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体育课程结构 Sports course structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-26 17:41:33


体育课程结构 Sports course structure英语短句 例句大全

体育课程结构,Sports course structure

1)Sports course structure体育课程结构

1.This text analyses the understanding of course structure of theory circle of course at first, then the characteristic of combining the sports course oneself thinks :Sports course structure accord.体育课程结构是体育课程目标转化为教育成果的纽带,是体育课程实施活动顺利开展的依据。


1.On Reform of the Course of Physical Education s Sport;对体育课程结构改革的探讨——浅议在高校体育课中增设体育活动课

2.The reform and optimization of the curriculum structure of Physical Education in universities;普通高校体育课程结构的调整与优化

3.Study on PE Curriculum Building about Study Method in Small Group;关于构建小群体学习法的体育课程结构研究

4.Theoretic framework of structural design for physical education course in universities;普通高校体育课程结构设计的理论构思

5.Microscopic Structure of Physical Education Curriculums and Construction of Fine-Quality Physical Education Curriculums;体育课程微观结构与体育精品课程建设

6.On the Related Literature of Athletic Curricula and Construction;浅谈高校体育教育课程结构和课程改革

7.The Course Structure and Systematization of Health Science in Exercise at Physical Education Speciality;体育教育专业体育保健学的课程结构与体系

8.Study on approximating paradigm structure of the system of physical education curriculum theory;体育课程理论体系的拟“范式”结构初探

9.Study on the Hierarchical Structure of PE Hidden Curriculum and Characteristics;体育潜课程的层次结构及其特征研究

10.A Study of the Structure of the New Curriculum of "Physical Education and Health" at Schools of Higher Learning;对《体育与健康》新课程结构的探讨

11.A Research on Structural Patterns for Teaching Non-P.E.-Majors in Teachers College;高师公共体育课程教学结构模式初探

12.Reforming Orientation of Curriculum Integration Structure in Higher Institutes;高校体育课程综合化结构的改革取向

13.On the Curriculum Characteristics of the Various Structures of University Physical Education Ideas;论大学体育教育理念多元结构下的课程特质

14.A Casual Analysis on Differences of Curricular Structures of P.E. Speciality in Higher Institutions between China and Japan;中日高校体育教育专业课程结构外差异析因

15.The Study of Traditional Sports Curriculum Structure;民族传统体育专业(本科)课程结构体系研究

16.Undergraduate curricula structural system of Chinese traditional sports in universities;对民族传统体育专业本科课程结构体系的探讨

17.Initial study on the relating course between Students’ Physical Education Study Self-Organization structure and Physical Education latent curriculum;体育学习自组织结构与体育潜课程的互动过程初探

18.Research on Concept,Form,Construction and Law of Activity Curriculum of Physical Education体育活动课程概念、形态结构和规律的研究


structure of PE lesson体育课结构

3)courses architecture课程群体系结构

4)course structure system课程结构体系

1.In this paper,the author explores the ways to reform the 21st century practice instruction system in higher technological education field from four aspects,namely,course structure system,experiment teaching,course design,field work.本文从课程结构体系、实验教学、课程设计、实习四方面对面向21 世纪高等工科教育实践教学体系改革思路进行了探

2.This paper attempts to construct thecourse structure system of "levels and 2 stages" on the basis of definite tasks and basic objectives of computer basic course instruction in universities.在明确高等院校计算机基础课程教学的主要任务和基本目标的基础上,构建"3个层次、2个阶段"的课程结构体系,并提出教学实施方案。

5)the course on the structure of police physical education警体课程结构

6)curriculum structure课程结构

1.Higher Teachers College Music Education Curriculum Structure and Teaching Mode of Analysis;高师音乐教育专业课程结构与教学模式探析

2.Framework of Curriculum Structure of Physics Teacher s Continuing Education in Secondary Schools;中学物理教师继续教育课程结构设置框架

3.Mastercurriculum structure of sports humanistic sociology specialty;体育人文社会学专业的硕士学位课程结构


洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles)洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。
