合燃烧模式可以大幅度降低柴油机碳烟排放。

2.The effect of CO2 concentration in the co-flow on the auto-ignition characteristics andsoot emission of central jets flames were investigated.研究了可控活化热氛围协流中CO2体积分数对中央喷射液体燃料起升火焰的自燃及碳烟排放特性的影响。

3.Taking advantage of this model, the influence of injection rules, turbocharging pressure and compression ratio onsoot emission can be predicted, which can be helpful to predict and improve the soot emis.利用该模型可预测喷油规律、增压压力、压缩比等参数对碳烟排放的影响,从而为预测及改善柴油机的碳烟排放提供了一种数值分析的依据。


《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB16297—1996)《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB16297—1996)Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants、产切‘沪,‘,丫lO闪iwuronwuZonghe而而ngBicozhun《大气污染物综合排放标准)( GB 16297一19%)(加吨哪翻召动‘3fon及翔舰么rd ofA介护bll~)该标准于1卯7年l月1日起实施,是在原有工业“三废”排放试行标准废气部分和有关行业大气污染物排放标准的基础上制定,在技术内容上与原有各标准有一定的继承关系,亦有相当大的修改和变化。规定了二氧化硫、氮氧化物、颗粒物等33种大气污染物的排放限值,其指标体系为最高允许排放浓度、最高允许排放速率和无组织排放监控浓度限值。大气污染物综合排放标准主要控制对象为工业生产过程中排放的工艺尾气。按照综合性排放标准与行业性排放标准“不交叉执行”的原则,除锅炉、工业炉窑、火电厂、炼焦炉、水泥厂、恶臭物质、机动车执行各自的大气污染排放标准外,其他大气污染物排放均执行本标准。(葛大陆膝静)
