700字范文 > 和声创作 Harmony creative英语短句 例句大全

和声创作 Harmony creative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 05:05:29


和声创作 Harmony creative英语短句 例句大全

和声创作,Harmony creative

1)Harmony creative和声创作


1.The 20th Century in the 1950s and 1960s Chinese Harmony to the Creation and Teaching and Research20世纪五六十年代中国和声创作与教学研究

2.On College Harmonics Teaching and Music Creation Practice;论普通高校和声教学与音乐创作实践

3.that were captured during the creative process in the clay and the paint.在粘土和画布上创作的过程中发出的声响

4.Thoughts on Diversification of Composition and Performance of Chinese Traditional Vocal Music;关于民族声乐创作和演唱多元化的思考

5.Understanding music,producing music-new thought of harmony teaching;为理解音乐 为创作音乐——对和声教学的新思考

6.Melody of Harmonious Society--The Brief Review of the Contemporary Chinese Outstanding Female Composers and Their Works of Arts;和谐社会的优美和声——当今中国代表性女作曲家及其创作简述

7.Gradual Change of and Potential Reasons for Major and Minor Functional Harmony in Early Chinese Professional Music Composition;大小调功能和声在中国早期专业音乐创作中的嬗变及成因

8.Creative Techniques in Chinese Vocal Works in 1980s80年代中国声乐作品创作技法初探

9.About the Second Creation Vocal Performance --Creative Ways of Singing;声乐表演的二度创造——谈歌曲演唱的创作方法

10.Super Girls is one of the successful pieces of the creative economy.“超级女声”正是创意经济的成功之作。

11.A Study on the Communication Subject"s Creative Consciousness with Verbal Language;有声语言传播主体创作自觉问题研究

12.Analysis of Mahler s Creation of Wayfahrer Songs;马勒声乐套曲《青年漫游之歌》创作分析

13.Importance of Second Creation in Vocal Music Performance;论声乐表演艺术中二度创作的重要性

14.Research on the Application of Bass in MIDI Orchestration;MIDI配器之贝司声音创作应用研究

15.On Xu Wei s Recreation of Sishengyuan;试析《四声猿》之本事流变与再创作

16.The House of Fame: Chaucer s Poetic Exploration;《声誉之宫》——乔叟对诗歌创作的探索

17.Palace Musical Culture in the Liang Dynasty and YueFu New Song萧梁宫廷音乐文化与乐府新声的创作

18.Artistic inspirations and skills in the relief creation of "My song is always with you"锻铜浮雕《用歌声陪你走过》创作思考


sound creation声音创作

1.Ideas guiding thesound creation and music composition were expounded in this paper.阐述了声音创作与音乐写作理念,分析声音与音乐对人的情绪、情感会引发哪些变化。

3)composition of comic dialogue相声创作

1.As for lexical information,thecomposition of comic dialogues exploits mainly lexical devices;in logical information,logical pragmatic presupposition and analogical inference are greatly employed;encyclopedic knowledge ranges widely,especially those familiar to people.各种信息都存在一定的原型效应,相声创作充分地利用了这种认知语境原型效应中的典型或非典型形式,使它们以及以它们为语用前提而推导出来的结论之间形成一种极大的矛盾,或极度的不和谐,或强烈的对立,从而导致相声包袱的产生,这是相声能使人开怀一笑的重要的心理原因。

4)invention of vocal musical works声乐创作

5)Harmony Homework和声作业

6)Injuries and strictures创作和狭窄


《电影的画面与声音》中国电影理论著作。陈西禾著。中国电影出版社1982年出版。全书分"人是中心"、"景物的价值"、"让光影和构图说话"、"富有表现力的色彩"、"创造性地运用声音" 5部分,以大量中外影片的实例,阐述了电影中人、景、光影、构图色彩的表现以及声音的运用等电影语言各种元素的特性和功能,分析了它们的相互关系,探讨了如何运用这些元素的艺术技巧问题。
